5 research outputs found


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    A Case of Penile Calciphylaxis in a Hemodialysis Patient

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    本論文の要旨は,第71回日本泌尿器科学会中部総会において発表した.In the present case of a 56-year-old male, hemodialysis was introduced from December 20XX-2 due to chronic renal failure caused by diabetic nephropathy. In February 20XX, a glans penis ulcer was observed. It gradually expanded. Angiography conducted in April revealed complete occlusion of the left internal pudendal artery and poor visualization of the bilateral penile arteries. Given the high risk of obstruction, endovascular treatment was not conducted. The glans penis ulcer continued to expand, and maintenance dialysis became difficult due to intractable pain. Opioids were introduced, but the pain could not be controlled. In May 20XX, the patient was referred to our department for surgical treatment, and partial penile resection was performed. The patient was diagnosed with penile calciphylaxis based on clinical findings and pathological diagnosis. After the surgery, the pain subsided considerably, and the patient is being followed on an out-patient basis

    Combination therapy with natural type human tumor necrosis factor (MHR-24) and human lymphoblastoid interferon-alpha (MOR-22) against renal cell carcinoma--a multiclinic cooperative, early phase II study. Subcommittee on Urogenital Malignancy, Committee on MHR-24 against Tumors

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    全国多施設の共同研究により, 腎細胞癌に対するn-TNFとn-IFN-αの併用療法による有効性と安全性を検討した.1)腎細胞癌31例においてPRが4例認められ奏効率は12.9%であった.IFN-αが前治療に使用された症例にも有効例が認められたことより, 本併用療法の有用性が示唆された.2)副作用は(35例/36例)に認められ, おもな自他覚的副作用は発熱72.2%, 悪寒・戦慄69.4%, 食欲不振22.2%, 全身倦怠感16.7%であり, おもな臨床検査値異常は白血球減少47.2%, 血小板減少22.2%, GOT上昇16.7%, GPT上昇13.9%であった.ほとんどの症例が解熱剤等の処置あるいは無処置で投与継続可能であった.本併用療法による副作用の増強はほとんどなかったThe combination therapy with natural type human tumor necrosis factor (n-TNF; MHR-24) and human lymphoblastoid interferon-alpha (n-IFN-alpha; MOR-22) was investigated for antitumor effect against renal cell carcinoma in a multiclinic cooperative study throughout Japan. The "Response criteria of Japan Society for Cancer Therapy" were followed for the handling of subjects and the evaluation of antitumor effect. MHR-24 was administered at a daily dosage of 5, 000-10, 000 JRU by intravenous drip and MOR-22 at a dosage of 5, 000, 000 IU daily was administered intramuscularly at the same time. Both drugs were administered for 4 weeks or longer. A total of 36 patients were enrolled as subjects in the study. None of them were classified as ineligible. Five patients, were classified as imperfectly evaluable, and 31, as evaluable for the results of treatment. The responses in the evaluable patients were partial response (PR) in 4 patients, minor response (MR) in 3 patients, no change (NC) in 14 patients and progressive disease (PD) in 10 patients, with a response rate of 12.9%. Adverse reactions to the therapy were investigated in all 36 patients. The frequent subjective and objective reactions that occurred were fever, rigors and shivering, anorexia, and generalized malaise, and the frequent abnormal laboratory findings were leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, elevation of GOT, and elevation of GPT