13 research outputs found

    Antecedents of Environmentally Responsible Behavior in Heritage Tourism: From the Viewpoints of Authenticity Perception, Nostalgia Emotion, and Place Attachment

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    [[abstract]]襲產觀光已成為現今大眾喜愛的觀光類型之一,增進遊客的環境負責任行為有助於旅遊地發展的永續性,然而過去研究對於襲產觀光中遊客環境負責任行為形成因素的了解相當有限。本研究目的為探討襲產觀光中遊客的真實性知覺、懷舊情感、場所依戀與環境負責任行為之關係。選擇具有日治時期之巴洛克式風格老街作為調查地點,共回收有效問卷332份。研究結果顯示,襲產觀光遊客的真實性知覺影響懷舊情感與場所依戀;懷舊情感影響場所依戀;場所依戀影響環境負責任行為,且場所依戀是形成遊客環境負責任行為的主因,即遊客對旅遊地的依賴與認同最能促使遊客愛護當地的環境行為。據此,建議襲產旅遊地的經營者可參考研究結果研擬適當有效的環境保護策略。 Heritage tourism has become a popular type of tourism in recent years. Promulgating environmentally responsible behavior among tourists significantly benefits the sustainable development of tourism destinations. However, previous research has paid little attention to understanding the antecedent of tourists' environmentally responsible behavior in the context of heritage tourism. Consequently, the purpose of this study is to explore the relationships among tourists' authenticity perception, nostalgia emotion, place attachment, and environmentally responsible behavior. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed in three Baroque-style old streets representative of the Japanese colonial period, selected respectively from Northern, Central, and Southern Taiwan, of which 332 valid questionnaires were returned. Data analysis indicates that the authenticity perception of tourists in heritage tourism has positive effects on nostalgia emotion and place attachment, nostalgia emotion has a positive effect on place attachment, and place attachment has a positive effect on environmentally responsible behavior. This finding suggests that place attachment serves as the major catalyst for the development of tourists' environmentally responsible behavior. Therefore, tourists' attachment to and identification with heritage destinations most inspires their behaviors in protecting the environment. Accordingly, the managers of heritage destinations could take the results of this study into consideration when establishing strategies that are effective to protecting environments under their care

    Does Nostalgia Emotion Need Authenticity in Heritage Tourism? Also on the Moderating Role of Interpretation Service

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    [[abstract]]本研究旨在檢驗襲產觀光中遊客的真實性知覺與懷舊情感間之關係,並進一步釐清參與解說於其關係的調節效果。研究對象以臺灣大溪老街、鹿港老街與新化老街的遊客進行問卷調查,共獲得有效問卷364份。本研究以結構方程模式進行分析。研究結果顯示,懷舊情感的形成確實需要真實性知覺的存在,當遊客的真實性知覺愈高,其懷舊情感的程度也愈高。此外,研究中也證實參與解說會調節真實性知覺與懷舊情感間之關係,亦即參與解說之遊客,真實性知覺對懷舊情感的正向關係高於未參與解說者。最後依據研究結果,提出管理意涵與後續研究建議。 The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between authenticity and nostalgia emotion of tourists, as well as clarify the moderating effect of interpretation service in the relationship of authenticity and nostalgia emotion. 364 valid questionnaires were collected from visitors in history area of Tahsi, Lukang, and Sinhua. Structural equation modeling was used to estimate a model linking authenticity and nostalgia emotion. As expected, formation of nostalgia emotion actually needs authenticity. The results show that visitors having greater authenticity lead to higher nostalgia emotion. The findings further revealed that interpretation would moderate the relationship of authenticity on nostalgia emotion. The authenticity of visitors who participated in interpretation will evoke greater nostalgia emotion than who haven’t participated in interpretation. Finally, the results proposed implications of management and suggestions for further study


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    [[abstract]]臺灣近年來海域遊憩活動逐漸增加,休閒潛水也成為台灣觀光旅 遊的主流之一。本研究旨在瞭解臺灣地區休閒潛水環境屬性滿意度與場所 依戀之因果關係,在研究中將環境屬性滿意度分為實質環境、社會環境、 經營管理環境及活動設施環境等四種環境屬性滿意度,以探討與場所依賴 和場所認同間的因果關係。問卷調查地點為北海岸、東北角、墾丁、澎 湖、綠島等五個台灣著名潛水地區,獲得有效問卷為778份。研究結果發現 實質環境屬性滿意度會正向影響場所依賴與場所認同。經營管理環境屬性 滿意度會正向影響場所依賴,且會間接正向影響場所認同。而,場所依賴 會正向影響場所認同。研究結果期望能作為日後業者經營及政府管理參考 之依據

    The Effect of Perception Process and Consumer Involvement on Repurchase Intention for Travel Products

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    [[abstract]]經涉入對消費者知覺評估模式影響文獻回顧後,察覺高涉入情境的消費者有助於處理商品資訊的解讀(編碼),故本研究主要探討知覺價格、品質、價值與再購意願之關係,尤其是消費者對產品資訊推敲,其經驗與記憶有助於對產品認知評價的確切性;本文亦探討傳統上若視涉入為調節變項時,其對本架構模式之影響。本研究以旅遊產品服務為例,並依知覺評估觀點探討價格、品質、價值、消費者涉入與再購意願關係。結果發現在旅遊產品服務的高涉入脈絡下,除消費者涉入對再購意願關係未獲得支持外,本文的理論架構與研究假設大都獲得支持,尤其是消費者的涉入會確切地影響品質與價值的認知評價。另經恆等性檢定分析,高低涉入群在本架構模式中恆等性皆獲得支持。最後,根據研究發現本文提出理論意涵與未來研究建議。 To understand the role of consumer involvement in evaluations processes is important since highly involved consumers are motivated to process product-related information both at the encoding and retrieval stages. Based on the perspectives of perception process, this study explores the relationships among perceptions of price, quality, value, and repurchase intention while accounting for the effects of consumer involvement on the quality and value judgments accurately in addition to a discussion on involvement as moderator role. The findings of this study, in the (high involvement) context of travel products/services, indicate that theoretical constructs and hypotheses are almost supported in addition to heightening elaboration of information which should accurately and positively facilitate the formation of cognitive judgments, such as quality and value evaluations, but no significant evidence of consumer involvement on repurchase intention. Besides, invariance testing approach was applied to analyze and results support that there were no significant differences of involvement degree in structural model. Finally, findings are explored for implications of management and a suggestion for future study

    Transformational vs transactional leadership: which is better? A study on employees of international tourist hotels in Taipei City

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    [[abstract]]Purpose - This research examines the relationships among transformational/transactional leadership styles (TFLs/TSLs), organizational justice, trust, organizational commitment, and organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs) in the context of international tourist hotels in Taipei. The purpose of this paper is to establish a comprehensive model of TFLs/TSLs in human resource management and to figure out which is the better leadership style in regards to the hospitality industry. Design/methodology/approach - A total of 700 questionnaires were distributed to the staff of eight international hotels, yielding 358 valid responses. Findings - TFLs/TSLs affect procedural and distributive justice significantly and positively. Managers using TFLs can induce trust of employees. TFLs positively affect organizational commitment through distributive justice and trust, while TSLs induce organizational commitment through distributive justice. Distributive justice has directly positive impact on trust. Distributive justice-organizational commitment is a positive link. Interestingly, TSLs influence organizational commitment negatively and significantly. As expected, trust can lead to organizational commitment and both trust and organizational commitment have positive impact on OCBs. Originality/value - The results could be used as the basis for improving human resources management in such a collectivistic culture as Chinese society.[[note]]SSC


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    [[abstract]]遊憩自行車活動已逐漸被推廣為全民運動,各專責單位如何籌設 具有十足吸引力又實用的自行車道非常重要。本研究依結構方程模式,探 討遊憩使用者在從事自行車活動時所展現遊憩涉入的程度(吸引力、自我 表現及生活形態中心)對場所產生場所依賴及場所認同之關係,並以場所 依賴為中介變數。此外,依據遊憩者的居住地不同分為當地群與外縣市群 (造訪頻次不同),以恆等性檢定探討遊憩涉入及場所依賴及場所認同之 關係架構是否恆等。本研究以臺中縣東豐綠色走廊從事遊憩自行車活動之 使用者為研究對象,使用便利抽樣法,共計發出600份問卷,有效問卷計有 553份,回收率為92.17%。研究結果發現,除吸引力對場所認同關係未獲得 實證支持外,本文的理論架構與研究假設大都獲得支持,並經當地群與外 縣市群在本架構模式中恆等性獲得支持後,且當地群比外縣市群在各構念 感受度較高。本文並根據研究發現提出理論意涵與未來研究建議