The Effect of Perception Process and Consumer Involvement on Repurchase Intention for Travel Products


[[abstract]]經涉入對消費者知覺評估模式影響文獻回顧後,察覺高涉入情境的消費者有助於處理商品資訊的解讀(編碼),故本研究主要探討知覺價格、品質、價值與再購意願之關係,尤其是消費者對產品資訊推敲,其經驗與記憶有助於對產品認知評價的確切性;本文亦探討傳統上若視涉入為調節變項時,其對本架構模式之影響。本研究以旅遊產品服務為例,並依知覺評估觀點探討價格、品質、價值、消費者涉入與再購意願關係。結果發現在旅遊產品服務的高涉入脈絡下,除消費者涉入對再購意願關係未獲得支持外,本文的理論架構與研究假設大都獲得支持,尤其是消費者的涉入會確切地影響品質與價值的認知評價。另經恆等性檢定分析,高低涉入群在本架構模式中恆等性皆獲得支持。最後,根據研究發現本文提出理論意涵與未來研究建議。 To understand the role of consumer involvement in evaluations processes is important since highly involved consumers are motivated to process product-related information both at the encoding and retrieval stages. Based on the perspectives of perception process, this study explores the relationships among perceptions of price, quality, value, and repurchase intention while accounting for the effects of consumer involvement on the quality and value judgments accurately in addition to a discussion on involvement as moderator role. The findings of this study, in the (high involvement) context of travel products/services, indicate that theoretical constructs and hypotheses are almost supported in addition to heightening elaboration of information which should accurately and positively facilitate the formation of cognitive judgments, such as quality and value evaluations, but no significant evidence of consumer involvement on repurchase intention. Besides, invariance testing approach was applied to analyze and results support that there were no significant differences of involvement degree in structural model. Finally, findings are explored for implications of management and a suggestion for future study

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