15 research outputs found

    Toward a Theory of Cultural Translation

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    为交际服务的翻译活动的历史与人际间的交流一样长。如果没有翻译,人类的交流是不可能的。从文献看,已经有很多人从不同学科和视角研究翻译,但无论作者的观点如何,有一点是可以肯定的,那就是,文化因素总是起着很重要的作用,因为语言是在文化中起作用的,语言是文化的组成部分。因此,可以说,翻译是翻译意义,翻译就是翻译文化。然而,由于翻译研究通常被当作交叉学科,所以它的学术地位没有像文学和语言学那么牢固,其中原因之一是翻译研究要么被当作是附属于文学,要么附属于语言学,这点在中国的外语教学界更加明显。 到目前为止的文献显示,虽然关于翻译的不同研究都把文化问题加以考虑,到目前为止还没有一个清晰的、统一的、本文称...As is known to all, the activity of translating (and interpreting) for the purpose of communication is as old as human interaction itself. It is clear that without translation human communication would be impossible. In the literature to date, there have been numerous studies on issues concerning translation which were conducted by scholars from many different disciplines. No matter what viewpoint...学位:文学博士院系专业:外文学院英语语言文学系_英语语言文学学号:B20020400

    The structure,phase diagram and properties of A-site and B-site doped Bi(A)Fe(B)O3 multiferroic materials

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    多铁材料是一种同时具有铁电有序和铁磁(或反铁磁)有序的材料,这些性质使得多铁材料在信息存储、传感器以及自旋电子器件等方面引起了广泛关注。Bi(A-site)Fe(B-site)O3(BFO)是少数在室温下同时具有铁电有序和G型反铁磁有序的单相多铁材料之一。但是,它也存在漏导比较大、易生成杂相和剩余宏观磁性几乎为零等一些缺点,这些缺点极大地限制了它的实际应用。因此,如何提高BFO的多铁性质成为一个重要的研究课题,其中化学掺杂是一种有效提高BFO性能的方法。本论文中,我们对BFO的化学掺杂及其掺杂后的晶体结构、相图和多铁性质进行了一些基础研究,主要研究结果如下: 1)B位Co2+,Ti4+共掺杂...Multiferroic materials exhibit both ferroelectricity and ferromagnetism. Because of the intriguing properties, multiferroic materials have attracted great attentions in the field of data storage, sensor devices and spintronics. Bi(A-site)Fe(B-site)O3 (BFO) is one of single-phase multiferroic materials, which possesses ferroelectric and magnetic order over room temperature. However, its high leakag...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_物理化学(含化学物理)学号:2052009115141


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    2005年5月28日,虽是初夏,福州的天气已经燥热无比。但在福州的左海大厦,宪法学界却在相对平静地诉说一个宪法学前辈的无悔人生和质朴的宪法学思想。这位前辈的名字叫吴家麟,这次会议的名称叫“吴家麟教授八十华诞暨宪法学思想研讨会”,会议的主办单位是中国法学会宪法学研究会、厦门大学法学院、福建师范大学法学院。吴先生1926年6月生于福州,是我国杰出的马克思主义宪法学家。在宪法学是一个危险学问的年代,先生没有逃遁;在宪法学沉寂的年代,先生没有退隐;在宪法学正一步一步迈向繁荣之时,先生安居在福州的小院里沉思。先生见证了中国宪法学半个多世纪的兴衰变迁。先生八十华诞之际,先生之同道、先生之学生在有福之洲济济一堂,聆先生经纶,贺先生永年。一秉先生平实的文风,将朴实的道理用平静的语调娓娓道来。本辑《厦门大学法律评论》特辟专栏,以专文记述吴家麟先生生平, 并就同人所提交的论文择其中以关注中国宪法之具体问题者刊发,谨此表达对先生的敬意,亦彰示学术之薪火相传

    A Functional Study of Ru Lin Wai Shi and Its English Translation in a Context-of-Situation Perspective

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    本文首先概述功能语言学的语境理论;然后以功能语法为理论指导,以《儒林外史》原著及其英译本The Scholars为语料,从情景语境(语域分析)的角度对二者进行语篇分析。本文的焦点是情景语境的三要素:语域、语旨和语式。本文研究表明:(1)语境与语篇是一种共存的关系,两者相互影响,相辅相成——语篇产生于语境,又是语境的组成部分;(2)从情景语境的角度对小说《儒林外史》汉英语篇进行对比研究,不仅可以使读者对系统功能语法理论有进一步的掌握,而且可使读者对中国封建社会科举制度的腐朽性有更深刻的了解;(3)本文还可以为章回小说的翻译工作者提供一些启示。The concept of "context" has been widely discussed in fields such as linguistics, pragmatics, sociolinguisties, contrastive linguistics, translation studies, just to name a few, but it seems that there is no general agreement in that scholars interpret the concept in different ways. The present study is a continuation of our studies of Ru Lin Wai Shi and its English translation( The Scholars) in the framework of Context of Culture in systemic functional grammar (see Xu 2002). It is concerned with the idea of context, and is mainly within the theoretical framework of systemic functional grammar. Thus, it is Context of Situation that is of most importance in this study. The paper begins with our understanding of the concept of Context of Situation and its three variables of Field, Tenor and Mode. And this is followed by the description of the data in the analysis, which have been taken from an episodic novel Ru Lin Wai Shi and its English translation ( The Scholars). The motivation of analyzing Ru Lin Wai Shi and its English translation is also given. We also look at the use of language of both the source text and the target text in terms of the variables of Context of Situation. To a certain extent, the paper is an exercise of applying systemic functional ideas to the contrastive analysis of Chinese and its English translation. Our analysis indicates that a functional and contrastive analysis of the texts not only helps the reader to better understand the texts and the contexts in which they occur but also shows the relationship between meanings and their realizations as encoded in the two types of text in question. The findings of this study will give implications to discourse analysis, contrastive studies and translation studies

    Figures' Cultural Implication Correspondence Between Chinese and English:A Key To Translating Figurative Expressions

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    同样的喻体在不同的文化中所传递的形象信息往往不同。实现原文喻体与译文喻体的内涵对接是翻译比喻性词语的有效方法。对接的原则是源语的喻体和目的语的喻体必须都传递一致的形象内涵。英汉(汉英 )翻译比喻内涵信息对接的前提在于 :译者能够找准与源语比喻中的喻体在目的语中相对应的文化负荷喻体 ,而不是表象的对应词The same figure may convey different image information in different culture. The implication correspondence of figures in source language with that in target language is an effective method for translating figurative expressions. The principle of this correspondence in C E translation is that figures in Chinese and figures in English should convey the same image information. Translators must learn to find correct culturally-loaded figures in English rather than literally-correspondent ones for the figures in Chinese if they want to translate figurative expressions well


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    研究了冶金法n型多晶硅片磷吸杂、硼吸杂效果及其机理。研究发现,经1 000℃/4h磷吸杂后,硅片平均少子寿命从1.21μs提高到11.98μs;经950℃/1h硼吸杂后,平均少子寿命从1.52μs提升到10.74μs。两种吸杂处理后,硅片电阻率从0.2Ω.cm提高到0.5Ω.cm。结果表明,两种吸杂工艺使得硅片表面形成的重磷、重硼扩散层对金属杂质有较好的吸杂作用,从而减少载流子的复合中心,改善多晶硅片的性能