33 research outputs found


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    我國政府在近二十年大力推展生物技術產業,除了長期投入資金鼓勵國內學者從事研究發展之外,也持續進行產業技術升級與轉型等措施,並積極推動國內相關產業之投資與整合,促使生物技術加速發展。但目前對於生物科技之關注,多集中於技術層面與國家競爭力的探討,對於人力資源管理方面之文獻與相關研究,卻付之闕如。事實上,跟一般傳統高科技產業相比,生物科技產業對於人才方面不但重視,而且甚至可說人才是整個生技公司的命脈。故生物科技產業應如何獲得其所需求的人才,並施以適當的人力資源管理,即顯得格外重要。 本研究首先對有關人力資源管理和生物科技產業之定義與特質的各種國內外文獻、專家學者意見,作一分析、比較、整理。再參考高科技產業人力資源管理之特性,歸納出我國生物科技產業人力資源管理之特性。另外,探討勞動基準法對我國生物科技產業之人力資源管理是否造成影響,及有無適用上之問題。並以實證訪談的方式加以應證之。 透過次級資料的蒐集及深度訪談我國四家生物科技業者,並以此四家生物科技業者為個案分析對象,本研究認為我國生物科技產業人力資源管理之特性如下:1、重視教育訓練;2、強調因材施教;3、重視員工忠誠度;4、重視產學合作;5、重視人才的經歷;6、強調英語能力;7、業務人才需要高學歷;8、需對員工加以激勵;9、重視自主性管理等


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    Spatial and temporal distribution characteristic of green tides in the Yellow Sea in 2016 based on MODIS data

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    Study of remote sensing monitoring and comparison of green tide in the Yellow Sea based on VB-FAH index

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    Most current monitoring methods are based on single remote sensing data, and thus have considerable limitations. To compensate for spatial resolution and time resolution deficiencies, multi-source remote sensing data are used to capture the green tide(large green algae-Ulva prolifera)in the Yellow Sea in 2015 and 2016. Data are then monitored and analyzed through the VB-FAH index and a manual assisted interpretation method. Monitoring results of GF-1 WFV and CBERS-04 WFI are then compared with two scene synchronous images, and results of ship monitoring and satellite image monitoring are also compared. Results show that compared with GF-1 WFV data, monitoring results of CBERS-04 WFI data produce a relative deviation of 15.3%~37.32%; this is mainly attributed to the mixed pixel effect caused by the different spatial resolution. By superimposing the monitoring results of satellite images on measured data for comparison and analysis, it is found that the relative monitoring accuracy is higher above grade III. The green tide outbreak lasts about 100 days, from late April to early May. It initially appears in the turbidity zone of the Northern Jiangsu Shoal, and external factors enable it to gradually reach suitable growth conditions. It then continues to grow until it becomes an outbreak, and then flows northwards by the Yellow Sea surface flow until it finally arrives on the southern coast of the Shandong Peninsula. July and August are the extinction stages of the green tide and by mid-August it has almost completely disappeared. Results of this study can be used to improve monitoring accuracy and provide effective information support for the prevention and control of green tide.</p