1,191 research outputs found

    Applied research on the emulsified explosive production line based on the efficient and safe

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    随着人们对安全生产、安全操作意识的不断提高,如何高效、安全地实现工业炸药的生产成为现阶段民爆企业需要解决的首要问题,以往的工艺、设备落后,自动化水平低的工业炸药生产线所带来的人员多、效率低、危险性高、消耗大的生产状况已经不能满足使用需求,将面临被淘汰的尴尬境地。国防科工委下发的《全国民用爆破器材业发展“十一五”计划纲要》明确提出:“将重点发展连续化、自动化的工业炸药生产线,限制并逐步淘汰以间断式及手工操作为主要生产方式的工业炸药生产线,使其向着系列化、多品种、高性能、高安全性、高可靠性、低污染方向发展,以满足各种爆破作业的需要。”因此,开展基于高效、安全的乳化炸药生产线设备的应用研究,将对生产...As people on safe production, operation safety consciousness, how to improve the efficient and safe production of industrial explosive as industrial enterprise needs to solve the problem of the past, process, equipment, low level of automation of industrial explosive production line, the low efficiency and high risk, the consumption of large production status, cannot satisfy the demand has been us...学位:工程硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院机电工程系_机械工程学号:X200718200


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    Study on the Issues of Integration between Corporation Governance and Internal Control

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    一方面,经过多年的研究和探索,我国在内部控制领域已经取得了许多研究成果,比如我国在公司治理和内部控制相互关系这一论题上发表了很多篇论文,但是这些文章均只是公司治理结构和内部控制相互关系的原理性阐述,后续没有进行案例剖析、实证研究;另一方面,中国上市公司内部控制强制执行阶段已经启动,加深投资者、管理层、监管方、债权人、公众等对内部控制的认识显得日益重要,而理解公司治理与内部控制之间的关系可以加深对内部控制的认识:本文在这两个背景下展开研究。 内部控制和公司治理关系国内出现了三种截然不同的观点:包含观、对接观、交叉观。本文试图在三种观点的基础上,将公司治理分为内部公司治理和外部公司治理,又将内部...In one hand, after so many years, we have developed lots of researching results about internal control including the relationship between corporate governance and internal control, however, those researches regarding relationship between corporate governance and internal control are concentrated in basic principles without case study or empirical research; in the other hand, our public companies a...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院会计系_会计学学号:1752009115100

    Analysising Yu Dafu works' concept of worker-peasant

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    郁达夫是一位对政治非常敏感的作家,他对工农的看法和态度至今看起来仍然很有见地。但学术界对他的工农观没有给与足够的重视,而工农观对郁达夫的创作和生活又具有非常重要的影响。所以,本文希望对郁达夫的工农观进行客观而深入的探索,以求对其思想有更加全面的认识和了解。本文主要是从以下三章进行探讨: 第一章主要论述了工农观的演变。主要分为四点:中国传统社会下的工农观、马克思、恩格斯的工农观;蔡元培与“劳工神圣”;早期共产党人的工农观。 第二章是全文的主体部分。该部分在对工农观有一定的认识的基础上,着重介绍郁达夫的工农观及其有关工农观的创作。本章主要分为三节:郁达夫的工农观及其特点、郁达夫工农观的两大关键...Yu Dafu is a very sensitive writer of political, his attitude of workers and peasants still looks very thoughtful. But the academic circles to his workers and peasants views’ not give enough attention, and the views of workers and peasants has a very important impact of Yu Dafu’s creation and life. Therefore, this paper hopes to do a deeper exploration of Yu Dafu’s worker-peasant thoughts, in orde...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院中文系_中国现当代文学学号:1022009115199


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    The study of posting network of the native postal office in modern times

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    近代民信局经历了由盛转衰的演变过程。通过对民信局寄递地点和范围的分析,表明其寄递网络主要呈中心城市、中等城市和城镇三个层级展开;各区域中心城市民信局的寄递网络展开的特点不同;民信局的寄递网络说明在区域内部经济联系密切的基础上,区域间的经济联系已经突破了内部束缚,呈现出日益加强的表征;民信局的寄递网络以沿海沿江一线为主干,体现出了该地区经济一体化的发展趋势。The native postal office varied from prosperity to corruption in modern times.Through the analysis of posting network of the native postal office,we can see the network included the center city,the middle city and the town.The posting network of the native postal office of the center city of the area had a large difference.The posting network showed the economical relation of the areas had broken the area inner bondage and the economic linkage between the areas were more and more close.The network of the native postal office spreading along the sea and the Yangtse River showed the tendency promoting the economic integration process

    Study on Purchasing Management Information Construction Project

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    随着经济的全球化和信息化,企业之间的竞争越来越激烈,企业面临的市场环境越来越复杂,来自各方面的竞争压力也越来越大。这种压力既有来自企业内部管理的各个环节,也有来自企业外部供应链的各个环节,以及外部市场现实环境。采购过程管理是企业管理的重要组成部分,提升企业采购过程的效率,提升采购质量,加强采购过程的监督,降低采购成本,降低采购的风险,对提升企业核心竞争力具有重要意义。 国家烟草专卖局在全国烟草行业加大物资采购、工程投资、广告促销三个方面的工作大检查力度。烟草企业加强采购管理不仅是自身发展需要,更是行业自律的要求,是维护专卖体制、保持行业持续健康发展的重要举措。采购管理信息化建设是采购管理工作...With the economy globalizing and technology informationazing, more and more intense competition lives on among enterprises. Enterprises are facing increasingly complex market environment, which causes the competitive pressure from the various aspects growing. The pressure is existing among the links from the internal management of enterprises, or links from outside the enterprise supply chain, and...学位:工程硕士院系专业:管理学院_项目管理学号:X201115309

    Free Cash Flow and Over-investment:An Empirical Research Based on Agency Cost Theory

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    Jensen于1986年基于管理者行为视角进行分析,提出了“自由现金流假说”。他认为由于存在代理冲突,管理者会利用企业的自由现金流进行过度投资。我国上市公司“内部人控制”与大股东控制十分严重,导致过度投资行为普遍存在,重复建设现象非常严重,造成了资源浪费与投资效率低下。过度投资行为降低了经营绩效与企业价值,并最终损害投资者利益,不利于经济的良性发展。因此,研究我国上市公司自由现金流引发的过度投资行为具有重要的理论价值与现实意义。 本文借鉴Richardson于2006年构建的预期合理投资模型,以2004-2008年沪深两市的上市公司为样本,研究了我国上市公司自由现金流引发的过度投资问题及其影...Based on the analysis of managerial behavior, Jensen raised the "Free Cash Flow Hypothesis" in 1986. They supposed that, because of the agency cost between managers and shareholders, managers were able to use free cash flow to invest in excess. Insider control and tunnelling of major shareholders have been very serious in China's Listed Companies. It led to the widespread of over-investment behavi...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院财务学系_财务学学号:1762007115177

    Relevant Research into the Sense of Self-efficacy and Coping Style of Private Higher Institution Students

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    自我效能感是班杜拉1977年提出的概念,自我效能感是一个与能力有关的概念,指个体应付和处理环境事件的有效性。多项调查表明,自我效能感的高低与学生的学业成就及心理健康密切相关,并且与学生进入社会后的生活状态、成就业绩也关系紧密。本研究将通过对不同民办高校大学生应付方式及自我效能感进行调查,分析民办高校不同类型大学生的应付方式的差异,以及民办高校大学生与普通高校大学生应付方式与自我效能感的差异,欲为民办高校提高大学生在遇到困难和挫折采用积极的应付方式及对自我效能感的培养提供指导性建议。 本研究采用问卷调查法及访谈法,利用自我效能感量表及应付方式问卷进行测量调查。所涉及的数据均采用SPSS11.0...Self-efficacy is proposed by Bandura in 1977, self-efficacy is a concept with the ability about individual’s effectiveness to cope with and deal with environmental events. Many investigations indicate that the level of self-efficacy is closely related to students’ academic achievement and mental health, and also closely related to students’ lives of state, achievement after they enter the society....学位:教育学硕士院系专业:教育研究院_高等教育学学号:X200528000

    The Analysis and Apocalypse of China Paging Industry Rapid Decline

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    无线寻呼业务是电信运营业的一个子业务,也是我国最早开放的电信业务,在我国迅速发展后在短短的数年年内迅速衰退,生命周期远低于国际同行的水平,也大大出乎人们的意料,本文就其原因进行深入地研究和分析,主要从需求和文化等角度进行研究,发现中国电信运营业特有的规律,并结合当前电信运营业热点问题进行研究,希望能为电信业的健康发展有所借鉴和帮助。本文的结构如下:第一章:从电信运营业各项业务介绍入手,比较了几个业务的概念及它们之间的关系,阐述的电信业在信息产业和国民经济中的重要地位和作用,并介绍寻呼业在全球和中国的发展历程。第二章:从用户需求的角度分析,对寻呼和移动电话的收入弹性进行分析,对移动电话和无线市话...Paging business is a branch of telecom business, it is the first open telecom service in our country. After developing rapid, it declined within several years, its lifecycle is shorter than other one in international country and out of people’s surprise. The thesis researches and analyzes deeply the reasons, point of request and culture view, to find the rule of china telecom operation. Combine...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:X20011503