5 research outputs found

    An Extension Research on Marketing Guideline of a Mattou Farmer's Pomelo on Moon Festival

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    本研究採取系統整合的觀點,從生產到銷售全程介入輔導,基於創新的角度,嘗試整合型諮詢顧問模式來進行農業推廣工作。配合「安全農業」的目標,指導個案農民依照「農藥肥料減量之安全高品質管理模式」,生產出安全優質的文旦柚,同時組成專業輔導團隊,參照行動研究方法,引導協同研究者進行農民自我行銷的實踐。研究結果發現,此種整合套裝推廣方法,同時帶領農民行動,具有提升農民賦權增能的效果,農民亦獲得降低成本,增加收益的有形成果,故此種輔導推廣模式,值得供予農政單位與推廣機構參採。From the viewpoint of systemic integration and innovation, this study tried to using the packaged counseling model to involve the entire agricultural journey from the production to marketing to carry on the agricultural extension work. Coordinating the goal of "security agriculture", we instructed the case of farmer produced safe and high quality shaddocks based on the safe and high quality management model of agricultural chemicals fertilizer decrement. Simultaneously, the specialized counseling team was formed to utilize an action research for guiding and coordinating the case of farmer to complete the practice of self-marketing. Some findings of this study discovered the obvious empowerment effect. At the same time, the case of famer also obtained the benefit of cost reduction and profit increment. This kind of extension model is providing penetrating insight referring to the public agricultural units and the institutes of agricultural extension


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    [[abstract]]歐盟執委會通過新的消費者政策,旨在讓歐洲消費者重拾對單一市場的信心。新消費者政策對於增加市場信心的主要目標有四:再確認消費者安全、增強消費者知識、提高強制執行的權力、因應社會及經濟變遷,調整消費者權利與政策。此外,歐盟也宣布從今至2014年,將執行一系列的消費者保護策略。 目前正在運作的多年度財政預算架構是從2007年開始執行,將於2013年結束。新的2014-2020年多年度財政預算架構必須在2012年底拍板定案。MFF中規定了歐盟各項主要業務的相關預算額度,這不僅是一個七年預算計畫,同時是年度財政預算的主要執行準則。 2012年9月經濟合作暨發展組織公布「2012年教育展望報告」,這份年度報告檢視了34個國家的教育表現概況。該報告指出,不久的將來,歐洲教育即將面臨幾項變化,師資老化就是其中一項問題。展望報告亦提供了各國的教育政策資訊,包含投注在教育上的財政及人力資源、師生比、教學時數、畢業生人數與成果、教育管道、教育參與和未來發展等,同時提供學習環境與學校機構的相關數據

    (37(1):76-85)Studies on the ecology of the powdery mildew of beans

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    自民國73年9月到75年6月止,於本所農場設立豆類白粉病觀測圃,每月播種大豆、綠豆及紅豆各一次,做白粉病的發病度調查。結果顯示各播種期中,綠豆最早發病,且最為感病;紅豆次之;大豆於本試驗期間均未見發病。綠豆及紅豆白粉病之病勢,均自秋末(10月底)開始急速進展,冬季期間(l1~次年1月)罹病率最為嚴重,春末(4~5月)病勢開始下降,夏季期間發病輕微。白粉病圃空氣中分生胞子之密度,日間比夜間多,尤其午間達最高峯;田間空氣中之分生胞子量與白粉病罹病程度呈正相關。除75年春北港地區的綠豆白粉病較嚴重外,73、74年冬季的屏東紅豆產區,和74年春的嘉義綠豆產區所調查的白粉病害,發病都較輕微。綜合各氣象資料做分析,可瞭解各氣象因子對病害之發生,實具有直接或間接的影響。故為減少白粉病的發生,當秋作時,宜較早播種,而春作則採較晚播種為佳。 The powdery mildews of beans were surveyed in the monthly sown bean plants at TARI from September 1984 to June 1986. No diseased plant was found in soybean while mungbean and adzuki bean were much more susceptible. Generally, the occurrence of this disease in mungbean was earlier and more serious than in adzuki bean. Mungbean and adzuki bean cultured in Autumn showed higher degree of severity than in Spring, especially in adzuki bean, and there was not much susceptibility difference in any plant stage. Most spores were disseminated during the day, especially at noon, while few were released during the night. It showed that there was not higher disease incidence while investigating in Ping-tung area (Autumn, 1984; Autumn, 1985) and in Chia-yih area ( Spring, 1985), but the disease incidence was higher in Pei-kang area (Spring, 1986). From our climatic data, we believed that the distribution and severity of powdery mildew were directly and indirectly influenced by the environmental factors. Therefore, to lessen the occurrence of powdery mildew, it might be better to sow crops in early Autumn or late Spring