9 research outputs found

    Study of a multi-functional electric rail-cart in greenhouse

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    為了能營造出一個最適合作物生長的環境,在台灣溫室栽培已成為一個相當具有規模的農業生產方式。為了降低溫室栽培之成本,國內已有許多溫室改採用介質土的方式栽培,並且以栽培具有垂直攀附性的瓜類與茄科作物為主。屆時,溫室內搬運、摘採、噴藥、施肥與管理等工作必須以機械化、自動化來完成,才可增加產業競爭力。 本研究是針對介質袋耕之溫室設計出一輛工作台面可升降,並且能自動行駛的多功能電動軌道車。使農民能方便的進行摘採與搬運的工作。亦可利用全自動行走之功能,駛入每一植株之間,完成溫室內無人噴藥作業,使農藥對噴藥者所造成的傷害降到最低。將來並且能將本車作為載具,發展出其他溫室管理設備,進而達成一機多用的宗旨。 全車是以鐵材所製作,最大負載重量為250公斤重,且安全係數在1.5以上。各部位經由有限元素分析軟體ANSYS,在各種負載下進行分析計算,以確保使用上的安全無慮。顧及到溫室為一密閉的空間,且在自動控制上的方便性,本研究之機型將可以使所有的動作都採用電動的方式驅動;並且利用可程式(邏輯)控制器PLC作為自動控制機制,以達成無人操作、自動行走之要求。Greenhouse cultivation has become popular and a more matured farming industry in order to both create higher economic benefits and farming environment. In order to grow as many plants as possible in limited farmland and lower the cost, greenhouse agriculturists are mainly cultivating climbing plants that grow perpendicularly such as cucurbitaceae and solanaceae. In the future, automation of the greenhouse will greatly improve its competitiveness and require less cost. The objective of this study was to design a multi-functional rail-cart used in greenhouse having a working platform which could raise, lower and travel automatically. As the rail-cart could travel in between rows of plants automatically, the no-man operation could be virtually possible and farmers could easily operate carrying and harvesting functions. Additionally, the device would reduce the pesticide hazards for farmers as the indoor unmanned pesticide spraying would be available. Hopefully, this study would benefit greenhouse agriculturists and develop an advanced multi-functional apparatus used in greenhouse eventually. Made of steel, the rail-cart's factor of safety was over 1.5 and the maximum carrying load was 250 kgs. Its specifications of parts have been analyzed by a commercially available software, ANSYS, and have been done under various loading tests to assure the operation safety. To make use of PLC as a mechanism of auto-control, this device would be able to accomplish the purpose of automation. Considering the operating environment in greenhouse, this study is to make modes of operations become automatic and to advance the convenience.摘 要 I Abstract II 目 錄 III 圖 目 錄 VII 表 目 錄 XI 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 研究目的 5 第二章 文獻探討 7 2.1 介質袋耕簡介 7 2.2 介質土成份種類 8 2.3 油壓千斤頂之原理 9 2.4 油壓千斤頂的特色 10 2.5 噴藥機械設備 11 2.5.1 人力背負式噴藥設備 12 2.5.2 高架自走式噴藥設備 12 2.5.3 固定式噴藥設備 13 2.5.4 煙燻式噴藥設備 14 2.5.5 無人自走式車輛噴藥設備 15 2.6 無人自走式車輛噴藥設備之導引 16 2.6.1 畦溝式導引 16 2.6.2 軌道式導引 17 2.6.3 電磁式導引 18 2.6.4 光學式導引 18 2.6.5 無線電式與超音波式導引 19 2.7 溫室(設施)內搬運設備 20 2.8 有限元素法簡介 21 2.9 有限元素法在農業上的應用 23 2.10 可程式邏輯控制器簡介 24 第三章 材料設備與方法 26 3.1 多功能溫室電動軌道車之性能、規格要求 27 3.2 多功能溫室電動軌道車設計 29 3.2.1 車台本體動作設計 29 3.2.2 外觀、幾何設計 30 3.2.3 車體結構強度設計 35 有限元素分析軟體ANSYS 35 上部工作平台舉升機構 40 下部換軌舉升機構 47 3.2.4 自動行走模式作業流程設計 52 3.3 實驗設備 56 3.4 實驗方法 57 3.4.1 換軌所需時間試驗 57 3.4.2 車行速度試驗 57 3.4.3 續航力試驗 58 第四章 結果與討論 59 4.1 雛形車結構強度分析 59 4.1.1 上部工作平台舉升機構 59 4.1.2 下部換軌舉升機構 66 4.2 雛形機之製作 71 4.3 車輛性能試驗 80 4.3.1 換軌所需時間試驗 80 4.3.2 車行速度試驗 83 硬地上行走試驗 83 草地上行走試驗 86 4.3.3 續航力試驗 90 4.4 利用車輛作業與人工作業之比較 91 4.4.1 管理作業 92 4.4.2 摘採作業 93 4.4.3 噴藥作業 95 4.5 車體破壞討論 97 第五章 結論與建議 101 參考文獻 104 附錄 109 附錄一 雛形車各部位尺寸圖 109 附錄二 負載配線圖 128 附錄三 PLC輸入、輸出圖 129 附錄四 PLC配線圖 13

    [[alternative]]The Phonological Processing Skills in Predicting Word Recognition in Children with Specific Language Impairment

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    [[abstract]]本研究旨在探討學前特定型語言障礙兒童的聲韻處理能力可否作為小學一年級時識字能力的預測因子。研究對象選自台北市、新北市及桃園縣21名學齡前特定型語言障礙兒童,及21名同校、同年級以及同性別之普通兒童。在幼稚園大班時測量聲韻覺識、聲韻短期記憶以及快速唸名測驗,並於小學一年級時進行注音符號能力測驗、識字流暢性以及自編形聲字測驗。這些測驗結果乃用於探究特定型語言障礙兒童在聲韻處理能力對於與識字能力的相關性,藉此找出可預測之因子。此外,本研究亦比較特定型語言障礙兒童與普通兒童的表現,歸納特定型語言障礙兒童在唸讀注音符號與中文字時的表現特徵。綜合本研究結果發現:一. 特定型語言障礙兒童在預測因子的測驗中,聲韻覺識、聲韻短期記憶以及快速唸名的表現上皆比一般兒童要差。二. 特定型語言障礙兒童在效標測驗的表現中,注音符號能力測驗、中文識字流暢性測驗以及自編形聲字測驗也比一般兒童要差。三. 一般兒童組部分,托尼非語文智力測驗、聲韻覺識能力、快速唸名能力與中文識字能力具有顯著相關;聲韻覺識能力與注音符號能力具有顯著相關;聲韻覺識能力以及快速唸名能力與形聲字唸讀具有顯著相關。四. 特定型語言障礙兒童組部分,聲韻覺識能力與中文識字流暢性測驗具有顯著相關;聲韻覺識能力以及聲韻短期記憶與形聲字唸讀具有顯著相關;但聲韻處理的三個次能力並未與注音符號能力並未出現顯著相關。五. 一般兒童組的聲韻覺識能力、聲韻短期記憶以及快速唸名能力對於中文識字具有預測力;聲韻覺識對於注音符號能力具有預測力;聲韻覺識與語言能力對於形聲字唸讀具有預測力。六. 特定型語言障礙兒童組的聲韻覺識能力對中文識字以及形聲字唸讀具有預測力。 七. 特定型語言障礙兒童在識字能力測驗的表現特徵如下:較少出現自我修正與回饋,且在唸讀形聲字時比起一般兒童較少使用一致性規則。[[abstract]]The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the word recognition in children with specific language impairment (SLI) could be predicted by phonological processing. The participants were 21 children with SLI and 21 normal children in the kindergarten. The phonological awareness (PA) task, phonological short-term memory (PSTM) task, and rapid automatic naming (RAN) task were measured in the kindergarten. In the first grade, Chinese phonetic symbol (CPS) task, word fluency (WF) task, and phonogram task were measured. The study investigated the correlation between the phonological processing and the word recognition, and tried to find the effective predictors in Children with SLI. Besides, the study also compared the performance between children with SLI and with normal development, and categorized the features in the response of the word recognition tasks in SLI. The results of this study were as follows:1. The SLI group performed significantly worse than the normal group in the PA task, PSTM task, and RAN task.2. The SLI group performed significantly worse than the normal group in CPS task, WF task, and phonogram task.3. In the normal group, the WF task correlated with TONI-3, PA task, and RAN task; the CPS task correlated with PA task; the phonogram task correlated with the PA task and RAN task.4. In SLI group, the WF task correlated with the PA task; the phonogram tasks correlated with the PA task. However, there were no tasks correlated with the CPS task.5. In the normal group, word recognition ability could be predicted through PA task, PSTM task, and RAN task; CPS ability could be predicted through PA task; the phonogram ability could be predicted through PA task and language ability.6. Only PA task could predict word recognition ability and phonogram ability in the SLI group.7. The behavioral characteristics shown in the word recognition tasks for children with SLI were as follow: they seldom showed their self-corrected response and feedback, and used the principle of consistency less than the normal when they read phonograms


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    [[abstract]]本研究以問卷方式,調查國內擊劍選手受傷部位、受傷原因、受傷情形等成因研究。以全國排名賽及世界杯選拔賽的擊劍選手(其申包括大專院校的選手)為問卷預試和運動傷害現況調查為研究對象,經過項目分析所有題項的鑑別度篩選後,再以因素分析重新命名「運動科學」、「人機介面」、「賽程安排」等三個主要因素,應用在參加大專院校擊劍錦標賽的參賽選手。 本研究以單因子變異數、多變量變異數分析,探討擊劍選手運動傷害成因及其主要因素。研究結果發現大專院校選手在三個主要因素都未達顯著水準,但是「人機介面」在描素統計中平均數最高達4.03,選手、教練在「運動科學」專業知識的提昇、比賽主辦單位的「賽程安排」、以及「人機介面」等因素中握把角度和手套的研究,對於選手運動傷害的預防扮演很重要的角色。如何結合人因工程在擊劍運動握把角度及手套的研究,將是未來研究重要範疇


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    Despite the tremendous technological advancements that have been made in recent decades, the agricultural productivity and the world food supply have been stagnated worldwide. This is partly because of the increasingly unstable weather conditions. The damages that the floods and hurricanes caused in China, Honduras and Nicaragua in 1998, are unmatched for the last century and exemplifies the problem. Though natural disasters are not be avoidable, the resulting damages can be minimized if effective weather forecasting and reporting systems are developed and utilized. A case in point is the preventive measures that were taken such as adjusting the planting dates by American farmers in anticipation of a strong El Niño in early 1998, had effectively reduced the possible damages that might otherwise occur. Taiwan’s agriculture is very productive and vitally important for social and political securities. It is important that weather resources and information are fully utilized to maximize the agricultural productivity and minimize the possible damages due to adverse weather conditions. This paper illustrates that phenological models, or weather driven plant and animal models, can be applied to predict crop developmental stages and the likelihood of disease breakouts. These models are powerful tools, which when effectively applied could increase the robustness and the sustainability of the agricultural production systems in Taiwan. 儘管近數十年來,農業技術已有驚人的進步,惟全球的農業生產和糧食的供給,卻成長緩慢;部份原因是由於不穩定之天氣型態有持續增加的趨勢。例如:1998 年大陸、宏都拉斯、尼加拉瓜所發生之洪水、颶風,遠較十九世紀者來得嚴重,此即是一明顯的例證。天然災害的發生雖無法完全地避免,但是有效的天氣預報系統若能被研發和充分加以利用的話,應可將可能發生的災害降至最低。舉例而言,在1998 年初預測當年聖嬰現象(E1 Niño)顯著,美國農民依此訊息而採取調整耕種日期的因應防範措施,有效地將潛在的災害降低。台灣的農業生產豐饒,對社會和政策之安定性具有舉足輕重的影響力。因此,當前重要的課題是如何有效地利用氣候資源和天氣資訊,以增進農業生產力,並減少潛在之天然災害的發生。本文即嘗試引進生物氣候模式,修正為適用於台灣之模式,以預測作物的生育期和病蟲害的消長情形,期望該些模式能對台灣農業生產系統的韌性和競爭力的提升有所助益