9 research outputs found

    The effects of soil amendment on the productivity of peanut [Arachis hypogaea L.] and rice [Oryza sativa L.] grown in acid soil

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    土壤因長期受到環境影響,如淋洗作用、風化作用、田間操作,施用化學肥料等,使土壤逐漸趨向酸化,因而對土壤中營養成份之有效性發生變化,甚者還會產生一些有害之金屬元素,不利於作物生長。台灣經調查80餘萬公頃耕地結果發現,pH值在5.5以下(屬強酸性土壤)已有28萬公頃,極需改良,以使農業能永續經營。為瞭解酸性土壤對落花生及水稻生理代謝之影響,分別取自花蓮縣瑞穗鄉及宜蘭縣礁溪鄉之強酸性土壤,以盆栽方式探討施用二種土壤改良劑(「FMP」及「副產石灰」)對土壤及對落花生及水稻生理代謝之影響,結果發現施用FMP作物收穫後土壤理化性之變化,旱田(種植落花生)土壤pH值可提高1.3∼1.5單位,水田(種植水稻)可提高1.1∼1.3單位,副產石灰在旱田可使土壤pH值提高1.3單位,水田亦可提高1.3單位。土壤有效磷含量可提昇5∼20 ppm,土壤有效性鉀、鈣含量下降,但下降程度較未經改良及空白兩處理為小,土壤有效性鎂下降程度較空白處理為低,對有害銅、鋅錳等含量下降程度則大於未經改良或空白處理。A large area of agricultural land in Taiwan is covered by acid infertile soil and the area affected by acidity is increasing each year. Soil acidity factors adversely affect the survival, growth and production by increasing the availability of aluminum and manganese to toxin level, and by reducing the availability of phosphate. In order to realize the influence of acid soil on the growth of peanut [ Archis hypoga L.] and rice [Oryza sativa L.]. Soil sample were collected from two different place; Hualien and I-Lan which pH value are below 5.5. Samples of the soil, either mixed with two amendment materials containing PO4-2, Si, Ca and Mg (FMP); the other containing CaO and MgO (by-product of lime), or only chemical fertilize (check) and blank in pots (605x265x220 mm). From the results indicated that applying soil amendment “FMP” can elevated soil pH by an average of 1.3-1.5 and 1.1-1.3 for upland and paddy field, respectively. Lime soil can elevated soil pH by an average of -1.3 for both peanut and rice after harvest in whole experiment crop season. Soil available phosphate content increased 5-20 ppm and available calcium in soil increased slightly than control. Miner element such as magnesium and iron content in soil decreased slightly, while the toxin element copper and manganese decreased significantly than check. Plant growth in acid soil (check) exhibited poor characteristics, such as short plant height, less branch and pods per plant; small seed size and full-kernel percentage decreased significantly, same results showed for rice, especially root length was inhibited. The highest yield loss in acid soil (check) were 23% and 20% for peanut and rice, respectively due to lower nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content in plants. At flowering (peanut) or heading ( rice) stage, the root activity was significant lower than the soil amendment “FMP” treatment in pots. In field test of peanut, 7 days after side dressing (FMP), then measured root activity showed that significantly higher than the blank. Peanut and rice in grown acid soil, from the soil sample and plant tissue analysis indicated that available phosphorus deficiency seems that was the main factor influence leaf chlorophyll content, so that the chlorophyll a/b ratio increased to influence the photosynthesis. From the analysis of changes in chlorophyll fluorescence emission results indicated that the paramaters Fv/Fm (the efficiency of excitation capture by open PSII reaction centers), Fsm (the maximal fluorescence in the steady-state lighr-adapted condition) and Yield (energy conversion) are lower than that soil amendment treatment. The results indicated soil amendment in acid soil was indeed very efficient to improve soil characteristics and plant photosynthesis ability on peanut and rice when they grew in acid soil.封面 表目錄 圖目錄 縮寫表 中文摘要 第一章緒論 第二章酸性土壤施用改良劑後其理化性之變化 前人研究 材料與方法 結果 討論 結論 第三章酸性土壤經施用土壤改良劑後對落花生及水稻生育之影響 前人研究 材料與方法 結果 討論 結論 第四章酸性土壤經施用土壤改良劑後對落花生及水稻植體氮磷鉀含量之影響 前人研究 材料與方法 結果 討論 結論 第五章酸性土壤經施用土壤改良劑後對落花生及水稻根的活性與葉片葉綠素螢光反應之影響 前人研究 材料與方法 結果 討論 結論 總結 英文摘要 參考文

    Effect of source-sink manipulation on seed filling period and filling rate in soybeen [ glycine max (L.) merr. ]

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    大豆〔Glycine max(L﹒)Merr〕之子粒充實期已被證實為受遺傳因子控制之生理性 狀間,品種間差異,且與產量呈正相關,而子粒充實速率同為決定產量之另一種要因 子。Egli氏等(1978)指出子粒充實速率除受子葉細胞數目多寡之影響外,亦受 種子大小之左右。因此子葉細胞數較多或子粒較大之品種,常具有較快之充實速率。 根據此一說法,似乎顯示大豆種子充實速率與始源強度(Source Strength )無關, 而由積儲(Sink Strength )之論點,又似乎與多位學者強調「延緩大豆葉片之老化 」可能對產量有所助益之說法有些矛盾之處。本研究之目的,即在透過始源與積儲強 度之改變,藉以求證大豆種子充實速率,究竟是受制於始源亦或之積儲,而始源積儲 間之改變,是否同樣影響到種子充實期之長短明這些資料之收集,實有助於吾人對大 豆種子發育之瞭解。 本研究供試品種為十石及花蓮一號,分別於花蓮區農業改良場(1987年夏至19 88年夏)及中興大學農場(1988年夏)進行,當大豆生育至R3 ∼R4 期,至 田間進行摘葉及摘莢處理,花蓮試區謹將第四及七節位(自頂端算起)中間葉摘除, 該節位之莢亦摘除約1∕3,中興大學試區則將所有節位之中間葉片及1∕3莢摘除 ,並標定供取樣。調查項目包括子粒充實期,充實速率。另外子粒充實期間調查葉面 積,生長速率,葉綠素含量,比葉重,光合作用(並計算氣孔及葉肉阻力),葉片、 葉柄、莢壁及子粒在充實期間澱粉等含量之變化。其結果如下: (一)春作之子粒充實期較長,夏作子粒充實速率較快。(二)花蓮一號在春作充實 期較長,且因子粒較大,故充實速率亦較快,至R6 ∼R7 期仍可維持較高速率,因 此顯示高產。(三)摘葉及摘莢處理對有效充實期影響不大,分別較對照縮短2天及 延後1天。(四)摘萊處理可使子粒乾物累積速率增加,而種皮單位表面積乾物累積 速率則稍增。(五)其他性狀如百粒重,以摘莢處理最重,葉綠素含量比葉重在子粒 充實期亦以摘葉處理下降較慢。(六)澱粒含量之化變,一般自R5 ∼R6 期開始下 降,其中葉片之澱粉含量在R6 以花蓮一號摘莢處理下節位含量較高,至R8 則以摘 葉下節位葉片含量較高,十石亦略同。葉柄及莢壁澱粉含量亦以摘莢處理較高,至R 8 期時,葉柄則以摘莢及對照二處理含量較高,莢壁澱粉含量處理間差異不大。子粒 中澱粉含量,二品種均以摘莢處理含量最高,至R8 期含量降至約50㎎∕g ,且處 理間差異不大。(七)光合作用在子粒充實期以十石之摘莢處理較高。(八)大豆子 粒有效充實期不因始源或積儲改變而有差異,但摘莢處理可使百粒重增加,子粒乾物 累積速率亦增加,顯示子粒充實期,若能使始源強度增加,將可使子粒充實速率增加 ,或可提高大豆產量

    The Improvement of Cultural Practice for Sweet Potato production

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    影響甘藷產量及品質的因子,可分為人為和自然因子兩類,人為因子為品種、栽培技術及輪作制度。自然因子為氣候、土壤生產力和肥力等。選用適地適作已經推廣栽培的優良品種,並針對該優良品種的特性,配合適當的栽培管理方法,如採用優良藷苗、適當插植時期和方法、合理的種植密度、適量適時的施肥、適度適時的灌溉,適時防治病蟲害及適時培土等,這些都是提高甘藷質和量生產的重要條件。目前由於農村耕作勞力的不足,運用現有可行的適當農機具,使生產過程中重要的栽培作業,達到機械化,也是增加生產利益的重要工作,在計畫生產時,必須注意不同季節和不同用途之產品市場的需求情形,做好產期調節,才能達成生產的好處。甘藷有良好的營養價值,然而如何使其生產和利用相互結合,是應加以重視的問題。 Factors affecting the yield and quality of sweet potato can be classified into two groups; those factors originated from the nature include climate, soil productivety and fertility, and the prevalence of insects and diseases. Impacts from the human beings include varietal performance, cultural practices, and other measures such as capital investment and consumers¡¦ preference. The enhancement in yield and quality of any crop can be achieved by developing varieties capable of matching the environmental conditions under appropriate cultural practices. For sweet potato, major concerns related to cultural practices include the selection of high quality vine cuttings and the optimum decision in planting time, planting method, planting density, fertilization, irrigation, soil banking, and insect and disease management. Due to the shortage of farm labor, the development of mechanization, especially for planting and harvesting, is also essential to the successful production of sweet potato. In order to increase farmers’ profit, the adjustment of harvest time to meet market demand should be considered. Sweet potato is a better diet as compared to rice in terms of its higher nutritional value and dietary fiber content and lower calorie content. Studies are needed to expand its utilization and to develop modern processing techniques in order to facilitate the production of this important food crop

    Literaturverzeichnis und Anhang

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    Frequency of Detection of Free Cancer Cells at Intestinal Surgical Margins in Colon Cancer

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