1 research outputs found

    Optimization of Local Government Network Public Opinion Management Countermeasures ——An Empirical Analysis Based on Longyan

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    近年来,我国互联网发展迅速。截止2015年12月底,我国网民数达6.88亿,互联网普及率为50.3%。由于网络的便捷性、匿名性等特点,使得越来越多的人们通过网络参与社会活动,进行利益诉求。网络舆情已成为地方政府了解社情民意的重要渠道,成为社会舆情的晴雨表。如何有效进行网络舆情管理,已成为各级政府面临重要课题。 随着网民数量增多、网络信息膨胀,仅依靠政府单方面对网络舆情管理,显然已经不能适应新时代要求。本文以治理理论为视角,结合龙岩市网络舆情管理经验,通过应对连城7.22暴雨事件网络舆情,得出网络舆情有效管理,不仅需要政府部门,同样还要网络舆情所涉及的网民、网络媒体、行业协会等各个主体积极参与...In recent years, China's rapid development of the internet. As of the end of 2015 by the end of 12, the number of Internet users in China reached Six hundred and eighty-eight million, the Internet penetration rate of 50.3%. Because of the convenience and anonymity of the Internet, more and more people participate in social activities through the network. Network public opinion has become an import...学位:公共管理硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_公共管理硕士学号:1392012115042