79 research outputs found
Design and Implementation of Student Archives Management System Based on J2EE
学生档案是一个教育单位不可缺少的部分,它的内容对于学校的决策者和管理者来说都至关重要。传统档案管理与利用方式由于时间上和地域上的局限性影响了档案信息向社会提供利用的深度和广度。随着当前档案信息在社会生活中发挥的作用越来越大、使用的频率越来越高,广大档案的使用者迫切希望有更快捷、更方便的档案利用方法。而档案管理者也需要有更高效、更安全的手段管理档案信息,以应付不断增加的档案信息量。 基于上述背景,本文结合新时期学生档案管理工作的需要,遵循软件工程的开发规律,设计和实现了一套基于J2EE平台的学生档案管理系统。 论文的主要工作包括: 1、在系统需求分析部分,通过对档案管理业务流程的分析与梳理...Student archives are the indespensable parts in the edueational ogrnaization, and thay are very important for the decision-maker and supervisor in a college. The traditional archive management and utilization has an effect on the deepness and extent of usage because of the temporal and regional localization. Nowdays, along with the increasing effects of archives, a more convient student archive ma...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X200823023
Study on Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution of Wuchuan Catchment in Upstream Jiulong River
九龙江是龙岩、漳州和厦门三市的饮用水源,同时该流域又是近海流域。目前流域的农业非点源污染已经比较突出,因此,对九龙江流域农业非点源污染的研究,具有重要的现实意义和理论价值。 在九龙江上游遴选一个典型农业流域——五川流域,通过广泛的实地调查获得了流域大量的基础数据,并通过2002年全年降雨事件降雨径流、水质测定以及大田不同土地利用类型下的浅层地下水质的测定等工作,本论文取得了以下成果: 第一、对九龙江上游五川流域的氮磷地表径流流失规律及特征进行了探讨,揭示了7~9月总氮、总磷和泥沙量分别占全年总流失量的95%、87%和93%以上;氮一般以可溶性氮形式流失;磷则以颗粒态形式流失等规律和特点。 ...Jiulong River is an important drinking water source for the cities of Longyan, Zhangzhou and Xiamen. At the same time, this basin is also a coastal one. At present, non-point source pollution, especially agricultural non-point source pollution in the upstream has been particularly significant,so study on non-point source pollutant losses from agricultural catchment in Jiulong River basin have impo...学位:工学博士院系专业:海洋与环境学院环境科学研究中心_环境科学学号:B20003400
Preliminary estimate for the contaminations fluxes from Jiulong River to the sea
河流污染物入海通量的研究是研究海水污染的内容之一。本文对目前常用的河流污染物通量估算方法进行了分析,根据九龙江的水文水质监测数据,选择高锰酸钾指数与NH3-N作为代表性水质监测项目,利用各种估算公式进行污染物入海通量估算,对估算结果进行比较发现部分公式适用性较好。估算结果表明,2003年九龙江污染物入海通量CODMn大约为21 000 t/a,NH3-N大约为2 500 t/a。根据与其他研究结果的对比,探讨了河流污染物入海通量估算的特点,对不足之处作了说明。
【英文摘要】 Study of the contaminations fluxes from river to the sea is part of the research of marine pollution.The popular calculation formulas of contaminations fluxes in river were analyzed.According to the flow and water quality monitoring data in Jiulong River,COD_(Mn) and NH_3N fluxes were calculated by the different formulas.The calculation results show that some formulas are effective.In 2003,the COD_(Mn) fluxes from Jiulong river to the sea was about 21 000 t/a,and the NH_3-N fluxes was about 2 500 t/a.Compar...福建省青年科技人才创新项目(2005J065
Preliminary biogeochemical budget in Jiulong River Estuary
按照LOICZ的模拟指南 ,九龙江河口区采用单箱模型模拟其生物地球化学元素的通量。结果表明 ,九龙江河流输入进河口系统的DIP通量为 2 .81× 10 7mol/a ,交换流带入河口区DIP通量为 10 .93× 10 7mol/a ,因此 ,净沉淀量为 8.0 5× 10 7mol/a。九龙江河流输送进河口系统的DIN通量为 73.47× 10 8mol/a ,它远高于DIP的通量。因此 ,此河口区系统内部有 7.6 6× 10 8mol/a的差额才能达到平衡。The LOICZ biogeochemical element budget model was tested in Jiulong River Estuary, the result indicated that riverine input ot DIP is 2.81×10 7mol/a, and the DIP of 10.93×10 7mol/a of mixing flow is significantly larger than to DIP from river and residence flow, so the net internal sink of DIP totals 8.05×10 7mol/a across the system. The DIN input from river is 73.47×10 8mol/a which is much larger than the DIP from residence flow and mixing flow. The internal sink of △DIN, is 7.66×10 8mol/a in order to balance the river input.国家教育部博士点专项基金资助项目 (19990 38411
Linking Watershed Nutrient Loads and Riverine Export to Reservoir Eutrophication:The Case of Shanzai Reservoir, Fujian Province
建立流域氮磷输出、河流输送与入库通量的分析方法,以福建省山仔水库为例,基于gIS技术分析乡镇、子流域的氮磷污染分布和来源构成,识别关键源区并探讨库区水质与流域污染输出和河流输送之间的关联性。结果表明,2009年山仔流域单位面积总氮输出负荷为13.4 kg n·HM-2·A-1(生活污水和化肥流失占64%),总磷输出负荷为0.82 kg P·HM-2·A-1(畜禽养殖和生活污水占90%),入库氮、磷负荷分别为3248 T n·A-1和192 T P·A-1,其中河流输入占62%和89%,环库区面源污染贡献小于2%;不同乡镇单位面积氮输出负荷为3.54~20.0 kg n·HM-2,磷输出负荷为0.38~2.50 kg P·HM-2,其中日溪乡和霍口乡临近库区,化肥流失与畜禽养殖污染最重。上游乡镇污染较轻,但生活污水比重大(42%~84%)。皇帝洞溪子流域污染最重(19.4 kg n·HM-2;1.95 kg P·HM-2),其次是霍口溪中下游和日溪子流域。库区总氮高值出现在坝区和日溪湾汊,总磷高值在小沧至霍口溪七里入口之间,水质有明显分区,与流域污染分布、河流输送和库区沉积物的释放相关联,河流输入对库区富营养化起决定性作用。流域氮磷输出负荷比值平均为16,库区水中氮磷比值在15~20之间,意味着该生态系统处于磷的弱限制,水华爆发风险较大,建议采取“分区整治流域污染、氮磷联合削减、畜禽养殖和磷肥流失优先控制“的富营养化防控策略。A quantitative analysis of watershed nitrogen(N)and phosphorus(P)loads,riverine export and other inputs to reservoir was conducted for Shanzai reservoir in Fujian Province.Spatial variation of N and P pollution and major components were interpreted at town and sub-watershed scale using GIS techniques,and the critical source area(CSA)was indentified.The linkage between reservoir water quality and watershed nutrients loading and riverine export fluxes was examined.Results revealed that total N and P loads per unit area of the Shan zai watershed were 13.4 kg N·hm-2·a-1and 0.82 kg P·hm-2·a-1,respectively.Domestic sewage and fertilizer runoff accounted for 64% of total N load,and livestock waste and domestic sewage shared 90% of total P load.Total N and P loads to the Shanzai reservoir were 3248 t N·a-1 and 192 t P·a-1,62% and 89% of which were through riverine transport and the remainder mostly from sediment release.Less than 2% of in puts were from non-point sources in the surrounding area.Town-level N and P loads per unit area ranged from 3.54~20.0 kg N·hm-2and 0.38~2.50 kg P·hm-2,respectively.Two towns(Rixi and Huokou) adjacent to the reservoir were identified as CSA of fertilizer runoff and livestock waste,while human sewage dominated the nutrient load(42%~84% of total)in other towns in the upstream area.Huangdidong subwatershed was the most polluted catchment(19.4 kg N·hm-2;1.95 kg P·hm-2),followed by the lower reaches of Huokou River and Rixi subwatershed.The high value of total N concentration was observed near the dam head and Rixi inlet,whereas high total P concentration was found in channel from Huokuo inlet to Xiaocang.The spatial variation of the nutrients level in the reservoir was highly associated with watershed nutrient loads,riverine export and sediment-water exchange,indicating that riverine input is the decisive factor contributing to eutrophication of the reservoir.The average N∶P ratio of the nutrient load was calculated as 16 for the whole watershed,which combined with the TN∶ TP ratio of 15~20 observed in reservoir surface water suggested that the reservoir ecosystem was weakly limited by P and tended to stimulate algal bloom.To mitigate eutrophication,reduction of both N and P pollution should be considered in those CSAs,with a priority given to P pollution from livestock and phosphate fertilizer loss.公益类科研院所专项(2011R1004-2); 中央高校基本科研业务费专项(厦门大学基础创新科研基金项目)(2012121053
Testing AGNPS for water quality modeling in agricultural catchment in southeast of China
利用地理信息系统 (GIS) ,基于数字高程模型 (DEM) ,提取AGNPS(AAgriculturalNon PointSourceModel)模型所需的水文和地形参数 ,并通过实地调查及专题制图等手段获取AGNPS模型所需的土地利用、土壤质地及施肥水平等其它参数 ,最后利用监测降水 ,实测水文参数、营养盐及沉积物负荷等验证AGNPS模型在我国东南亚热带地区的应用 .It is feasible to evaluate the Non-point Source pollution such as sediments, agricultural chemicals using water quality model in the basin scale. AGNPS (Agricultural Non Point Source), an event driven, distributed parameter model, which is developed and validated primarily in the United States, was employed in the landscape of Jiulong River watershed. The hydrologic and topographic parameters of AGNPS model were extracted based on DEM (Digital Elevation Model) built in GIS (Geographic Information System). The erosion and nutrients transport modules of AGNPS were tested and validated in Jiulong River watershed based on measurements and other data during the main crop growing season.教育部博士点基金 (19990 38411) ;; 福建省自然科学基金 (D0 110 0 0 3
Study on Water Environmental Capacity of Reservoired River in Jiulong River Basin
针对九龙江流域湖库化问题,确定湖库化河段判定标准,提出综合电站的概念,基于大量的实测数据进行水质模型的降解系数值k参数率定,以此为基础,提出湖库化河段水环境容量计算方法,对九龙江流域湖库化后的水环境容量核算开展研究,确定了流域河流湖库化对水环境容量计算的影响,湖库化河段的水环境容量,为流域的水环境容量总量控制和管理、决策提供科学的依据.According to the problem of reservoired in Jiulong River basin,the judgment standard of reservoired river was determined,and the concept of integrate hydropower station was presented.Then,the parameter value of degradation coefficient K was calibrated with water quality model based on a large number of measured data of water quality.On this basis,calculation method of water environmental capacity for reservoired river was proposed.Finally,research was carried on water environmental capacity accounting of reservoired river in Jiulong River basin.The results show the effect of reservoired on water environmental capacity calculation,and the water environmental capacity of reservoired river,which provided scientific basis for the total emission control,management and decision-making of water environmental capacity in Jiulong River basin.福建省环保资助项目(ZLT0903); 福建省科技重大专项(2013YZ001-1
Separation and identification of auraptene from grapefruit peel oil
橙油素是广泛存在于柑橘类果实中的天然抗癌活性成分。选用SP70大孔吸附树脂分离纯化葡萄柚精油中的橙油素,该树脂对于橙油素的吸附容量和解吸率分别达到14.53 Mg/g和83.32%,并成功地从树脂床层的洗脱液中结晶分离出橙油素晶体。对所得晶体分别采用差示扫描量热仪(dSC)、紫外吸收光谱(uV)、红外吸收光谱(Ir)、电喷雾质谱(ESI-MS)进行定性分析,分析结果与橙油素标准品相符合。进一步采用高效液相色谱(HPlC)对所得晶体进行定量分析,结果表明所得晶体中橙油素的质量分数可达85%。Auraptene exists widely in the peels and juice sacs of citrus species and is reported to be an effective inhibitor of chemical carcinogenesis in some rodent models.The separation and purification of auraptene from the grapefruit peel oil was performed by SP70 macroporous resin adsorption.The amount adsorbed and the recovery of auraptene were 14.53 mg/g and 83.32% respectively.Auraptene was crystallized out from the concentrated eluate of macroporous resin bed successfully.Differential scanning calorimetric(DSC),ultraviolet spectrum(UV),infrared spectroscopy(IR) and electrospray ionization mass spectroscopy(ESI-MS) were all used to analyze the obtained crystals qualitatively.The analytical results are in accordance with that of auraptene standard.Furthermore,high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) was utilized to quantify auraptene of the crystals obtained.The mass fraction of auraptene in the obtained crystals can reach 85%.福建省新世纪人才支持项目(0000-X04157
A Study on the mechanisms of eutrophication of a shallow upstream lake in the Jiulong River Catchment
基于对九龙江上游龙潭湖富营养化水体和沉积物现状的监测结果,通过与国内富营养化深水湖库和流域下游大型富营养化浅水湖泊进行对比,深入探讨了流域上游浅水湖泊富营养化发生的原因及主导机制.流域上游浅水湖泊具有外源污染物输入较少的特点,较下游大型浅水湖泊更易受温度等气候条件和沉积物氧化还原状态的影响,以及外源输入总磷控制具有较强的滞后效应,因此对流域上游浅水湖泊富营养化的控制必须重视内源营养盐释放,特别是结合态磷的内源释放问题.Based on site monitoring chemical data of lake water and sediments during an algal bloom in the Longtan Lake,causes and mechanisms of eutrophication in shallow upstream lakes were discussed by comparing the Longtan Lake in upstream of the Jiulong River with deep eutrophic lakes and large shallow downstream eutrophic lakes in China.The shallow upstream lake is characterized as relatively simple nutrient inputs and high susceptivity to climatic variability(such as temperature),redox conditions,and strong lag effects of the external total phosphorus inputs.Therefore,attention must be paid to the sediments nutrient releases,especially,the bound phosphorus of sediments when remediating eutrophication in shallow upstream lakes.国家自然科学基金资助项目(41175130);教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计
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