9 research outputs found


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    针对使用广泛的500 kV架空输电线路,分别研究了在轻、中、重冰区,由断线及不均匀覆冰引起的导线张力对输电杆塔安全性和经济性的影响。研究表明:导线张力增加0~20%,若保持杆塔杆件规格不变,悬垂塔的超限杆件比例为0~51%,耐张塔的超限杆件比例为0~4%;若增大杆塔杆件规格以保证安全,悬垂塔的塔重增加0~28%,耐张塔的塔重增加0~5%;覆冰越厚,由断线引起的导线张力对杆塔影响越小,由不均匀覆冰引起的导线张力对杆塔影响越大;导线张力主要影响悬垂塔横担上、下平面交叉材、塔身主斜材等杆塔杆件。因此,对重要输电线路和输电线路重要区段,推荐重点加强悬垂塔的防串倒及抗冰能力。研究结论对工程实践具有一定的指导意义


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    Room-temperature quantum interference in single perovskite quantum dot junctions

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    钙钛矿材料由于其高量子产率、载流子迁移率和独特的光致发光特性而在光电材料领域存在诸多潜在的重要应用。研究钙钛矿材料在纳米尺度下电荷输运的独特尺寸效应对钙钛矿光电器件的设计和开发具有重要的指导意义。洪文晶教授课题组基于机械可控裂结技术自主研发了具有皮米级位移调控灵敏度和飞安级电学测量精度的精密科学仪器,对南开大学李跃龙副教授团队合成的钙钛矿量子点进行了深入表征,研究工作成功将量子干涉的研究体系拓展至在光电领域具有重要应用的钙钛矿材料领域,为未来制备基于量子干涉效应的新型钙钛矿器件提供了一种全新的思路。 这一跨学科国际合作研究工作是在化学化工学院洪文晶教授、英国Lancaster 大学物理系Colin J. Lambert教授以及南开大学电子信息与光电工程学院李跃龙副教授的共同指导下完成的。化工系硕士研究生郑海宁、Lancaster University大学Songjun Hou博士、南开大学硕士研究生辛晨光为论文第一作者。博士后林禄春,博士研究生谭志冰、郑珏婷,硕士研究生蒋枫、张珑漪,本科生何文翔、李庆民等参与了论文的研究工作。刘俊扬特任副研究员、师佳副教授和萨本栋微纳米研究院杨扬副教授也参与了部分指导工作。The studies of quantum interference effects through bulk perovskite materials at the Ångstrom scale still remain as a major challenge. Herein, we provide the observation of roomtemperature quantum interference effects in metal halide perovskite quantum dots (QDs) using the mechanically controllable break junction technique. Single-QD conductance measurements reveal that there are multiple conductance peaks for the CH3NH3PbBr3 and CH3NH3PbBr2.15Cl0.85 QDs, whose displacement distributions match the lattice constant of QDs, suggesting that the gold electrodes slide through different lattice sites of the QD via Auhalogen coupling. We also observe a distinct conductance ‘jump’ at the end of the sliding process, which is further evidence that quantum interference effects dominate charge transport in these single-QD junctions. This conductance ‘jump’ is also confirmed by our theoretical calculations utilizing density functional theory combined with quantum transport theory. Our measurements and theory create a pathway to exploit quantum interference effects in quantum-controlled perovskite materials.This work was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (2017YFA0204902, 2014DFE60170, 2018YFB1500105), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 21673195, 21503179, 21490573, 61674084, 61874167), the Open Fund of the Key Laboratory of Optical Information Science & Technology (Nankai University) of China, the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China (63181321, 63191414, 96173224), and the 111 Project (B16027), the Tianjin Natural Science Foundation (17JCYBJC41400), FET Open project 767187—QuIET, the EU project BAC-TO-FUEL and the UK EPSRC projects EP/N017188/1, EP/M014452/1. 该工作得到国家重点研发计划课题(2017YFA0204902)、国家自然科学基金(21673195、21503179、21490573)、厦门大学“人工智能分析引擎”双一流重大专项等项目的资助,也得到了固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室、能源材料化学协同创新中心的支持


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    未成熟与成熟大豆油的成分及低温结晶特性分析Analysis of oil component and low temperature crystallization characteristics of immature and mature soybean

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    为研究大豆原料对油脂品质的影响,选取同一批次的未成熟与成熟大豆为原料,采用索氏抽提法提取大豆油,分析未成熟与成熟大豆油在理化指标、甘油酯及脂肪酸组成、微量组分组成及含量、低温结晶特性等方面的差异。结果表明:未成熟大豆油的酸值、过氧化值、茴香胺值、全氧化值、共轭二烯值均显著高于成熟大豆油的;与成熟大豆油相比,未成熟大豆油中二饱和一不饱和脂肪酸甘三酯含量升高了22%,其甘三酯、甘一酯、1,2-甘二酯、1,3-甘二酯的饱和脂肪酸含量增加了12%左右,并且其甘二酯含量是成熟大豆油的1.4倍;未成熟大豆油中磷脂酸含量是成熟大豆油的3.2倍,总生育酚、总甾醇含量比成熟大豆油分别降低了8.2%、13.0%,叶绿素含量是成熟大豆油的206.3倍;未成熟大豆油比成熟大豆油更容易结晶,在0 ℃时出现浑浊的时间更早,在-20、-15 ℃ 时的固体脂肪含量更高,并且其微晶形成及固态转变的温度更高,这可能与其含有较多的饱和脂肪酸、高熔点甘三酯及甘二酯有关。因此,在实际生产中应尽量减少未成熟大豆原料的占比,以提高成品油的品质。 In order to study the effects of soybean raw materials on oil quality, Soxhlet extraction method was used to extract oil from immature and mature soybean in the same batch, and the differences in physicochemical indexes, glyceride and fatty acid composition, trace components composition and contents,and low temperature crystallization characteristics of immature and mature soybean oil were analyzed. The results showed that the acid value, peroxide value, anisidine value, total oxidation value and conjugated diene value of immature soybean oil were significantly higher than those of mature soybean oil. Compared with mature soybean oil, the contents of disaturated monounsaturated fatty acid triglyceride in immature soybean oil increased by 22%, the contents of saturated fatty acids of triglyceride, monoglyceride, 1,2-diacylglycerol, 1,3-diacylglycerol in immature soybean oil increased by about 12%, and the content of diacylglycerol was 1.4 times of that in mature soybean oil. The content of phospholipid acid in immature soybean oil was 3.2 times of that in mature soybean oil, the contents of total tocopherol and total sterol decreased by 8.2% and 13.0% respectively, and the chlorophyll content was 206.3 times of that in mature soybean oil.In addition, immature soybean oil crystallized more easily than mature soybean oil, the turbidity time was earlier at 0 ℃, the solid fat content was larger at -20 ℃ and -15 ℃, and the temperature of microcrystalline formation and solid phase transition was higher, which might be related to the higher contents of saturated fatty acids, high melting point triglyceride and diacylglycerol.In actual production, the proportion of immature soybean in raw materials should be minimized to improve the quality of the finished oil

    A case-control study of risk factors for low birth weight infants in Xiamen City

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    目的探讨厦门市低出生体质量儿的发生及其危险因素,为预防和降低低出生体质量儿的发生提供科学依据。方法采用1∶3配对病例-对照方法,在厦门市属医疗机构收集86例低出生体质量儿及按匹配条件收集258例对照,利用条件lOgISTIC逐步回归模型分析其影响因素。结果母亲文化程度在大专及以上、家庭月人均收入≥4 000元、孕前1年至孕13周内补充叶酸、饮食清淡和产检次数≥5次是保护因素,而妊娠期高血压疾病、孕期服用抗生素、孕周4 000 yuan,intake of folic acid a year before pregnancy to the first three months of pregnancy,balanced diet,and more than 5times of antenatal examinations.The risk factors of LBW infants included hypertensive disorder complicated with pregnancy,intake of antibiotics,gestational age less than 37 weeks,increase in amplitude of gestational BMI<5,father was worker or technician,and eating raw garlic more than 2times per week.Conclusion The above causes may contribute to low birth weight infants in Xiamen City and appropriate preventive measures should be taken to reduce the incidence.福建省科技厅自然科学基金面上项目(No.2012D046); 厦门市科技局科技计划项目(No.3502Z20124057); 湖里区科技局(No.12社09


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    一、项目简要说明 该成果是新疆申报世界自然遗产研究的总结。本成果全面审视筛选了新疆世界自然遗产潜力区,分析了遗产潜力区的资源类型和空间格局,明确了遗产潜力区申报世界自然遗产的组合方式和优先次序,提出了新疆申报世界自然遗产战略,确定了新疆天山优先申报策略。针对新疆天山提名遗产地,全面调查了提名片区的动植物物种、植被类型以及具有美学价值的自然景观资源;全面系统研究了新疆天山自然遗产科学价值体系,揭示了新疆天山全球突出普遍价值,并通过全球对比,提出了符合世界遗产的标准;建立了基于“3S”技术的自然遗产边界完整性划分技术。通过对新疆天山遗产价值体系的全面研究,构建了遗产安全评估指标体系,确定..