2 research outputs found

    The Transformation of the Overseas Chinese Farms in Fujian: A Case Study of Shuangyang Overseas Chinese Farm in Quanzhou

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    二十世纪中后期,为了安置东南亚大规模排华产生的大批归难侨,我国在广东、广西、福建、云南等省份设置了大量的华侨农场。在当时特殊的背景下,这种以农场方式集中安置模式既保证了安置大量归难侨任务快速有效的完成,又是对东南亚各国排华的有力打击,还显示了我国对海外归侨的关心和爱护。但是,改革开放以后我国由计划经济向市场经济转变的过程中,集中安置模式间接造成的归难侨与本地社会化脱节问题和华侨农场自身存在的问题渐渐暴露出来,使得农场的发展缓慢,广大归难侨处于较低的生活水平。华侨农场的困境不仅制约其自身的发展,也制约当地社会的经济发展。 福建是全国著名的侨乡,也是中国华侨农场最集中、安置归难侨最多的省份之一。...During the mid and late twentieth century, China’s government established many farms for overseas Chinese refugee returnees who went back to homeland due to excluding Chinese tide in Southeast Asia and helped them settled down. Under the particular background, not only did the collectively resettling farm model ensure timely and effective arrangements for massive returnees, but also strongly respo...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:南洋研究院_专门史学号:2005130261