1,698 research outputs found

    The preparation、assembly and application of micro-nanopiezoelectric fibers

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    本论文采用溶液纺丝法、高压静电纺丝法制备了多尺度微纳米压电纤维材料,并将其应用于压电能量收集器件的制备,论文示范和讨论了基于压电纤维的能量收集器件的性能和工作机理。 论文采用静电纺丝技术制备了Pb(Zr,Ti)O3和(Na,K)0.5Bi0.5TiO3纳米纤维,并通过接收装置的设计实现了纤维定向排列。研究讨论了纺丝过程中聚合物黏度、纺丝电压、固化距离、前驱体溶液供给率和空气湿度等对静电纺丝制备得到的纤维形貌的影响,确定了最优的静电纺丝工艺参数。 论文通过研究水热反应等离子交换制备得到取向的BaTiO3(BT)纳米线,用纺丝成型技术制备得到了BT/PVC复合纤维,在纺丝过程中,剪切应力的作用...In this thesis, the multi-scale micro-nano piezoelectric fiber materials were prepared by solution spinning or electrospinning technique, which were then applied to piezoelectric energy harvesting device. Based on piezoelectric fibers, the performance and working principle of the piezoelectric energy harvesting devices were discussed subsequently. PZT and NKBT nanofiber...学位:工学硕士院系专业:材料学院_材料学学号:2072012115004

    Improvement on some numerical solutions of Saddle Point Problems

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    设m,n是两个给定的正整数,考虑下面的线性方程组: Ax≡[−A,B;B*,0][y;z]=[−f;g];(1) 其中A∈Cm×m为非奇异矩阵,B∈Cm×n是一个长方形矩阵(m≥n),f∈Cm;g∈Cn是两个给定的向量,B*是B的共轭转置矩阵.解这个类型的方程组的问题称作鞍点问题,而当矩阵B为列满秩,即rankB=n时,称此问题为非奇异鞍点问题;rankBLet m; n be two given positive integers. Consider the following class of linear equation: Ax ≡ [−A ,B ;B*, 0] [y ;z] = [− f;g] ; (1) where A ∈ Cm×m is a nonsingular matrix, B ∈ Cm×n is a rectangular matrix ((m ≥ n)),and f ∈ Cm; g ∈ Cn are two given vectors, B* is the conjugate transpose of B.Systems of linear equations with the form (1) are called saddle point problems. If B is a mat...学位:理学硕士院系专业:数学科学学院_计算数学学号:1902014115261

    Research on the Investment Preference and Change in A-share Market of China’s Insurance Capital

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    从2005年至2015年十年间,我国民众的保险需求以及社会资本对保险行业的投资热情得到了非常显著的提升,承保业务的蓬勃发展拉动了保险公司在投资业务方面的巨大需求。在目前保险公司投资渠道有限,国内债券市场缺乏长久期债券品种的环境下,保险资金对股票市场的投资正显示出越来越大的投资热情,其中,成立时间较短的中小保险公司为此贡献了重要力量。然而近年来保险公司举牌上市公司风波频现,以及万能险乱象引发了市场对保险公司“稳健经营稳健投资”的质疑。保险产品的保障属性变淡,产品高收益背后是不断加大的高投资风险,“保险姓保”问题开始受到监管层的关注。 然而,保险资金整体作为“机构投资者”中的一类,在实际股票投资...From 2005 to 2015, people’s demand of insurance and the passion of social capital in insurance have increased enormously. And the rapid development of underwriting business has also produce huge demand of investment of insurance company. Because of the lack of investment tools and long duration bonds, the insurance capital has shown great passion in stock market. And small and medium-sized insuran...学位:保险硕士院系专业:经济学院_保险硕士学号:1562014115211

    Effect and mechanism of ZaoZhuYinchenhao Decoction against Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in rats based on the Endogenous Cannabinoid system

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    摘要 目的: 1.观察皂术茵陈方改善大鼠非酒精性脂肪性肝炎的效果; 2.从内源性大麻素系统探讨皂术茵陈方抗非酒精性脂肪性肝炎的作用机制。 方法: 实验分两部分进行。 1.皂术茵陈方改善大鼠非酒精性脂肪性肝炎的药效学实验:将40只雄性Wistar大鼠按照随机数字表法随机分成正常组、模型组、皂术茵陈方组和盐酸吡格列酮组。除正常组外,其它各组大鼠给予高脂饮食喂养12周,从第7周开始,给予对应的药物持续灌胃6周。实验结束后处死大鼠,收集肝脏和血清标本,并记录相应数据(体重、肝湿重)。用相应的生化检测方法检测肝组织匀浆ALT、AST活性、TG、T-CHO、HDL、LDL、MDA、SOD含量。...Abstract Objective: 1.Observe the pharmacological effect of using ZaoZhuYinchenhao Decoction to treat rats with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis; 2. To investigate the mechanism of action using ZaoZhuYinchenhao Decoction to improve the rats with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis based on the Endogenous Cannabinoid system. Method: The experiment was divided into two parts. 1. Pharmacodynamics of...学位:医学硕士院系专业:医学院_中医内科学学号:2452014115358

    English-Chinese Translation of The Last Wolf and Its Analysis from the Perspective of Aesthetic of Reception

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    《最后一只狼》是英国当代著名儿童作家麦克•莫波格(MichaelMorpurgo)2002年出版的作品。该故事以成长为主题,弘扬了爱、和平、责任和对生命的尊重。故事讲述一个孤儿如何经历饥饿、贫穷、短暂的亲情以及战争之后,收养了苏格兰最后一只尚未被消灭的狼崽,并与之相依为命,后来航海到美国,获得了自由。 译者按照姚斯和伊瑟尔的“接受美学”理论的指导来翻译该作品。发展于20世纪中后期的“接受美学”理论,重点研究文学作品的读者接受过程,认为作品价值的实现有赖于读者的期待视野与文本融合。 该小说的目标读者是儿童,翻译该书时要考虑儿童的审美特点,以儿童为中心,从准确性、可读性和儿童文学性...The Last Wolf was written and published in 2002 by Michael Morpurgo, a famous contemporary British best-selling children’s author and Children’s Laureate. The story is about an orphan, who, after experiencing hunger, poverty, war and a short period of family warmth, encountered a wolf cub and sailed with him to America for freedom and prosperity. With the subject of growth, the story upholds love,...学位:文学硕士院系专业:外文学院_翻译硕士学号:1202014115271

    The Business Plan of Research and Development Project for Smart Home of JF Company

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    JF公司是一家从事整体智能家居销售、安装的初创公司。由于行业入门门槛降低导致行业竞争激烈,品牌质量参次不齐导致口碑损失,利润空间收缩导致盈利不足,JF公司为实现继续生存发展,依托原有的技术和渠道优势,向前延伸产业链,介入智能家居的研发和生产,开发自有品牌。为此,JF公司设立了JF品牌智能家居研发生产项目,着力打造具有自主知识产权、质量稳定、性价比高的智能家居产品。为此撰写本商业计划书,以谋求投资人对JF品牌智能家居研发生产项目的关注。为使投资人对本项目有一个基本了解,本商业计划书首先为JF公司智能家居研发生产项目确立整体发展战略。本文首先运用波特五力模型对智能家居行业的竞争态势进行分析,找出行...JF is a newly established company which works on the integrated smart home sell and installment. Because of the low rudimental standard, the fierce industry competition and the uneven quality of products in this industry, JF Company cannot sell profitably. JF Company made their survival through the advantages in original technology and channels, extending industrial chain and setting an own brand ...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792013115102


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    Principles for Formulating Prescriptions Based on Zang-Fu Organs,Origin and Superficiality,Deficiency and Excess,Cold and Heat Syndrome on guiding the clinical use of drugs on treatment of TCM liver diseases

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    《脏腑标本虚实寒热用药式》是张元素的代表作之一。张氏总结自己数十年的临床经验,阐述了以脏腑寒热虚实而言病机的学说,使得脏腑辨证说逐渐被后世医家所重视。该书中所记录的关于中医肝系疾病的处方用药方法简明扼要,既有对经典的继承也有个人的理论创新。把握五脏六腑生理,了解疾病病理发展,巧妙使用引经报使药物,从而达到提高药物疗效的目的,这一临床诊疗思路至今仍然具有指导作用。Principles for Formulating Prescriptions Based on Zang-Fu Organs,Origin and Superficiality,Deficiency and Excess,Cold and Heat Syndrome is one of ZHANG Yuansu's famous masterpieces.With decades of clinical experience,ZHANG Yuansu summarized his own pathogenesis theory corresponding to Zang-Fu organs,cold and heat syndrome,deficiency and excess syndrome.In his efforts,the theory of differentiation based on Zang-Fu organs was appreciated by doctors of later ages.Conciseness of the prescription and the medication rules on treatment of TCM liver diseases recorded in this book was the fruit of the combination of inheritance of the Classic and his own theoretical innovation.The clinical thought of diagnosis and treatment,including grasping physiological function of zang-fu organs,understanding progression of diseases,tactfully using medicines of guiding action and leading to improving the curative effects,is still of great clinical significance up to now.国家自然科学基金项目(No.81274155,No.81503529); 福建省自然科学基金项目(No.2014J01374); 厦门市科技计划资助项目(No.3502z20134020); 福建省高等教育新世纪优秀人才支持计划项

    Two Analysis Approaches of Addiction: Moral Model and Disease Model

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    The 20th century female writing in the light of the modern nation-state words

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    20世纪是中国寻求现代民族国家主体建构的一个时期。在这个过程中,中国从一个半殖民地半封建社会(前现代社会)走向了现代意义上的民族国家。借助拯救民族危亡和建构现代民族国家的时代主题,女性写作开始萌发、逐步发展,并且出现了其特有的特征。因此,在现代民族国家建立的过程中探索女性书写在不同时期的表征与流变是一个值得研究的课题。 本文共分为三个部分。绪论部分,将对几个概念进行界定:如“现代民族国家话语”、“女性书写”等,并且明确本文的研究出发点、研究主题、研究方法,说明本文将以性别研究为出发点,以20世纪各个时期的女性写作为研究对象,采取文化研究和文本分析相结合的方式,通过对文本、作家的具体阐释,展示...The 20th century was China seeks the modern nation-state main body construction a time. In this process, China (modern society) moved toward in the modern significance nation-state before a semicolonial and semifeudal society. With the aid of saves the nationality in peril and the construction modern nation-state time subject, the female writes starts to sprout, to develop gradually, and presented...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院中文系_中国现当代文学学号:1022006115007