2 research outputs found

    An image interpolation method based on ramp edge model

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    图像插值是数字图像处理中一项重要技术。传统插值算法模型简单,容易实现,它们原理基本相同,即需要找到与输出图像相对应的输入图像点,然后再通过计算该点附近某一像素集合的加权平均值来指定输出像素的灰度值,其他像素点都不考虑;他们之间的区别主要在于点周围像素序列的取法不同。传统插值算法已能达到较好的视觉效果,但是由于它们不能很好地处理图像中剧烈跳变的局部特征,如:边缘、纹理等细节,导致放大图像的边缘细节模糊。当人们看待一幅重构图像时,对图像质量的主观评价主要受边缘质量的影响,所以有效地保留包含着几何正则性的边缘非常重要。于是越来越多的研究人员提出新的插值方法以较好的保持图像边缘。本文对目前流行的各种方...Image interpolation is an important technology in digital image processing. Traditional interpolation algorithm is simple and easily realizable. They had the same basic principal, that’s to find an input pixel, weight another pixel nearby, then output the gray-value ,takeing no account of the others . The difference is the way of getting the pixels around. Traditional interpolation algorithm obtai...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院通信工程系_信号与信息处理学号:2332006115263

    New Image Interpolation Method Based on Ramp Edge Model

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    基于斜坡边缘模型的经典插值方法把所有边缘归为强边缘,导致弱边缘过分增强而失真。针对该问题提出基于斜坡边缘模型的图像插值新方法(nIIbrEd),对强弱边缘采用不同方法,考虑边缘宽度随图像放大而增大的情况,对放大图像进行修复。实验结果证明,nIIbrEd使放大图像的边缘更自然且清晰,取得了更好的纹理效果。Classical interpolation method based on ramp edge model considers all the edges as strong edges,which results in weak edges' distortion.Aiming at this problem,a New Image Interpolation method Based on Ramp EDge model(NIIBRED) is proposed,which uses different methods for strong edges and weak edges.This method considers that the edges generated in the enlarged image do not have the same width,and reconstructs the enlarged image.Experimental results show that NIIBRED can make the enlarged image's edges more natural and clearer,and obtain better texture effects.国家自然科学基金资助项目(60472081);航空科学基金资助项目(05F07001