91 research outputs found

    Response of Chlorophyll a Concentrations to Multi-scale Environmental Variations in the Taiwan Strait

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    全球变化的区域响应,是一个备受关注的热点问题。迄今的研究表明,海洋环境与生态系统在不同的区域可能出现完全不同的时间变化规律。台湾海峡是季风控制的近海环境,具有典型性。因而本论文选取台湾海峡为研究区域,倚重具备时间序列优势的遥感数据并结合现场调查,以叶绿素作为生态指标,聚焦生态系统对环境变动响应这一科学问题,揭示所研究海区多时间尺度的变化规律及其与赤道太平洋ENSO指数变化规律的异同,并探讨其成因。 首先,为构建一有效的遥感叶绿素长序列数据,利用2004年冬季和夏季的现场叶绿素对台湾海峡和南海北部的SeaWiFS(Sea-viewingWideField-of-viewSensor)和MODI...Regional response to global climate change has received increasing attention, where temporal changes in marine ecological environments may differ from place to place. The Taiwan Strait (TWS) represents a typical coastal ocean under the influence of seasonal monsoon, therefore was chosen as the study area to show the spatial-temporal variability of the surface chlorophyll a concentrations (Chl) and...学位:工学博士院系专业:海洋与环境学院环境科学研究中心_环境科学学号:B20013400

    Satellite observation of the temporal and spatial variation of sea surface diurnal warming in the South China Sea

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    利用搭载在AQuA和TErrA卫星上的MOdIS(MOdErATE rESOluTIOn IMAgIng SPECTrOrAdIOMETEr)、AMSr-E(AdVAnCEd MICrOWAVE SCAnnIng rAdIOMETEr fOr THE EArTH ObSErVIng SySTEM)传感器测量反演的昼夜海表温度(SST),计算海表面日增温(SEA SurfACE dIurnAl WArMIng),分析南海海表面日增温的短期和年变动特征。受观测平台过境时间、传感器测量SST方式、反演算法等影响,MOdIS/AQuA计算的日增温幅度略大于AMSr-E/AQuA和MOdIS/TErrA,但在表征南海海表面日增温的时空分布特征以及变化趋势上三者并未见显著性差异。南海海表面日增温在时间分布上以冬季为最小,春季为最大;在空间分布上则是南部海域大于中部和北部海域,东部海域大于西部海域。春夏之交的吕宋海峡西北部尤其容易发生日增温事件。海表面日增温与太阳辐射、风速、云量等影响有关,其中风速与海表面日增温显著负相关。Satellite-derived sea surface temperature(SST) data from the MODIS(moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer)/ Aqua, AMSR-E(advanced microwave scanning radiometer for the earth observing system)/Aqua and MODIS/Terra over the past ~10 years are analyzed to investigate the sea surface diurnal warming in the South China Sea(SCS).The results reveal that sea surface diurnal warming derived by MODIS/Aqua is slightly higher than that by AMSR-E/Aqua and MODIS/Terra, due to the differences in satellite transit time, sampling manner and retrieval algorithm, among others.However, there are no significant biases in terms of spatial and temporal distributions, and of the variation of sea surface diurnal warming over the SCS.The magnitude of sea surface diurnal warming in the SCS is the weakest during winter, and the strongest during spring.The magnitude is generally larger in the southern regions than in the central and northern regions, and is larger in the eastern regions than in the western regions.Northwest of the Luzon Strait, the sea surface diurnal warming tends to appear easily from late spring to early summer.It is suggested that the seasonal variation of sea surface diurnal warming in the SCS be affected by solar radiation, wind speed and cloud amount; among them, the wind speed is the most important factor with a significant negative correlation with the diurnal warming.福建省自然科学基金项目(2011J01278); 国家自然科学基金项目(40706041

    Monitoring of Inshore Aquaculture Cages Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

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    无人机(unmanned aerial vehicle,UAV)遥感具有高时效、机动灵活、高分辨率的特点,探索应用UAV遥感平台对沿海养殖区进行监测,实时掌握养殖发展动态,开展灾后应急监测,显然具有重要意义.利用UAV获取的CCD相机光谱信息,建立渔排监测指数,提出了渔排监测指数阈值快速提取算法;并针对渔排本身混合了水体和木筏2种目标物的特性,对提取结果进行图像闭合算子运算.在福建沿海古雷和可门港的实验结果表明,基于UAV获取的数据影像,利用渔排监测指数快速提取算法估算的渔排面积精度在两个区域分别达到98.9%和97.4%,与传统遥感分类方法——最大似然法相比,在同一计算平台上,计算速度提高5倍,无论精度或速度都可满足海洋与渔业管理部门在业务上的快速响应需求.此外应用UAV,以苏迪罗台风过后的三都澳海区为例,尝试开展了台风灾害造成的渔排损毁分析,初步推算出台风造成的渔排损毁面积比例.该研究表明利用UAV遥感可以为渔业管理提供有效的技术支持.Unmanned aerial vehicle( UAV) may provide a quick means to gather information of inshore aquaculture cages for the government to have an emergency response to events such as typhoons.Based on CCD imageries with 0. 1 meter resolution acquired with UAV platform and its spectral features,here we proposed a threshold method to quickly detect the distribution of aquaculture cages in two bays of southern Fujian.An identification accuracy of 98. 9% and 97. 4%,for Gulei and Kemen bays,respectively,was obtained.Meanwhile,the image processing time is reduced by 5 times,compared to the time needed using the widely accepted conventional approach-maximum likelihood method.In addition,a rough evaluation on the ruin extent of aquaculture cages by typhoon was also attempted,using UAV acquired imageries and satellite images.This study suggests that optical remote sensing with UAV holds promise for better management of inshore aquaculture activities.国家科技支撑计划(2013BAB04B01);; 厦门大学海洋科学基地科研训练及科研能力提高项目(J1210050);厦门大学大学生创新创业训练计划(201510384091

    Validation and inter- comparison of multi-satellite merged sea surface temperature products in the South China Sea and its adjacent waters

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    利用2008年—2009年ArgO、ArgOS现场观测海表面温度SST,对OSTIA、MISST、MWSST以及ngSST4种融合SST产品在南海及其周边海域的适用性进行评估。验证结果表明,4种融合SST产品在外海的均方根误差rMS介于0.3—1.0℃,bIAS介于-0.1—0.6℃;除了ngSST在近岸出现明显暖偏外,其他3种融合SST与现场SST基本一致,OSTIA与现场SST的偏差为最小。对4种融合SST产品彼此间的互较也表明,它们在水深大于80 M的海区没有显著性差异,但彼此间的偏差会随水深变浅而增大。此外,各产品间偏差在冬季最大,夏季最小。本文为具有高时空覆盖度的融合SST产品在南海及其周边海域的应用提供了一个可靠的依据。Sea Surface Temperature( SST) is a basic parameter in characterizing the ocean-atmosphere system and serves an important function in climate change.Many types of cloud-free,high-spatial,and temporal coverage merged SST products have been generated by the Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature.These products provide important data sources that can be used in a wide variety of operational and scientific applications.However,differences are existed among these products,due to their specific research requirements,different blending algorithms,different satellite SST sources for blending,and quality control methods.Therefore,monitoring the quality of these products is necessary,particularly at shelf and coastal seas around China,which are characterized by complex atmospheric conditions and hydrodynamics.This study compares four types of merged SST products in the South China Sea and adjacent waters in the years 2008 and 2009.Four multi-satellite merged SST products—the Operational SST and Sea Ice Analysis( OSTIA),microwave / infrared optimally interpolated SST,microwave optimally interpolated SST,and new generation SST( NGSST) —are validated with the Argo SST in the shelf sea and Argos SST in the shallow coast.The match-up data are collected on the same day and location.The Root Mean Square( RMS),bias,and correlation coefficients are calculated and used to quantify the errors.These products are projected into the same grid of NGSST using the nearest-neighbor sampling method for comparison.OSTIA is selected as the basis,and the relative differences between OSTIA and the other three products are computed and visualized using maps,box-plot,and time series plots.The statistical results show that the RMS between the merged SSTs and Argo temperature ranged between 0.3 ℃ and 1.0 ℃,whereas the bias ranged between- 0.1 ℃ and 0.6 ℃ in the shelf sea( water depth > 80 m).The other three merged SSTs were consistent with the in situ data in the coastal area,except for NGSST,which had a significantly warm bias(- 1 ℃) and the largest RMS(- 1.5 ℃).The bias and RMS of OSTIA were the smallest.An inter-comparison indicates no significant differences among the four merged SST products in the shelf sea.Their biases were within ± 0.3 ℃.However,the deviation increases in shallow water.The largest bias was found in winter because of the poor weather conditions,whereas the smallest bias was found in summer.In summary,the four merged SST products were consistent with in situ data in the study region,except for the NGSST in the shallow coastal sea and the OSTIA product exhibited the best performance.This study has provided a reliable basis for the effective application of these merged SSTs with high spatial and temporal coverage in the South China Sea and its adjacent waters.国家自然科学基金(编号:U1305231;40706041); 福建省自然科学基金(编号:2011J01278); 海洋赤潮灾害立体监测技术与应用国家海洋局重点实验室开放基金资助项目(编号:MATHAB20100313


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    目的了解福州市2010年甲型Hl N1流感病毒HA基因的突变和分子进化。方法采用RT-PCR技术扩增流感病毒A/Fuzhou/2/2010(H1N1)血凝素HA基因,测定核苷酸序列,用Clus-talX 1.83软件进行序列比对,用Bi-oedit软件的Clusta W程序进行序列同源性分析,用Mega 5.0软件以邻位相连算法(NJ)构建系统进化树。结果福州市2010年甲型Hl N1流感分离株A/Fuzhou/2/2010(H1N1)与福州市2009年首例甲型Hl N1流感病毒株HA基因同源性为98.9%,与疫苗参考株A/California/07/2009 HA基因同源性为98.5%;HA1区段有11个位点发生改变。结论福州市2010年甲型Hl N1流感病毒血凝素虽然个别氨基酸位点发生了突变,但在抗原决定簇位点的氨基酸并没有发生变化,未出现具有显著意义的抗原漂移


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    Rat glioma C6 cell apoptosis induced by UV radiation via p38-MAPK

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    目的 :探讨 p38MAPK在紫外线损伤刺激细胞中的特异性信号转导作用 .方法 :流式细胞仪检测紫外线照射 30min后 1,2及 4h的C6细胞周期变化和是否有凋亡发生 ;应用免疫细胞化学技术观察紫外线刺激前后 p38MAPK在C6细胞中的表达强度和分布特征 .结果 :细胞周期结果显示 1,2和 4h后G1期细胞数分数各增多 0 .12 ,0 .2 1和 0 .19,而S期细胞数分数减少 0 .10 ,0 .14和 0 .15 ;各组的凋亡率分别是12 % ,4 9%和 34% ;未受刺激的细胞中 ,p38MAPK在胞质和胞核表达较弱 ;紫外线损伤作用 2h后 ,细胞核区的染色强度即明显增强 ,而胞质区域的染色强度相对降低 .结论 :C6细胞受紫外线损伤后可通过 p38MAPK通路发生凋亡. 【英文摘要】 AIM: To study the signal transduction of p38 mitogen activated protein kinase in rat glioma C6 cells after the stimulation of UV radiation. METHODS: Flow cytometry was applied to measure the fraction number changes in the cell cycle phase and to detect whether UV could induce apoptosis of C6 cells. The level and distribution of p38MAPK expression was examined by immunocytochemical method both before and after the UV radiation. RESULTS: Flow cytometry indicated that the numbers of G1 phase fraction of 1,...高等学校骨干教师计划资助 ;; 留学归国人员科研启动基金([1 999] 747号

    Changes of temperature and bio-optical properties in the South China Sea in response to Typhoon Lingling, 2001

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    A large patch of enhanced chlorophyll a concentration (Chla), lower sea surface temperature (SST), and lower sea surface height (SSH) was revealed in the central South China Sea (SCS) in November 2001 after the passage of typhoon Lingling. Maximum SST reduction of 11 degrees C occurred one day after Lingling's passage on 11/11. Subsequently, against a background level of 0.08 mg/m(3), average Chla within the area of 12.60-16.49 degrees N, 112.17-117.05 degrees E increased to 0.14 mg/m(3) on 11/12 and then to 0.37 mg/m(3) on 11/14. Dissolved organic matter and detritus were differentiated from Chla using a recent bio-optical algorithm. They contributed 64% to the increase of total absorption immediately after Lingling, while most of the changes later (74%) were due to phytoplankton. The area under Lingling's impact covered ca. 3 degrees latitude and 4 degrees longitude, which is much greater than the two summer cases previously observed in the northern SCS. This event lasted for ca. 15 days, and resulted in carbon fixation in the order of 0.4 Mt. Such a drastic response was attributed to the coupling of typhoon-induced nutrient pumping with the pre-established cyclonic gyre in the central SCS driven by the prevailing northeast monsoon


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