30 research outputs found

    Construction of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid from Dawson-Type Tungstophosphate and Tetranuclear Copper Complex

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    通过水热合成得到了一个新颖的包含四核铜配合物的无机-有机杂化化合物[CuCl(H2O)4)][CuCl(H2O)(PHEn)][{(CuPHEn)2Cl2}2(bdC)]2[P2W18O62]·5H2O(1)(PHEn=1,10-PHEnAnTHrOlInE和bdC=1,4-bEnzEnEdICArbOXylATE),对其进行了元素分析、红外光谱、热重、电化学等表征,并用X-射线单晶衍射测定了它的晶体结构。化合物1含有由Cl和bdC桥连的四核铜配合物阳离子[{(CuPHEn)2Cl2}2(bdC)]2+。此外,化合物1的电化学研究表明其对亚硝酸的还原具有很好的电催化活性。A novel hybrid compound [CuCl(H2O)4)] [CuCl(H2O)(Phen)] [{(CuPhen)2Cl2}2(bdc)]2[P2W18O62]·5H2O(1)(Phen=1,10-phenanthroline and bdc=1,4-benzenedicarboxylate), containing multinuclear CuⅡcomplex cations, has been obtained in hydrothermal conditions and characterized by IR, elemental, thermogravimetric, electrochemical and single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis.The main structural feature to this compound is the copper-Phen complex moieties which compose new tetranuclear copper-Phen complex cation [{(CuPhen)2Cl2}2(bdc)]2+bridged by Cl and bdc ligands.Furthermore, a compound 1-modiffied carbon paste electrode(1-CPE) displays the good electrocatalytic activity toward the reduction of nitrite.CCDC: 952036

    Cloning and Expression of the Leukotoxin BSBSE Gene from Fusobacterium necrophorum

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    以牛源坏死梭杆菌FNn株为试材,根据GenBank上已发表的坏死梭杆菌AF312861标准菌株的lktA序列设计1对引物,利用PCR技术扩增出1 131 bp的坏死梭杆菌白细胞毒素BSBSE基因。将PCR产物插入pGEM-T Easy vector中,经双酶切鉴定正确后进行序列测定。分析表明该BSBSE序列与GenBank上已发表的坏死梭杆菌AF312861标准菌株的lktA序列的核苷酸同源性为99%,推导出的氨基酸序列同源性为98%。为研究BSBSE的免疫原性,构建了原核表达载体pMAL-p2X-BSBSE,用IPTG诱导在大肠杆菌中表达。结果表明,BSBSE基因在大肠杆菌中进行了高效特异性融合表达,融合蛋白分子量约为84.5×103,其中41.5×103为BS-BSE基因表达的蛋白质,43.0×103为MBP融合标签,Western-blotting检测表明该表达产物有免疫原性。According to the sequence of announced lktA gene in Fusobacterium necrophorum,a pair of primers were designed.The BSBSE gene was amplified by PCR.The product was cloned into pGEM-T Easy vector.When nucleotide sequence and deduced amino acid sequence were compared with homologous sequence of the FN AF312861 lktA of GenBank,the homologue of the mucleotide sequence is 99% and the homologue of the amino acid sequence is 98%.The BSBSE fragment was inserted into expression vector pMAL-p2X and the plasmid pMAL-p2X-BSBSE were expressed in E.coli BL21 by IPTG induction.The SDS-PAGE analysis indicated the weight of the fusion protein was about 84.5.0×103,which included the 41.5×103 protein expressed from BSBSE gene and 43.0×103 fusion MBP tag.The recombinant BSBSE-pMAL-p2X production has Immunogenicity with western-blotting.The cloning and expression of the BSBSE gene established the foundation of further research on the function and application of the BSBSE gene.“十五”国家科技攻关子课题(2002BA518A04);; 中国农业科学院特产研究所科研基金项目(Tcs2005-03

    Cloning and Expression of the Leukotoxin Gene SH from Fusobacterium necrophorum

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    坏死梭杆菌白细胞毒素是坏死杆菌病的主要致病因子,白细胞毒素基因(lkT)是其编码基因。以分离到的国内牛源坏死梭杆菌fn(A)菌株f4基因组dnA为模板,应用PCr方法扩增白细胞毒素基因SH片段,克隆至PMd18-T载体上,以bAMHⅠ和HIndⅢ酶切的目的片段SH与相应酶切的PET32A载体连接构建PET32A-SH重组表达质粒,经转化E COlI bl21(dE3)后用IPTg进行蛋白诱导,SdS-PAgE检测重组蛋白表达情况。结果表明:扩增基因序列大小为1800bP,SdS-PAgE检测重组蛋白有效表达,表达得到大小为80.2kdA的目的蛋白,采用镍柱亲和层析方法纯化SH重组蛋白,获得了纯度达95%的重组蛋白;经WEST-Ern-blOT证实,该蛋白对抗坏死杆菌阳性血清具有反应活性。The leukotoxin of Fusobacterium necrophorum(FN) is considered to be one of the main virulence factors.The lkt gene encodes for FN.In this study,the SH fragment of lkt gene was amplified by PCR using the F4 genome as the template,which was isolated from the Chinese Fusobacterium necrophorum strain.The fragment was then cloned to the pMD18-T vector for sequencing.Thereafter,the SH fragment was subcloned into the multiple cloning sites of the pET32 to construct pET32a-SH recombinant plasmid,which was then trans-formed into E.coli BL21(DE3) with IPTG induction for expression.SDS-PAGE was used to analyze the recombinant protein.The results showed that the SH fragment of about 1800 bp was amplified and was about 80.2 kDa.The fusion protein was purified by Ni-NTA affinity chromatography under denature conditions,and their purity was above 95%.Western-blot analysis indicated the SH fragment had anti-genicity against Fusobacterium necrophorum.“十五”国家科技攻关子课题(2002BA518A04);吉林省科技发展计划项目(20070570);吉林市科技发展计划项目(200805


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    通过野外调查和查阅大量标本及文献资料,对中国滨藜亚科(Atriplicioides)植物地理分布和区系特点进行了分析。中国滨藜亚科植物有28种,隶属7个属,主要分布于我国新疆、甘肃、内蒙古等20个省、自治区的干旱草原、荒漠、盐碱地带,尤以新疆最为丰富,分布有23个种,占全国的82.14%。在垂直分布上,从低于海平面80 m的吐鲁番盆地至海拔4 000 m以上的帕米尔高山地带都有其分布。中国滨藜亚科植物区系的特点:①特有现象明显;②具有典型的温带干旱荒漠分布性质;③与中亚成分关系密切;④区系成分古老与年轻并存。对滨藜亚科植物的特点,以及地理分布的研究,可为干旱区植被重建、植物的引种以及饲用植物的开发提供科学依据


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    Cloning and Sequencing of Pili Gene of D.nodosus Serotype A in Footrot

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    以腐蹄病A型节瘤拟杆菌染色体DNA为模板,根据设计的上、下游引物进行PCR反应,扩增出了大小约0.78kb的基因片段,用T_4DNA连接酶将PCR产物与pGEM-T-Easy载体连接,构建了重组质粒。并以EcoRV和SalI双酶切重组质粒鉴定目的基因的插入方向。经序列测定,克隆的目的基因片段为Pili基因。The pili gene that dominates the main protective antigen was amplified and cloned from D. nodosus serotype A by PCR. A recombinant plasmid,designated TE- Pili,was constructed by inserting the Pili gene intoT - Easy which was digested with EcoRV and Sal I. The result of sequencing showed that the fragment was exactly Pili gene of D. nodosus serotype A.国家科技部攻关计划“奶牛主要疫病防治关键技术研究与产业化开发”项目(2002BA518A04


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