29 research outputs found

    The Design and Realization of Embedded Net Advertising Machine and Its Control System

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    随着现代市场经济的迅速发展,广告的作用变得越来越大,广告机已经频繁的出现在我们的生活当中。至今为止,广告机已经在超市、银行、社区、车站、机场等公共场所得到广泛的应用,但目前广告机多数为单机广告机系统,内容的更新主要是通过对广告机内置的CF卡资料进行人工手动更新,由于这种更新操作方式繁琐,导致广告内容的更新周期较长而且人工费用也居高不下。 本文在介绍目前广告机市场的状况的基础上,针对单机广告机的不足和现实中的应用需求,在嵌入式平台上研究实现了基于嵌入式LINUX的网络广告机及其控制系统,具体的研究内容如下。 深入研究了嵌入式开发技术的步骤与难点,基于S3C2440开发平台设计了广告机终端。通...With the rapid development of market economy, the role of advertising has become increasingly, advertising has emerged in our daily lives. So far, advertising machine is widely used in the surper market、bank、station、airport community and so on.But most of the advertising machine didn’t connected to the network, which people renew their contents mostly by chang the CF card. The update operation is ...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院机电工程系_机械设计及理论学号:1992007115115

    Design of Embedded Chinese Input Method Based on Qtopia

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    在此主要讨论一个中文拼音输入法在QTOPIA中的设计,利用QTOPIA所提供的插件技术,完成拼音输入法的实现。输入法实现的数字到汉字的转换主要分为两个步骤,即数字拼音到汉语拼音的转换和汉语拼音到汉字的转换。该输入法具有机器学习的功能,可以通过自然学习接受用户自定义的词语,大大提高了输入速度和智能程度。该方法在笔者的开发平台上验证通过。The design and implementation of a Chinese inputmethod based on Qtopia,the Pinyin input method have been realized by using the Qtopia utilizing plugc-in architecture technology,two main steps are involved to transform digital keyboard input to Chinese characters.One is the transform from digital string to Pinyin string,another is the transform from Chinese Pinyin string to Chinese characters.The input method has the functions of machine learning,words acception and expressions which are defined by the users through natural learning,which greatly enhance the inputting speed and the degree of intelligent


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    介绍一种将姿控系统和星务管理系统融为一体的设计思想, 它节约了 星载机资源, 提高了系统信息处理的实时性, 很好地体现了小卫星的质量轻、体 积小、成本低的优势。对姿控系统的硬件组成、卫星的飞行模式和控制策略、星 务管理软件的体系结构和总体设计思想、姿控软件和星务管理软件的接口设计等 内容做了重点讨论。国家“863- 2”计划的资助


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    [[abstract]]本文「西元1975∼2000年台北地區西式室內管樂團的發展研究」,是有感於台灣近年來管樂團的活動日趨蓬勃,然而國內學術界卻少有論文,對目前近三十年台灣管樂團的發展做詳盡的細部研究探討,在過去只有一篇論文關於中國歷代軍樂隊的探討,最近幾篇則有關管樂合奏作品的指揮分析和樂曲探討,因此,便決定以此區域性主題為研究標題。本文針對西元1975∼2000年台北地區的西式室內管樂團,透過訪談調查和資料蒐集做一發展研究,在此感謝呂錘寬、葉樹涵、郭聯昌教授等音樂前輩的指導和建議,盼拙著能在管樂學術界有拋磚引玉之效。 緒論先討論西式管樂團的定義和種類兩部分,而本文從中西方管樂團的早期歷史到現況做一分析概述,接著從台灣的管樂團探討到以台北地區為主的各項音樂文化發展。本文是國內第一篇以西元1975∼2000年間,台北地區的西式管樂團發展研究為主題的研究論文,將從音樂學的觀察分析,輔以部分經濟學、社會學的觀點,來客觀切入探討管樂團在台灣發展的現況,並提及管樂團的相關音樂教育、樂團經營。同時分析西式管樂團的功能價值和樂團與社會的文化關係,以提供管樂團愛好者做為樂團研究的參考。

    [[alternative]]Research on the Differences of Physics Concepts of the Students Who Have Finished Their First Year of Physics Learning in Senior High and Vocational High Schools

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    [[abstract]]This research aims at comparing and analyzing the differences of physics concepts of the students who have finished their first year of physics learning in senior high schools and vocational high schools in our country. The subjects of this research consist of the students in one national senior high school and one public vocational high school. The object of this research is to explore whether the effects of physics learning are different due to different schooling system. This research adopts such research methods as questionnaire survey, document analysis and interview analysis with students. Each questionnaire is divided into six parts, inclusive of six major domains of physics such as force, motion , heat , sound , light , electromagnetics , as well as energy and life. Altogether 985 questionnaires were given out. Among the collected ones, 983 questionnaires were valid and were carried on two statistical analyses, ANOVA and t test. The subjects of interview analysis are altogether 10 students, 5 from a senior high school, and 5 from a vocational high school. The result of the questionnaire survey is that the senior high school subjects averagely scored 73.6 while the vocational high school subjects averagely scored 63.0. Hence, the researcher chose among them 5 senior high school students who scored around 73 and 5 vocational high school students who scored around 63 as interviewees. This research conclusions are stated as follows: First, the following are the results in questionnaire survey regarding the effects in learning physics concepts : 1.In the fields of ' force ' , ‘motion’, ‘sound’, 'light ',and ‘energy and life’, the high school students are apparently superior to the vocational high school students. 2.In the field of 'electromagnetics ' , there is no obvious difference between senior high school students and vocational high school students. Second, the following are the results concerning students’ performance in test objects: 1. In respect of basic knowledge and concepts: The high school students are apparently superior to the vocational high school students. 2. In respect of applying scientific information and charts: The high school students are apparently superior to the vocational high school students. 3. In respect of the ability of reasoning : The high school students are superior to the vocational high school students, but not obviously. Based on the above findings, this research offers several suggestions respectively to the physics teachers in senior high schools as well as the physics teachers in vocational high schools, and also to those who are interested in the follow-up studies.

    Evaluation of the sedative, analgesic, and physical effects of dexmedetomidine, nalbuphine, and dex-medetomidine-nalbuphine in rabbits

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    近年來,兔子被廣泛當作寵物飼養,故帶寵物兔前來就診的民眾也逐漸增加。由於兔子容易對保定的行為感到緊迫,而產生激烈的掙扎以及踢腿,導致脊椎或後腿骨折等傷害,所以視治療的需要,進行適當的鎮靜有助於實行臨床的檢查或小型手術,例如拍攝X光,口腔檢查或修剪牙齒。在選擇鎮藥物方面,dexmedetomidine 為α2的腎上腺性受器致效劑,具有良好的鎮靜、放鬆肌肉,以及止痛的效果。雖有顯著心血管的抑制,然而在呼吸的副作用小。Nalbuphine 屬於作用於鴉片類受器的止痛劑,致效於kappa鴉片類受器,拮抗mu鴉片類受器。在人可以使用在牙科方面的止痛,且呼吸抑制小。在兔子身上亦有止痛效果。而合併α2的腎上腺素性受器致效劑與制效kapp受器,拮抗mu受器的混合型鴉片類藥物,其鎮靜與止痛效果增強。故本實驗嘗試合併使用dexmedetomidine 和nalbuphine兩者,評估其效果並比較單獨使用dexmedetomidine以及nalbuphine的鎮靜與止痛效果以及生理的影響。 本研究共使用七隻紐西蘭大白兔,使用交叉試驗(crossover design)和盲試驗(blind test)。每隻兔子接受五組劑量如下:water+0.04mg/kg dexmedetomidine(WD2)、1mg/kg nalbuphine+0.025mg/kg dexmedetomidine(ND)、water+0.025mg/kg dexmedetomidine(WD)、1mg/kg nalbuphine+water(NW),water1+water2(WW)。五組皆為靜脈注射,每組間隔兩個禮拜。注射後每五分鐘測量其生理數值及鎮靜止痛指數。結果顯示,注射後5分鐘及10分鐘後,WD2組鎮靜指數高於其它各組。但在第15分鐘,ND組鎮靜指數高於WD組,其中顎張力消失程度ND組高於WD組。在WD2組有最長的鎮靜作用時間。在止痛方面,WD2組在十五分鐘止痛指數高於WD組。然而在NW與WW組皆無觀察到有明顯鎮靜及止痛指數。在生理數值方面,WD2、ND、WD在鎮靜期的心搏速率皆低於基礎值,其中注射高劑量的dexmedetomidine的WD2組更低於其它組。WD2、ND、WD三組其平均動脈壓以及收縮壓皆有低於基礎值的趨勢。在呼吸方面的影響,ND組的呼吸速率低於基礎值且低於其它組,然而在血氧濃度與其它組無顯著差異。WD2、ND、WD在15分鐘時體溫皆下降。 綜合以上結果,WD2組的鎮靜效果最好及鎮靜作用時間最長,但心跳抑制卻也高於各組。而ND組比起WD組的鎮靜效果較佳,雖然在呼吸速率低於其它組別,但血氧濃度未有降低的趨勢。ND與WD兩組鎮靜時間並無明顯差異。雖然還要評估臨床上使用的效果,但推測若需短時間的鎮靜,可使用dexmedetomidine合併nalbuphine的劑量,其鎮靜效果較佳。若需較長時間且較深層的鎮靜,可使用高劑量的dexmedetomidine。但需注意心血管抑制的副作用,以及給予保溫,且鎮靜時期皆需給予氧氣。以改善呼吸抑制的影響。未來仍須更多臨床的使用資料,才能確立本實驗劑量在臨床的使用效果。Recently, rabbits gradually become popular pets, so more people take them to the hos-pital for their healthy. Because the rabbits are sensitive to forceful handling and other medical process, they may kick or struggle violently. That may cause spinal fracture or other traumatic injury. Therefore, good sedation can reduce risks and may be sufficient for some medical procedure, including radiography, dental treatment, and dental examination. Dexmedetomidine is the α2-adrenoceptor agonist, providing good sedation, muscle re-laxation, and analgesia. It has notable cardiovascular effect and limited respiratory inhi-bition. Nalbuphine is primarily a kappa agonist/partial mu antagonist. In humans, it was used for oral surgery with minimal respiratory inhibition. It also provides analgesia in rabbits. Combination of α2-adrenoceptor agonist and a kappa agonist/partial mu antago-nist provides better sedation and analgesia. The first objective of the study is to evaluate the sedative and analgesic effects of dexmedetomidine, nalbuphine and the combination of dexmedetomidine and nalbuphine. The second objective of the study was to evaluate and compare the cardiovascular and pulmonary effects of these groups in rabbits. This study is a crossover design with blind test. Seven rabbits were used. Each rabbit received intravenous five different dose groups which were WD2(water + 0.04mg/kg dexme-detomidine), ND(1mg/kg nalbuphine + 0.025 dexmedetomidine), WD(water + 0.025mg/kg dexmedetomidine), NW(1mg/kg nalbuphine + water) and WW(water1 + water2). These groups were separated by period of 14 days. The sedation score, analge-sia score, and the data of physical examination were recorded after injection. The result appeared that sedative score of WD2 group was highest within 5 and 10 minutes after injection in all groups. WD2 also had the longest period of sedation. At 15 minutes, the sedative score of ND group was higher than WD, NW, or WW group, but there were no significant differences in sedation scores between WD2 and ND group. Moreover, jaw muscle relaxation of ND group was better than WD in 15 minutes. The analgesic score of WD2 group was higher than WD at 15 minute. However, NW and WW group had no significant sedative and analgesic effect. The heart rates of WD, ND, and WD2 group decreased significantly, especially for WD2 group which showed lowest heart rate in all groups. Their mean arterial pressures and systolic blood pressures also were lower than their baselines. Respiratory rate of ND group was lowest in all groups, but there was not a significant difference among treatments for Spo2 values. The rectal temperatures of WD, ND, and WD2 group decreased within 15 minutes after injection. In conclusion, WD2 group provides greatest sedative effect and longest sedation time, but the lowest heart rate. ND group has better effect and longer sedation time than WD group, alt-hough the lowest respiratory rate. There was not a significant difference among treat-ments for Spo2 values. According to these results, we expect that we may use the com-bination of nalbuphine and dexmedetomidine if rabbits need short sedation. When rab-bits need longer or deeper sedation, 0.04mg/kg dexmedetomidine should be used. Rab-bits also need oxygen support and remain body temperature during the period of seda-tion, however, we still need further research for clinical use.目次 中文摘要…………………………………………………………………………i 英文摘要…………………………………………………………………………...ii 目次..................................................................................................................................iv 表目次............................................................................................................................viii 圖目次………………………………………………………………………………….ix 第一章 緒言…………………………………………………………………………….1 第二章 文獻探討……………………………………………………………………….2 第一節 應用於兔隻的鎮靜及麻醉………………………………………………...2 一、 鎮靜的評估與監控………………………………………………………...2 二、 應用於兔隻鎮靜藥物……………………………………………………...2 第二節 Dexmedetomidine………………………………………………………….4 一、 簡介………………………………………………………………………...4 二、 藥理機制…………………………………………………………………...4 三、 藥物動力學………………………………………………………………...5 四、 心血管的影響 …………………………………………………………….5 五、 呼吸功能的影響…………………………………………………………...7 六、 體溫的影響………………………………………………………………...7 七、 應用………………………………………………………………………...7 第三節 Nalbuphine……………………………………………………………….....9 一、 簡介……………………………………………………………………… ..9 二、 藥理機制…………………………………………………………………...9 三、 藥物動力學……………………………………………………………….11 四、 心血管的影響…………………………………………………………….11 五、 呼吸功能的影響………………………………………………………….12 六、 應用……………………………………………………………………….12 第四節 α2腎上腺素性受器制效劑與類鴉片拮抗制效混合劑併用…………….13 一、 心血管的影響…………………………………………………………...…13 二、 呼吸功能的影響………………………………………………………...…13 三、 體溫的影響…………………………………………………………….…..13 四、 鎮靜與止痛效果…………………………………………………………...14 第三章 材料與方法…………………………………………………………………...15 第一節 實驗設計………………………………………………………………….15 一、 實驗動物………………………………………………………………….15 二、 實驗藥物………………………………………………………………….15 三、 實驗前準備……………………………………………………………….15 四、 藥物注射方式…………………………………………………………….15 五、 交叉試驗與盲試驗……………………………………………………….15 六、 藥物劑量評估…………………………………………………………….16 七、 實驗步驟………………………………………………………………….16 (一)藥物組合…………………………………………………………….…16 (二)實驗流程……………………………………………………………….16 八、 鎮靜期的評估以及生理監測…………………………………………….17 (一) 鎮靜止痛評估項目………………………………………………….17 (二) 生理監測項目……………………………………………………….17 (三) 鎮靜指數評估……………………………………………………….17 (四) 止痛指數評估……………………………………………………….18 (五) 鎮靜分期定義……………………………………………………….19 九、 數據分析………………………………………………………………….19 第四章 結果…………………………………………………………………………...20 第一節 各組藥物在大白兔的鎮靜與止痛效果………………………………….20 一、 鎮靜時間長短比較……………………………………………………….20 二、 鎮靜效果及各項目反應隨時間變化…………………………………….21 (一) 鎮靜指數總和隨時間變化………………………………………….21 (二) 眼瞼反射消失程度隨時間變化…………………………………….22 (三) 顎張力消失程度隨時間變化……………………………………….23 (四) 角膜反射消失程度隨時間變化…………………………………….24 (五) 自然姿勢鎮靜程度隨時間變化…………………………………….25 (六) 背側躺抵抗消失程度隨時間變化………………………………….26 三、 止痛程度與各項目反應隨時間變化…………………………………….27 (一) 止痛指數總和隨時間變化………………………………………….27 (二) 夾指回縮消失程度隨時間變化…………………………………….28 (三) 針刺回縮消失程度隨時間變化…………………………………….29 第二節 各組藥物在大白兔的生理影響………………………………………….30 一、 心搏速率隨時間變化……………………………………………………...30 二、 血壓隨時間變化…………………………………………………………...32 (ㄧ) 平均動脈壓隨時間變化…………………………………………….32 (二) 收縮壓隨時間變化………………………………………………….33 (三) 舒張壓隨時間變化………………………………………………….34 三、呼吸速率隨時間變化……………………………………………………….35 四、血氧飽和濃度隨時間變化………………………………………………….36 五、體溫隨時間變化…………………………………………………………….37 第五章 討論…………………………………………………………………………...38 參考文獻……………………………………………………………………….............4


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