631 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Plat for Tiered Medical Services Based on Java

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    随着医疗卫生信息化水平的发展,各医疗卫生机构的信息化建设已收到一定成效,但还未从根本上缓解看病难、看病贵的问题。大型医院不堪重负,中小医疗卫生机构门可罗雀,与医改的初衷背道而驰。国家卫计委提出为深化医药卫生体制改革,推进建立大医院带社区的服务模式,更好地发挥三级医院专业技术优势及带头作用,公立医院试点推行分级诊疗,这为分级诊疗平台的建立提供了的政策支持。 本文首先阐述了当前国内医疗卫生机构现状及面临的难题,其次提供相应的解决思路和方法,以此来说明建设分级诊疗平台的重要性、必要性、可行性。再以实际医疗业务为铺垫,相关技术为手段,明确建设内容和建设目标,进行分级诊疗平台的需求分析、系统总体设计、...With the development of medical health informationalized level, the information construction of medical institutions has received some effect, but it has not been fundamentally alleviated the problem of medical treatment and expensive. Large hospitals are overwhelmed, and small medical institutions are a deserted house, contrary to the original intention of health care reform. The National Health ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323081

    Study of Silicon/carbon Composite Synthesized by Chemical Vapor Deposition as Anode for Lithium-ion Battery

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    锂离子电池作为一种环境友好的能量存储与转换机制,已经广泛运用于小功率便携式电子设备中。为了应对人们日益增长的物质生活水平以及相应的能源需求,当前急需开发具有高容量、高效率、高安全性的新型电极材料。硅的比容量高达3572mAhg-1,是目前商业化石墨材料(372mAhg-1)的近十倍,反应电位低且储量丰富,因此成为最有潜力的下一代锂离子电池负极材料。但是硅在循环过程中具有严重的体积效应且其本身导电性较差,这极大的抑制了它的发展和应用。碳的机械性能和导电性能优良,与硅复合能够有效的改善其导电性,并且抑制硅的体积膨胀,因此构造硅碳复合材料是当前改善硅电化学性能的主要方法。本文主要基于化学气相沉积的手...Lithium ion batteries (LIBs) as environmentally friendly energy conversion and storage systems have been widely applicated in portable electronic devices. In response to the growing energy requirement, the research efforts are mainly focused on searching for materials with higher energy density and prolonged cycle life. Silicon owns appreciable capacity (ten times higher than that of commercial gr...学位:工程硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_化学工程学号:2062014115144


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    Source,Methodology and Theory:the Ethnic Chinese Studies by Using Chinese as a Language Medium in Malaysia and Singapore

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    从史学的视角为切入点,通过史料、方法、理论三个层面对马新中文源流"华人学"主体性建构可能性的探讨,得出结论,由于在研究方法和理论上的严重不足和匮乏,马新"华人学"的未来,只有在史料的发掘和解读的基础上,方能进一步发展自身的方法和理论。From a historical perspective,this paper explores the ethnic Chinese studies by using Chinese as a language medium in Malaysia and Singapore.The article is focused on three aspects,namely source,methodology and theory.It is concluded that,for the lack of solid methodological and theoretical foundation,the future of the ethnic Chinese studies as an academic discipline in Malaysia and Singapore depends on the discovery of new sources and new interpretation

    Design and Implementation of Organization Permission System Based on RBAC

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    访问控制技术是对资源权限控制的一种安全机制,基于角色的访问控制也是近几年研究的热点。由于其在安全和管理上相对于传统的访问控制技术都具备极大的优势,因此替代和补充传统访问控制机制引起了广泛关注和重视。 基于角色的访问控制的核心核心思想是,建立角色作为用户和资源之间的桥梁,使用户无法直接对资源进行访问,而是需要通过角色的指定来实现。角色是根据用户在企业中的职权和责任进行设定,与企业中的实际组织机构相吻合,而资源在管理上只与角色相关联,使得资源与用户在逻辑上相分离,减少了授权管理复杂性,降低了管理开销,并增强了权限控制的灵活性。 本文首先介绍了访问控制技术的内容和发展情况,详细描述了访问控制技术...Access control technology is one of the security mechanisms of resource access control. In recent years, the Role Based Access Control has became a hot topic which has great advantage in safety and management compared with traditional one, therefore, as the substitutes and complements of traditional access control technology, it has aroused widespread attention. The core idea of Role Based Access...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X200923033

    On the American Polices toward South China Sea Issue and China's Responses

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    南海自古以来就是中国的领土,这是毋庸置疑的事实。可是我国南海周边的一些国家却罔顾事实,肆意侵犯我国领土,造成了我国南海诸岛领土主权被侵犯的事实。南海问题最大的特点就是牵扯到的国家之多、利益之广、范围之大,这成为南海问题恶化为“国际化”的原因。从利益角度分析,南海争端不仅涉及周边海域各国,而且由于区外大国的染指,使得问题更加“复杂化”。美国是目前实力最强的国家,是影响我国南海问题能否和平解决的重要因素之一。由于美国在亚太地区整体的利益调整和战略部署,美国的战略中心逐渐向东亚转移,并通过扶植南中国海周边国家以期达到牵制、削弱中国的目的。不仅如此,美国因素的介入,对我国国家安全环境形成了挑战,使得中...The South China Sea belong to China since ancient times, this is an undeniable face. However, some of the peripheral countries of the South China Sea are ignore the fact and infringing out territory, caused our country be invaded and occupied. So many countries are getting involved in the South China Sea issue, this is a great characteristic, and also result to this problem is being “internation...学位:法学硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_政治学理论学号:1382010115055

    The Pioneer Of The Chinese Cello Education-- Professor Mr.Yongning Zhu

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    朱永宁先生是我国著名大提琴演奏家、音乐教育家、中央音乐学院教授。是我国大提琴教育事业的奠基人之一。 朱永宁先生为我国的大提琴事业培养了一代又一代的人才,他的学生多数在当今国内外各大音乐专业院校任教,或在海外艺术团体工作。这些优秀的大提琴教师、艺术家没有辜负朱永宁先生的期望,将他的艺术教学思想及演奏技巧广泛传播,弘扬了我国的大提琴事业发展。 本文通过口述史的形式介绍了朱永宁先生的职业教育与音乐演奏生涯,使读者能够更加具体、清晰、深刻地了解这位中国大提琴事业的开拓者、奠基人。通过采访朱永宁先生的夫人、儿子、朋友以及查阅历史资料,了解这位大提琴专业教师——朱永宁先生。 全文分七个部分。第一部分为绪论,简要介绍朱永宁先生;第二部分讲述朱永宁先生在福建国立音专的学习生涯;第三、四部分主要介绍朱永宁先生的职业生涯——在中央音乐学院任教的经历、参加世界青年联欢节、在广西开拓大提琴事业等;第五、六部分主要总结了朱永宁先生的教学成就;第七部分集中分析朱永宁先生的研究笔记以及笔者的思考。 希望通过这篇论文,让更多的大提琴专业的师生、音乐爱好者了解朱永宁先生。推动我国的大提琴音乐教育事业,丰富音乐教育历史资源。Professor Zhu Yongning, the famous cellist and music educator ,a professor of the Central Conservatory of Music. Most of the students he trained have taught or engaged in the career of artistic performances in major domestic and international music professional institutions or overseas arts organizations, these outstanding teachers or artists did not live up to the expectations of Professor Zhu Yongning. The essay introduced the pioneer of the Chinese cello educator—Professor Zhu Yongning and his career. Enable readers can leran more specific, clear and deep understanding of this teacher by interviewing the wife of Professor Zhu, his son and his friends. As well as collecting some valuable historical sources of this first batch cello major. By all of these collections, we can learn more about Mr. Yongning Zhu. I hope this paper let the teachers and students who major in cello and the music lovers know more about Mr.Yongning Zhu. So as to promote cello music education in China. Make better achievements and contributions to the cause of music education.学位:艺术学硕士院系专业:艺术学院_音乐与舞蹈学学号:1872010115342


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    A Comparative Study of the Chinese and English Streams of Southeast Asia Studies in Malaysia and Singapore (1800-1965)

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    马来亚自古成为东西交通孔道,东西文化荟萃,留下了不少政治、经济、社会和文教的遗迹,这其中不乏文字记录。这些文字语种纷呈,有葡文、荷文、英文、中文和巫文等,不一而足;其内容也五花八门,有档案记录、个人观感和游历文字、传教文字、报章杂志、学术研究著述等是;撰述的作者也极为庞杂,有传教士、殖民官员、旅行探险家、作家、文教人员、学术人员等等。这些由身份各异的作者以不同语文所撰述成的著述,无疑成为构筑马新学术发展史的重要组成部分。 本文针对1965年以前英文和中文源流在马新之学术发展脉络、概况、演变和发展进行整理爬梳,理清两者的流变,并进行比较研究,以见其异同和交汇之所在。在英文源流方面本文将之分成三...Since ancient times, the Malay Peninsula had been an important route between the east and the west and a concourse of cultures from both sides of the world. Abundant relics had therefore been left behind, including written works in different languages such as Portuguese, Dutch, English, Chinese, Malay etc. Such works comprise archives, itineraries, essays, periodicals, newspapers and monographs. T...学位:历史学博士院系专业:南洋研究院_专门史学号:2552006015349