14 research outputs found

    The influence of upwelling and water mass on the ecological group distribution of zooplankton in Zhejiang coastal waters

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    依据2010年4月、7月和11月对浙江中部近海上升流海域进行的海洋调查资料,运用定量、定性方法,探讨了上升流对该海域浮游动物生态类群分布的影响。结果表明:3个季节共鉴定浮游动物64种,桡足类占主要优势,包括5个生态类群,分别是暖温带近海种、暖温带外海种、亚热带近海种、亚热带外海种和热带大洋种。在种类数组成上,春季以暖温带近海种为主,夏季则是亚热带近海种和亚热带外海种居多,秋季也是亚热带种居多,其中夏季暖温带种种类数要高于春季和秋季,这一现象与同时期东黄海沿海有所不同,主要是由于上升流将一些在海洋底部度夏的暖温种带至海洋表面造成的。此外,3个季节生态类群都是以近海种为主,表明沿岸流是影响这一海域的最主要的水团。在丰度组成上,4月暖温带近海种占总丰度的98.79%,7月暖温带近海种也是组成丰度的重要部分,10月则是亚热带近海种丰度最高。丰度组成所反映的规律与种类数组成规律一致。上升流的存在导致夏季近海暖温带种大量出现,是影响这一海域浮游动物生态类群组成的重要因素;受长江径流和椒江径流的影响,近海种成为主要生态类群,是这一海域浮游动物的一个重要的生态特征。The Zhejiang region experiences coastal upwelling characterized by low temperatures and high salinities throughout the year but particularly during the summer months.The upwelling in this area brings nutrients from the bottom to the surface,providing nutrients for large numbers of breeding plankton.The large quantities of zooplankton are a major food source for many fish and consequently the offshore waters of Zhejiang are productive fishing grounds.Another effect of the upwelling is that temperate warm water species that normally occur in deeper waters and offshore species are taken along with the current resulting in shifts in local zooplankton species composition and changes to the ecological structure and function of this group.This research was based on data from three oceanographic surveys in the offshore waters of the Yushan fishery during April,July and November of 2010.Using quantitative and qualitative methods,the primary aim of this paper was to examine the influence of upwelling on the ecological distribution of zooplankton in this area.A total of 64 species mainly dominated by copepods were identified which were classified into five major ecological groups including coastal temperate warm water species,offshore temperate warm water species,coastal subtropical water species,offshore subtropical water species and oceanic tropical water species.Coastal temperate warm water species were prevalent in spring,coastal subtropical water species and offshore subtropical water species in summer and subtropical species in autumn.The higher abundance of temperate warm water species such as Calanus sinicus,Paracalanus parvus and Sagitta nagae in summer relative to spring and autumn was primarily caused by the upwelling that transported these species from the bottom to the surface.This phenomenon is very different from the hydrodynamic processes that occur in the East and Yellow China Seas.Additionally,coastal species were the dominant zooplankton group,which means that coastal currents have the greatest influence on species composition in these waters.According to the research of Hu Dun-Xin,the main power of the Zhejiang coastal upwelling comes from the upward movement of subsurface water from the Kuroshio current as it follows the continental shelf.The subsurface water of the Kuroshio current runs southeast to northwest and shifts to the east forming an upwelling when it is blocked by the Chen Island Archipelago.With low temperatures and high salinities,the subsurface water of the Kuroshio current carries temperate warm water species and offshore species.As a result,during periods of coastal upwelling temperate warm water species are carried to the surface from the bottom,producing the unusual phenomenon were the number of temperate warm water species in summer is higher than in spring and autumn,contrary to the situation in other areas that have similar climatic conditions.In terms of abundance,coastal temperate warm water species accounted for 98.79% of the zooplankton in April and also a large proportion in July,whereas coastal subtropical water species were the dominant zooplankton group in October.Upwelling leading to the appearance of large numbers of temperate warm water species is a key factor affecting the ecological composition of zooplankton in these waters.The dominance of coastal species that are influenced by Jiao-Jiang runoff was a prime ecological characteristic of zooplankton in this region.国家自然科学基金项目(40776077); 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目(2010CB428705


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    目的 在新的抗体检测试剂基础上了解普通人群戊型肝炎病毒感染特点。方法 利用戊型肝炎病毒多聚化重组抗原组装的抗HEVIgGELISA试剂 (E2 IgG)对山东某地社区普通人群的戊肝感染情况进行检测。结果 本地人群各个年龄组共 2 ,998人中抗HEVIgG抗体总阳性率 (年龄性别标化 )为 14 1% ,男性标化阳性率为 16 2 % ,女性为 11 9%。 2 0岁以下人群戊肝感染率不足 1% ,自 2 0岁起男性和女性分别以每年接近 0 9%和 0 8%的速度平稳上升。戊肝感染者中男性与女性的平均抗体水平基本相同 ,基本上随着年龄的上升 ,人群中感染者的平均抗体水平也缓慢上升。随机选取的 10份E2 IgG阳性血清与抗原的反应均被抗 HEV单克隆抗体明显阻断。结论 该地区为戊肝流行区 ,感染主要发生在成年之后 ,以每年接近 1%的新感染率稳定上升。中小学生中戊肝抗体阳性率极低 ,学校内戊肝暴发的预防应引起高度重视

    1300 nm超辐射发光二极管寿命测试

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    作为光纤陀螺用光源的超辐射发光二极管(SLD)随着工作时间的延续,其性能会发生退化。采用加速老化的实验方法来估算InGaAsP SLD管芯的工作寿命。分别在环境温度373 K和358 K下对5只SLD管芯进行加速老化,并通过对P-t曲线拟合来推算和估计管芯的老化速率和激活能。计算出了器件的激活能平均值约为0.82 eV,SLD管芯在室温下的工作寿命超过10~6 h,可以满足光纤陀螺用光源的寿命要求。对影响SLD管芯可靠性的因素以及管芯的退化机理进行了分析,为研制高可靠性的超辐射发光二极管提供了理论基础


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    以二苯并噻吩(DBT)为模型化合物,在高压滴流床反应器上考察了以MCM-41担载不同原子物质的量比的Co-Mo催化剂的加氢脱硫(HDS)活性,并在总压5.0 MPa、温度280~340℃和液时空速30~90 h^-1条件下,研究了HDS的反应动力学。利用假1级平推流反应模型求得了DBT加氢脱硫反应的表观反应速率常数和表观反应活化能。根据DBT加氢脱硫反应网络中氢解路径的速率常数和加氢反应路径的速率常数随Co和Mo原子物质的量比的变化关系可以看出,氢解反应和加氢反应在不同的活性中心上进行,Co的引入强化了催化剂的氢解反应活性。在不同Co和Mo原子物质的量比的催化剂上进行反应时,DBT加氢脱硫反应的表观活化能不同,Co和Mo原子物质的量比为0.25、0.50、0.75和1.0时的表观活化能分别为111.0、92.9、82.1和101.4 kJ·mol^-1。研究结果表明,表观活化能与反应活性有很好的相关性


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    以二苯并噻吩(DBT)为模型化合物,在高压滴流床反应器上考察了以MCM-41担载不同原子物质的量比的Co-Mo催化剂的加氢脱硫(HDS)活性,并在总压5.0 MPa、温度280~340℃和液时空速30~90 h^-1条件下,研究了HDS的反应动力学。利用假1级平推流反应模型求得了DBT加氢脱硫反应的表观反应速率常数和表观反应活化能。根据DBT加氢脱硫反应网络中氢解路径的速率常数和加氢反应路径的速率常数随Co和Mo原子物质的量比的变化关系可以看出,氢解反应和加氢反应在不同的活性中心上进行,Co的引入强化了催化剂的氢解反应活性。在不同Co和Mo原子物质的量比的催化剂上进行反应时,DBT加氢脱硫反应的表观活化能不同,Co和Mo原子物质的量比为0.25、0.50、0.75和1.0时的表观活化能分别为111.0、92.9、82.1和101.4 kJ·mol^-1。研究结果表明,表观活化能与反应活性有很好的相关性