18 research outputs found


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    以杂交狼尾草为原料,采用批式中温厌氧发酵工艺,研究生长期为30、60、91、128、175d的杂交狼尾草的成分及厌氧发酵沼气产量。研究结果表明:刈割时间对原料成分有较大的影响,原料中C质量分数、碳氮比,干物质(TS)、挥发性固体物(VS)和木质素的质量分数随着刈割时间的延长呈升高的趋势。杂交狼尾草在单位土地面积上的干物质产量随刈割时间的延长先增加而后降低,其中生长128d时刈割干物质产量最高,可达15.01t/hm~2。原料的产气率也随刈割时间的延长先升高而后降低,其中生长60d的杂交狼尾草的产气性能最高,其挥发性固体物的产气率和产甲烷率分别为0.68、0.37L/g。综合干物质产量和原料产气率,杂交狼尾草在不同刈割时间下单位面积土地上的生物质量可产沼气量为848.07~6279.73m~3/hm~2,相应的年产能为165.49~292.66GJ, 可见杂交狼尾草是一种有潜力的厌氧发酵原料


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    Effects of changes in precipitation on soil respiration in coastal wetlands of the Yellow River Delta

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    Soil moisture fluctuation caused by changes in precipitation patterns associated with global change is an important driving force for the dynamic changes of soil respiration. However, it is unclear how coastal wetlands respond to changes in precipitation patterns, and thus cause changes in the ecosystem blue carbon function. To explore the response and mechanism of soil respiration and environmental and biological factors to precipitation changes, the soil carbon flux observation system was applied to monitor wetland soil respiration rates under different precipitation treatments relying on increased and decreased precipitation fields outside the control experiment platform of the Yellow River Delta coastal wetland in 2017. The results showed that: (1) with increased precipitation, the wetland soil temperature gradually decreased; simultaneously,both precipitation increase and decrease significantly increased wetland soil moisture (P &lt; 0.05); (2) changes in precipitation significantly affected vegetation species composition, aboveground and belowground biomass allocation, and root/shoot ratio (P &lt; 0.05). A 40% and 60% precipitation increase significantly increased the wetland plant species and vegetation root shoot ratio; however,it significantly reduced the aboveground biomass of wetland vegetation. In addition,a 40% increase and 60% decrease of precipitation significantly increased the aboveground biomass of wetland vegetation; (3) there was no significant effect of precipitation changes on annual soil respiration in wetlands. Nevertheless,a 60% and 40% precipitation increase both significantly increased the soil respiration rate in wetlands during the non-flooding season (P &lt; 0.05); (4) the wetland soil respiration and moisture showed a quadratic curve (P &lt; 0.05) with the correlation coefficient decreasing with precipitation increase. Furthermore, during the wetland non-flooding season, soil respiration and temperature were exponentially correlated (P &lt; 0.05) with soil temperature sensitivity (Q10) increasing with increasing precipitation. There was no significant correlation between soil respiration and temperature during flooding periods; (5) during the flooding period,the soil respiration rate was inversely correlated with the surface water level (P&lt; 0.001).</p


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    经过一系列的选矿工艺流程处理后的氰化尾矿,粒度比较细,难以沉降,导致回水中固含量比较高,直接回用时影响浮选指标,从而限制了回水利用率的提高。针对氰化尾矿难以絮凝沉降的问题,本文研究了无机絮凝剂氧化钙、有机絮凝剂阴离子型聚丙烯酰胺(HPAM)及实验室研制絮凝剂(GGQ)的最佳投加量及调整尾矿浆不同pH值条件下絮凝剂的除浊性能。提出并使用&quot;絮凝速度提高率&quot;进行实验室自制药剂(GGQ)与市售药剂絮凝性能比较,结果表明GGQ的絮凝速度提高率为70.76%:絮凝沉降60 min,氰化尾矿浆pH值为7时添加GGQ絮凝后体系剩余浊度为34.62 NTU,综合比较絮凝速度提高率及除浊性能得出GGQ具有比HPAM、CaO优异的絮凝效果