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    Enlightenments of Social Cognitive Career Theory on Career Development Courses

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    近年来,中国高校的生涯教育逐渐从单纯的就业指导转变为职业生涯规划。随着职业理论的发展和引入,职业教学课程的指导理论不完善之处逐渐凸显。社会认知职业理论关注个体的主观能动性及其生涯发展过程中的动态变化过程,突破了原有理论的弊端。本研究介绍社会认知职业理论的基本内容及其三个主要模型,从兴趣培养、自我效能的提高、生涯社会支持和个人背景四个角度提出对生涯教育的切实可行的建议。In recent years,career education in Mainland China is gradually shifting from simple employment guidance to career planning.With the introduction and development of modern career theories,the weakness of previous theories is increasingly prominent.Social cognitive career theory focuses on individuals' personal agency and the dynamic process of their career development,which addresses the emerging weakness of previous theories.This paper introduces the basic contents of social cognitive career theory and its three primary models,and offers practical suggestions for career education from four perspectives including interest facilitation,self-efficacy improvement,career social support and personal background.厦门大学文科横向科研项目-高中生涯发展指导(HX2013014); 厦门大学2013年学生工作研究课题“高校就业指导与生涯教育现状调查及其对大学生职业决策的影响研究-基于SCCT理论”(2013XNZD005

    Investigation of College Career Support Utilization for Graduates

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    通过调查大学毕业生对高校生涯支持的利用情况,得出以下结论:(1)大学毕业生对高校生涯支持利用主要为信息支持,其次为技能支持。信息支持、技能支持的得分显著高于情感支持和物质支持。(2)获取生涯支持频率在人口学变量上存在着显著差异。信息支持维度上,文科生寻求支持频率显著高于理科生,硕士毕业生高于本科毕业生;情感支持维度,男生高于女生。(3)大学生对高校生涯支持的有效性评价较高,且生涯支持的有效性与生涯支持频率存在较大相关。根据调查结论,对高校生涯教育工作及生涯支持方式提出建议。Based on the survey of graduates' utilization of college career support from university,the following conclusions were made:(1)College career support was mainly reflected on the dimensions of information support and skill support.The scores of information support and skills support were significantly higher than emotion support and financial support.(2)The frequencies of college career support had difference in demographic variables.On the dimension of information support,liberal arts students sought support more frequently than science students.And master students sought support more frequently than undergraduates.On the dimension of emotion support,males sought support more frequently the females.(3)The majority of college career support had effective on students' career development,and the effects were related to the frequencies.According to the findings,some suggestions on universities' career education and support were made.厦门大学学生工作研究课题重点课题项目“高校就业指导与生涯教育现状调查及其对大学生职业决策的影响研究——基于SCCT理论”(2013XNZD005