57 research outputs found

    Assessment of fishery management parameters for major prey fish species in the lower reaches of the Songhua River

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    The stability of the ecosystem directly affects the water quality and safety, fishery production, and people’s quality of life along the route. In this study, extensive biological information on five dominant species of prey fish, including Hemiculter leucisculus (Basilewsky, 1855), Acheilognathus macropterus (Bleeker), Rhodeus sericeus (Pallas,1776), Pseudorasbora parva (Temminck & Schlegel, 1846), and Squalidus argentatus (Sauvage & Dabry de Thiersant, 1874), was collected in the lower reaches of the Songhua River, and the population parameters and variation rules of these fish were evaluated. The results showed that at present, the fish resources in the lower reaches of the Songhua River were in an overexploited state. Although the growth rate of prey fish was accelerating, their growth potential was decreasing. In addition to the homogeneous structure of the fish community, it was increasingly evident that a high proportion of small-sized fish were present in the fish community. In addition, the growth length coefficients of the five prey fish species were all greater than 0.2, indicating that the prey fish were growing at a faster rate, and the range of the growth performance indicators were 3.49 ~ 4.37. Our data also demonstrated that the exploitation rates of Hemiculter leucisculus and Squalidus argentatus were both greater than 0.5, and the exploitation rates of all species were higher than Emax except for Pseudorasbora parva. Finally, based on the above results, the mesh size of all nets should be controlled above 45 mm to ensure the size of the main prey fish populations in the lower reaches of the Songhua River. In summary, these results provided variation rules and growth of prey fish resources in the lower reaches of the Songhua River. At the same time, the distribution of major commercial or endangered baiting grounds in the lower reaches of the Songhua River was determined, which was beneficial to the balance and integrity of the ecosystem

    Multi-omics approaches reveal the molecular mechanisms underlying the interaction between Clonorchis sinensis and mouse liver

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    IntroductionClonorchiasis remains a serious global public health problem, causing various hepatobiliary diseases. However, there is still a lack of overall understanding regarding the molecular events triggered by Clonorchis sinensis (C. sinensis) in the liver.MethodsBALB/c mouse models infected with C. sinensis for 5, 10, 15, and 20 weeks were constructed. Liver pathology staining and observation were conducted to evaluate histopathology. The levels of biochemical enzymes, blood routine indices, and cytokines in the blood were determined. Furthermore, alterations in the transcriptome, proteome, and metabolome of mouse livers infected for 5 weeks were analyzed using multi-omics techniques.ResultsThe results of this study indicated that adult C. sinensis can cause hepatosplenomegaly and liver damage, with the most severe symptoms observed at 5 weeks post-infection. However, as the infection persisted, the Th2 immune response increased and symptoms were relieved. Multi-omics analysis of liver infected for 5 weeks identified 191, 402 and 232 differentially expressed genes (DEGs), proteins (DEPs) and metabolites (DEMs), respectively. Both DEGs and DEPs were significantly enriched in liver fibrosis-related pathways such as ECM-receptor interaction and cell adhesion molecules. Key molecules associated with liver fibrosis and inflammation (Cd34, Epcam, S100a6, Fhl2, Itgax, and Retnlg) were up-regulated at both the gene and protein levels. The top three metabolic pathways, namely purine metabolism, arachidonic acid metabolism, and ABC transporters, were associated with liver cirrhosis, fibrosis, and cholestasis, respectively. Furthermore, metabolites that can promote liver inflammation and fibrosis, such as LysoPC(P-16:0/0:0), 20-COOH-leukotriene E4, and 14,15-DiHETrE, were significantly up-regulated.ConclusionOur study revealed that the most severe symptoms in mice infected with C. sinensis occurred at 5 weeks post-infection. Moreover, multi-omics analysis uncovered predominant molecular events related to fibrosis changes in the liver. This study not only enhances our understanding of clonorchiasis progression but also provides valuable insights into the molecular-level interaction mechanism between C. sinensis and its host liver

    Life-history traits and intra-cohort divergence of clearhead icefish (Protosalanx chinensis), indicating cannibalism increased fitness

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    Cannibalism is considered one of the causes of intra-cohort size divergence in fish and is usually believed to result in increased fitness in terms of survival and reproduction, but direct evidence of this is lacking. Population demographics of the clearhead icefish (Protosalanx chinensis) from Lake Xingkai (Khanka) were investigated for one year. Size-frequencies exhibited a bimodal distribution from July through January, where the population diverged into an upper and a lower modal group based on size. Stomach content analysis confirmed the occurrence of cannibalism, where fish belonging to the larger, upper modal group preyed upon those of the smaller, lower modal group. We found P. chinensis does not spawn until all of the oocytes have reached maturity and then a single spawning event occurs although the oocytes may develope asynchronously in the ovary. Upper modal group females matured slightly earlier than those of the lower modal group, and reproductive investment was considerably greater in the upper modal group than the lower modal group. The lower modal males made up the majority of the population after the spawning period, which meant they may have few opportunities to participate in reproduction. Therefore, piscivory and cannibalism of P. chinensis appears to have increased fitness of the fish belonging to the upper modal group and greatly reduced the fitness of those belonging to the lower modal group

    Topographic Spatial Variation Analysis of Loess Shoulder Lines in the Loess Plateau of China Based on MF-DFA

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    The Loess Plateau in China is internationally known for its unique geographical features and has therefore been studied by many researchers. This research exploits the regional differences in the spatial morphological characteristics of Loess shoulder lines in different landform types as an important basis for geomorphological regionalization. In this study, we used ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD), multi-fractal detrended fluctuation analysis (MF-DFA), and detrended cross-correlation analysis (DCCA) to analyze topographic data series extracted from shoulder lines. Loess shoulder-line land variations series data from the Suide, Ganquan, and Chunhua areas on the Loess Plateau were selected and a combination of the two above-mentioned methods was used to study land variations at these three sample sites. The results revealed differences in the topographic variations of the multi-fractal characteristics and the topographic spatial variation in the Loess shoulder line of the three sample sites. Furthermore, the extent to which the results were affected by noise and the analysis scale differed among the three areas

    Code for Multi-Animal Mesh Model ALignment (MAMMAL)

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    Three-dimensional surface motion capture of multiple freely moving pigs using MAMMAL A snapshot for the code and dataset used in the paper. Liang An, Jilong Ren, Tao Yu, Tang Hai*, Yichang Jia*, and Yebin Liu

    Three-dimensional surface motion capture of multiple freely moving pigs using MAMMAL

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    Abstract Understandings of the three-dimensional social behaviors of freely moving large-size mammals are valuable for both agriculture and life science, yet challenging due to occlusions in close interactions. Although existing animal pose estimation methods captured keypoint trajectories, they ignored deformable surfaces which contained geometric information essential for social interaction prediction and for dealing with the occlusions. In this study, we develop a Multi-Animal Mesh Model Alignment (MAMMAL) system based on an articulated surface mesh model. Our self-designed MAMMAL algorithms automatically enable us to align multi-view images into our mesh model and to capture 3D surface motions of multiple animals, which display better performance upon severe occlusions compared to traditional triangulation and allow complex social analysis. By utilizing MAMMAL, we are able to quantitatively analyze the locomotion, postures, animal-scene interactions, social interactions, as well as detailed tail motions of pigs. Furthermore, experiments on mouse and Beagle dogs demonstrate the generalizability of MAMMAL across different environments and mammal species

    Evapotranspiration Components Dynamic of Highland Barley Using PML ET Product in Tibet

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    Highland barley is the unique germplasm resource and dominant crop in Tibet with low-level precipitation and a severe shortage of available water resources. Understanding the characteristics and dynamics of evapotranspiration (ET) components (vegetation transpiration (Ec), soil evaporation (Es), and canopy interception evaporation (Ei)) of highland barley can help better optimize water management practices. The seasonal and interannual variations in ET components of highland barley were investigated using the PML-V2 ET product during 2001–2020. The results suggested that Es was the most important ET component and accounted for 77% of total ET for highland barley in Tibet. ET components varied obviously over the altitude, Es, and Es/ET ratio; a decreasing trend was observed with the increase in altitude from 3500 m to 3800 m and then this changed to an increasing trend until reaching the altitude of 4100 m, while Ec, Ei, and their ratios presented an opposite changing pattern to that of Es. Seasonal variation in daily ET components of highland barley displayed a parabolic pattern, peaked in August, while the temporal distributions differed considerably among different ET component ratios. The seasonal variations in ET components were correlated significantly with air temperature, relative humidity, and precipitation, while ET components ratios were more influenced by the environment, irrigation practice, and management rather than meteorological variables. Es and its ratio in highland barley decreased significantly during 2001–2020, while the Ec/ET ratio generally showed an opposite trend to the Es/ET ratio, and Ei and its ratio presented an insignificantly decreasing trend. The interannual variations in ET components were not correlated significantly with meteorological variables, while Ei was more influenced by meteorological variables, especially the precipitation characteristics