21 research outputs found


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    20年来的中国会计理论研究发展表明 ,经济建设宏观环境是会计理论研究赖以生存与发展的根本保障 ,同时 ,会计理论研究对经济发展具有反映性。“会计信息系统论”、“会计管理活动论”和“会计控制论”是中国 2 0年来会计理论研究最为突出的成就 ,它们都有其自身的合理性 ,并都对我国会计理论的发展产生了深远的影响。从我国当前经济发展的具体环境来看 ,加强“会计控制论”对会计实务的指导作用将更具现实意义。 2 1世纪的知识经济时代 ,将给会计理论研究至少带来两方面的课题 :人力资源会计问题和会计报告模式问题


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    A Survey and an Analysis of Investors' Demands for Listed Companies' Accounting Information

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    股票市场的有效是投资者在信息的引导下发生或改变投资行为而实现的。会计信息是投资者所需要信息中具有专业特点、不易为广大投资者所理解的一种信息。本文运用问卷调查的方法就投资者对上市公司会计信息的需求进行统计分析 ,并将调查结果与上市公司向投资者披露会计信息的现状进行比较 ,最后认为我国上市公司应在主要指标、分部信息、人力资源信息和财务预测信息等方面改进或加强会计信息的披露 ,同时建议我国上市公司目前不披露物价变动影响信息。The effectiveness of stock market is achieved when investors make or change their investment under the steering of information.Accounting information is an information which has major characteristics and is not easy to understand for investors.This paper makes an analysis about investors' demands for listed companies' accounting information based on investigation and comparison between the investigation results and current disclosure of listed companies' accounting information.We conclude that main indexes,segmental information,human resource information and financial forecasting information should be improved or strengthened,and suggest that price altering information should not be disclosed by listed companies

    Contract Arrangements for the Illegal Distortion Liability of Enterprises' Accounting Information

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    企业会计信息违法性失真问题已是我国当前需要着重研究解决的一项重大课题。我国《会计法》分别在 1 985、1 993和 1 999年对会计信息违法性失真的责任作出不同的合约安排。通过研究我们发现 ,产生于计划经济体制下的 1 985年和 1 993年的《会计法》已不能适应目前治理会计信息违法性失真的需要 ,1 999年《会计法》中的“单位负责人对本单位会计信息违法性失真负首要责任 ,会计人员负次要责任”的安排是合理的 ,但是 ,该法对单位负责人的处罚不仅没有在口径上与上述安排保持一致 ,而且力度不够 ,使得合理的会计信息失真责任合约安排将不能得到有效执行。本文根据分析结果建议对《会计法》与《刑法》中的法律责任进行相应修订 ,建议政府加强对企业会计信息质量的检查与建立社会检举制度。Illegally distorted accounting information(IDAI) in the enterprises has been an important issue to be resolved in China. Accunting Law of China has made different contract arrangements for the illegal distortion liability of accounting information in 1985,1993 and 1999.According to our research we find that Accounting Law (1985 or 1993) which was made under the planned\|economy system can't meet the need of fathering the accounting information at present.But Accounting Law in 1999 is reasonable which regulates that the unit principal is chiefly responsible for IDAI of his own unit,while the accountant takes the subordinate responsibilities. However,this reasonable arrangements wouldn't be carried out effectually because the sanction for the unit principal is not enough and its range is dwindled. And therefore,this paper suggests that Accounting Law and Criminal Law should be revised,examinations on the quality of accounting information should be strengthened and the socially informing system should be set up


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    Research On Common Pattern of Regulation System in Accounting Reporting by Listed Companies

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    由于法律制度的差异,世界各国的上市公司会计报告规范体系的构成各具特色,但在其背后仍然体现出上市公司会计报告规范体系的一般模式。本文通过比较分析,考察了美、英、日、法上市公司会计报告的规范体系,并得出了它由法律规范和准则制度规范两个层次构成的结论。Because of the differences in laws and institutions,the regulation systems of different countries in accounting reporting by listed companies have their own characteris- tics.But there still exists a common pattern of regulation system.By comparing and analysing,we inspectthe regulation systems of America,Britain,Japan and France,and con- clude that the common pattern of regulation system includes two levels of law regulation and standard and institution regulation