17 research outputs found

    On Object specification of Action

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    We observed separating fish action. Subjects were a right-handed graduate student and a right-handed cerebral infracted patient. A graduate student separated dried horse mackereles two times by her right and left hand with chopsticks. A patient separated four times over 6 months by left \u27nonparalysis\u27hand with also chop-sticks. We analyzed 6 actions video taped in these way : time, number of hand contacts with fish, number of functional acts that succeed to separate a piece of flesh. Contacts were divided in four sub-action categories, to separate fish, to separate bone or peel a skin, to put in order whole body and to arrange separated fleshes, bones and skins (see Table. 1). Organization of a sequential action process of these sub-action categories and an adjacent order of functional acts in each trials were showed Fig.1 to 12. Results showed that several anatomical structures of fish and variable action processes to separate fish were reciprocally determined and emerged a unique coordinated fish-action encounter

    行為の対象特定性 : 魚解体過程の分析

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    We observed separating fish action. Subjects were a right-handed graduate student and a right-handed cerebral infracted patient. A graduate student separated dried horse mackereles two times by her right and left hand with chopsticks. A patient separated four times over 6 months by left 'nonparalysis'hand with also chop-sticks. We analyzed 6 actions video taped in these way : time, number of hand contacts with fish, number of functional acts that succeed to separate a piece of flesh. Contacts were divided in four sub-action categories, to separate fish, to separate bone or peel a skin, to put in order whole body and to arrange separated fleshes, bones and skins (see Table. 1). Organization of a sequential action process of these sub-action categories and an adjacent order of functional acts in each trials were showed Fig.1 to 12. Results showed that several anatomical structures of fish and variable action processes to separate fish were reciprocally determined and emerged a unique coordinated fish-action encounter


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    放射線防護人材の不足は国際的な課題であり、我が国でも行政のレベルで議論されるようになって久しい。東電福島第一原発事故を経験して放射線防護人材の重要性が社会的に認識されつつも、人材不足の深刻度は増す一方である。2015 年には米国放射線防護審議会が放射線防護人材の不足に関するステートメントを発表しているが、そのエビデンスとして過去20 年間の米国保健物理学会の会員数の減少を報告している。そこで、日本放射線安全管理学会、日本放射線影響学会、日本放射線事故・災害医学会、日本保健物理学会では、学会員の人数や年齢分布の時系列的変化に関する共同的調査を実施した。その結果、近年の会員数の推移は、学会によって異なることがわかった。また経時的に年齢分布を比較した調査結果からは、20 代の会員の割合が増えているのに対し、40-50 代が減少していることが明らかになった。その理由の一つとして、若い世代にとって放射線防護関連の(定常的)ポストを得ることが大きなハードルとなっていると考えられる