335 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Management System for Home improvement company Based on PHP

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    随着电子商务的普及,人们已经习惯在网上购买各商品和服务,电商已经是人们生活的必须品,很多企业也建立了自己的电子商务平台,并通过平台对客户进行网络营销。家装是一个比较传统的产业,在现代,人们消费观念的转变,人们对住房的要求也逐渐提高,追求实用的同时,还有很高的美观要求,为了拓宽市场,提高业务,为企业创造更多的经济价值,网络宣传及营销是现在行业发展的趋势。 本系统采用PHP作为开发语言,基于PHPCMS框架的CMS网站系统的开发,采用MySQL作为数据库等实现系统开发。 系统主要包括公司宣传、产品介绍,业务接单、工艺标准、用户注册、装修问题解答,客户跟踪等功能。本人在系统中主要参与公司宣传、产...With the popularity of e-commerce, people have been accustomed to purchasing various goods and services online, and e-commerce has been the necessaries of life. A large number of companies have set up their own e-commerce platforms, through which they carry out network marketing to customers. Due to changes in consumer attitudes, people’s housing requirements have been slowly shifted from simple u...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323195

    A Preliminary Study on the Baizhuduan Type

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    白主段类型是分布于福建闽江上游的富屯溪、崇阳溪、建溪、南浦溪、松溪等主要支流及其流域在内的广阔腹地的一支重要青铜时代早期考古学文化类型。白主段类型以甗形器、盆形鼎、罐类器、尊、瓮、豆、盂、钵、盆、杯等为基本陶器组合。其年代大致相当于中原地区的商代,下限或至西周初。本文在全面收集各类材料的基础上,界定了白主段类型的文化内涵,并通过对典型陶器形制的演变序列进行分析,将该文化类型划分为三段两期。第1段为白主段类型早期,年代大致相当于商代早期偏晚;第2段和第3段为其晚期前段与后段,年代大致相当于商代晚期,下限或至西周初。在分期的基础上,本文还探讨了白主段类型陶器群的文化因素构成,初步将之划分为8组因素...The Baizhuduan Type is one of the important archaeological culture types in the early period of Bronze Age,and its remains are distributed on the vast lands of the main tributaries(including Futun Stream,Chongyang Stream,Jianxi Stream,Nanpu Stream,Songxi Stream) and drainage basins in the upstream of Minjiang River,Fujian Province.Characterised by a pottery combination of Yan-shaped steamer, Ding,...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院_文物与博物馆硕士学号:1032013115234

    Design and Implementation of Federal Health Insurance Sales System of HCSC

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    Medicare是一项联邦医疗保险计划,它面向的客户群巨大,申请时间集中以及高度的监管和产品高复杂性等等问题,已成为这一业务电子商务化要面临的挑战。因此,建立一套联邦医疗保险销售平台对该业务的发展起着极为重要的作用。宗旨是将传统的保险电话营销跟电子商务集合,提高客户转化率。 HCSC(HealthCareServiceCorporation)是美国的一家非盈利性的健康保险公司,作为美国第四大健康保险公司,其拥有最多的客户数据信息。本论文针对HCSC的Medicare医保销售现状(age-in客户转化率低、95%的客户并没有购买到最划算的联邦保险、age-in的客户对他们的医生以及当前的保险运...Medicare is a federal health insurance program that has a huge customer, a time-consuming application and a high degree of regulation and high product complexity, which has become a challenge for current business e-commerce. Therefore, it’s very important to build-up an establishment federal health insurance sales platform for the development of the business. The goal is to combine traditional ins...学位:工学硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323081

    Research on Improvement of Direct Labor Efficiency in SA Company

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    SA企业是厦门一家生产不间断电源UPS和精密空调的工厂。随着国内工人工资的不断上涨,加上和兄弟工厂制造成本的竞争日益激烈,提高直接人工效率,降低人工成本和制造费用,从而降低总制造成本,提升企业的竞争力。提高直接人工效率成为了SA企业可持续发展的必要。 本文以精益生产方式和KPI考核方法为理论基础,通过分析SA企业在影响生产线人工效率的4个主要问题:生产线平衡率低、产品转换造成停线时间过长、作业员技能单一造成操作不熟练以及无绩效考核制度带来作业员工作不积极,提出了以下解决方案:通过工业工程流程改善ESCRI五大手法提高生产线平衡率,减少正常生产时员工的等待浪费;制定生产线产品转换标准作业流程降...SA enterprise is the manufacturer of UPS and Cooling products at Xiamen. With salary increase for the workers, keen competition on total manufacturing cost with “brother” enterprises, SA need to improve direct labor efficiency,reduce labor cost and overhead cost with the result of total manufacturing cost decrease, this will contribute to the improvement of competition ability for SA. Improving di...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792007115060


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    本论文的目的是针对实务上企业管理当局利用重要性原则影响财务报表公允表达的不当会计行为,以及会计审计人员执行重要性判断的偏差等问题,进行探讨分析,并提出对策。本文的分析方法主要是对重要性概念的本质、特征以及重要性判断的决策过程进行理论分析。 财务报表的使用者需要注册会计师提供独立公正的审计查核,以确信企业所编制的财务报表没有重大的错报或漏报。注册会计师的审计服务并不保证财务报表完全没有错报或漏报,因而,注册会计师都要在审计报告中明确陈述“在所有重大方面公允地反映……(并)合理确信财务报表无重大不实表达”。这项陈述表达了,提供财务报表的管理当局及提供审计服务的注册会计师,对所提供的会计信息只给予...The purpose of this dissertation is, by pinpointing the manipulation of materiality principle by executive managements for affecting the faithful presentation of financial statements and the abuse of materiality judgment by accountants and auditors, to propose an exploratory research effort for better understanding the concept of materiality and the decision-making process of materiality judgment ...学位:管理学博士院系专业:管理学院会计系_会计学学号:B20001101

    practice study of inventory problem in company D

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    本文重点研究D公司在供应链中基于电子平台的库存控制问题。文章从国内采购的角度分析D公司的库存问题,研究公司如何利用电子平台,解决这些库存问题,并分析方案执行后的效果。对于如何通过利用电子平台技术降低公司以及供应链的库存成本,减少缺货风险,都有着显著的指导意义。 从研究思路和方法方面,本文以D公司库存问题电子平台的利用为背景,基于供应链库存控制以及供应链信息共享理论,分析了D公司基于电子平台在解决库存问题的过程中从产品开发时供应商通过网站参与信息共享到形成库存各环节全球库存信息共享的实践情况,解决了D公司利用电子平台降低缺货风险的同时保持合理库存水平的实际问题。 从研究结构上看,本文从基于电...The paper focuses the research on the electronic platform based inventory control in company D’s supply chain. From the domestic purchasing aspects, the paper analyzes the inventory problems in company D, researches how the company solved the problems through electronic platform, and evaluates the solution’s effect. It has significant meaning about how to decrease the inventory cost for the compan...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792010115069

    The Marketing Mode and Channel Innovation of Nokia China

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    现代商品经济体系,任何产品的销售都与营销紧密相连,营销模式更是所有商家研究的重点。任何一个企业在不同的发展阶段都会有一个营销模式。企业的发展过程就是营销模式的形成和创新过程。在中国,越来越多的手机厂商(国内或国外的)和移动运营商加入到市场竞争中,随着通信技术与媒体、互联网等高新技术的融合,新的通信产业不断的繁荣发展。在这一行业中,各类先进的手机营销模式也不断的影响着市场发展,越来越多的企业开始将渠道管理提升到竞争的层面,手机业渠道的模式管理越来越受到高层管理人员的关注。中国手机市场的渠道模式由简单的国包销售,不断的发展,衍生出大连锁、运营商、FD等多种渠道模式。渠道创新贯穿着手机行业的发展,每...In modern commercial economy system, sales of any product are closely connected with marketing, of which the marketing mode is the key of research for all trade companies. Enterprises have their own marketing modes in different developing stages and the development of an enterprise is the formation and innovation process of marketing mode. In China, more and more mobile phone manufacturers (domest...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:20041512

    Immunohistochemical Study of Serotonin in the Digestive System of Scylla serrata

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    【中文摘要】 应用免疫组织化学方法对锯缘青蟹消化系统的 5- HT分泌细胞的形态和分布进行了观察 .结果表明 :5- HT阳性细胞形态多样 ,多数为卵圆形 ,少数为柱形 ,多边形或具有较长的胞突 .消化道各段均有 5- HT阳性细胞 ,中肠密度最高 ,食道次之 ,贲门胃、幽门胃和后肠较低 .5- HT阳性细胞多数位于固有膜和粘膜下层 ,少数散布于肌层 .肝胰腺也具有 5- HT阳性细胞 【英文摘要】 The morphology and distribution of serotonin(5 HT) immunoreactivity in the digestive system of Scylla serrata were investigated. 5 HT immunoreactive cells had various forms: the majority were oval, while the minority were columnar, irregular in shape, or having long processes. 5 HT immunoreactive cells were distributed throughout the digestive tract, with the highest density in the midgut, the second in the esophagus, and a low density in the stomach and hindgut. Most of the 5 HT immunoreactive c...福建省重中之重“福建省海洋生物优良种质和生物活性物质的应用基础研究”资助项

    Content Determination of the Related Substances in Lornoxicam Tablets by HPLC

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    目的:建立测定氯诺昔康片有关物质含量的方法。方法:采用高效液相色谱法。色谱柱为THErMO HyPErSIl OdS,流动相A为1%醋酸铵溶液-10%氢氧化四丁基铵溶液-甲醇(1 000∶6.4∶4.4),流动相b为乙腈-辛胺(99.9∶0.1),梯度洗脱,流速为0.5Ml/MIn,可变波长检测器,检测波长为280 nM,柱温为35℃。测定3批样品中4种已知杂质2-氨基吡啶、Hn-40244、Hn-10004、Hn-10002及其他单个杂质和总杂质含量。结果:4种已知杂质以及其他单个杂质均能与氯诺昔康完全分离,4种已知杂质在各自的检测质量浓度范围内线性关系良好(r≥0.999 8),检测限分别为0.64、0.28、0.29、0.24 ng,定量限分别为1.30、0.93、0.95、0.40ng。结论:建立的方法结果准确,可全面检测氯诺昔康片中有关物质的含量。OBJECTIVE:To establish a method for the content determination of the related substances in Lornoxicam tablets.METHODS:HPLC method was adopted.The determination was performed on Thermo Hypersil ODS column with 1% ammonium acetate solution-10% tetrabutyla mmonium hydroxide solution-methanol (1 000∶6.4∶4.4) as the mobile phase A and acetonitrile-octylamine (99.9∶0.1) as mobile phase B(gradient elution).The flow rate was 0.5 ml/min and the column temperature was 35 ℃.The detection wavelength of VWD detector was set at 280 nm.The contents of 4 kinds of known impurity (2-amino pyridine,HN40244,HN-10004 and HN-10002),other single impurity and total impurity were all determined in 3 batches of samples.RESULTS: 4 kinds of known impurities and other single impurity were all separated from lornoxicam completely.There was a good linear relationship between calibration curve and the concentration of 4 kinds of known impurities(r≥0.999 8).The limits of detection were 0.64,0.28,0.29 and 0.24 ng,respectively.The limits of quantification were 1.30 ng,0.93 ng,0.95 ng and 0.40 ng,respectively.CONCLUSIONS:The method is accurate and suitable for the content determination of the related substances in Lornoxicam tablets

    A Probe on Tenure System in Universities in Japan

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    自 1997年 8月日本大学教师任期制正式生效以来的 5年间 ,以推动人员流动、促进科学研究、提高组织运营活性化为目的任期制取得了长足的发展 ,但是 ,这一制度的出台也给日本大学的人事改革带来了“震荡性”的影响。本文论述了日本大学教师任期制的性质、特点、实施情况及影响 ,以期对中国大学如今进行的人事制度改革提供一定的经验借鉴。Five years have passed since Aug. 1997 when Tenure System began officially in force in Japan. And the tenure system has made a great progress in promoting staff's mobility, intensifying scientific research, and encouraging organization's flexibility. But the system also brought a “shock” effect on the personnel reform of the universities in Japan. This paper has analyzed the quality, character of the system, and also the state and effect of implement of the system, which may be a reference for the personnel reform in Chinese universities today