72 research outputs found

    Carbon Sequestration and Blance in Casuarina equisetifolia Plantation Ecosystem on Coastal Sand

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    随着大气温室气体含量上升,全球气候变暖,森林作为固定二氧化碳的绿色植物主体,其CO2吸收和储存功能越来越受到人们的关注。森林现有植物中碳储量和森林生态系统中碳循环是评价森林CO2吸收功能的主要尺度。随着近年来天然林资源的减少,人工林面积不断增加,人工林在森林生态系统中占有越来越重要的地位,中国现有人工林保存面积已达到5300多万公顷,但目前有关人工林生态系统碳吸存与碳平衡的研究不多,特别是我国南亚热带地区人工林生态系统碳循环研究,这就限制了对我国南亚热带人工林生态系统碳汇源的准确评估。 有鉴如此,本文选择我国南亚热带地区海岸带不同发育阶段(幼龄林、中龄林、成熟林)的木麻黄人工林为研究对象,通...Forest ecosystems have been increasingly paid more and more attentions due to the roles in sequestration and storage of carbon with an increase in green house gas concentration in the atmosphere for the last decades. For forest ecosystems, the carbon storage and the cycling of carbon are common indicators to assess the CO2-fixation capacity. There is 530 million hectare plantation in our country n...学位:博士后院系专业:海洋与环境学院环境科学与工程系_环境工程学号:BH1700017

    Studies on Energy of Casuarina equisetifolia Plantation on Degraded Coastal Sand

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    应用GR-3500型氧弹式热值仪测定福建沿海中部惠安县崇武林场1989年造的海岸沙地木麻黄人工林热值和能量现存量。结果表明:现存生物量为152·60t·hm-2,净生产力为10·17t·hm-2a-1,凋落物的年归还量为14·17t·hm-2a-1。木麻黄各组分干质量热值为19·26~20·53kJ·g-1,平均为19·70kJ·g-1,灰分含量为1·20%~11·92%,平均5·23%。整个林分能量现存量为2986·92GJ·hm-2,各组分的分布为干(43·30%)>根(24·10%)>枝(13·60%)>皮(10%)>小枝(6·60%)>枯枝(1·60%)>果(0·80%)。能量的归还量为294·56GJ·hm-2,净固定量为196·80GJ·hm-2,整个林分对林地有效太阳辐射能转化率为0·90%。木麻黄在东南沿海地区有较高的太阳能利用率和生长适应性,是很好的造林树种。By burning samples in a GR-3500 Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter, the caloric values and the total amounts of energy of Casuarina equisetifolia plantation planted in 1989 were determined at Chongwu forestry centre of Hui'an county, central coastline of Fujian Province. The standing crop of biomass, net productivity and litter production of the C. equisetifolia plantation were 152.60 t·hm~ -2 , 10.17 and 14.17 t·hm~ -2 a~ -1 , respectively. The gross caloric values of various components varied from 19.26 kJ·g~ -1 to 20.53 kJ·g~ -1 , with the weighted average of 19.70 kJ·g~ -1 . Ash content ranged from 1.20% to 11.92%, and averaged 5.23%. Total amounts of energy of plantation was 2 986.92 GJ·hm~ -2 , the rank order of various components was stem (43.30%) > root (24.10%) > branch (13.60%) > bark (10%) > foliage (6.60%) > dead branch (1.60%) > fruit (0.80%). Energy return through litter and net energy fixation were 294.56 and 196.80 GJ·hm~ -2 , respectively. The energy conversion efficiency of the photosynthetic active radiation was 0.90% on the whole stand. These results demonstrated that C. equisetifolia is a good tree species for silviculture in east-south coastlines of China because of its high energy conversion efficiency and ecological adaptation.国家“十五”科技攻关项目(2002BA516A16-15)“海岸带防护林优化配置模式和可持续经营技术研究”

    Genetic differentiation and structure of Casuarina equisetifolia populations

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    利用RAPD技术对4个短枝木麻黄(Casuarina equisetifolia)种群的遗传分化和群体遗传结构进行了分析。结果表明,短枝木麻黄具有较高的遗传多样性,但各种群的遗传多样性大小不一,由大到小依次为天然分布于澳大利亚、太平洋群岛的原生种群(YSAP)>引种于亚洲的次生种群(CSAS)>引种于非洲的次生种群(CSAF)>天然分布于东南亚的原生种群(YSAS)。遗传变异分析表明,短枝木麻黄群体的遗传变异主要存在于群体内,种群间遗传多样性比例(Hsp-Hpop)/Hsp=0.246,遗传分化系数GST=0.263,种群间变异比率φST=0.278 9,即群体内变异占了72.11%,群体间变异占27.89%。UPGMA聚类分析将4个短枝木麻黄种群归为2类,YSAS与CSAS的亲缘关系较密切,而YSAP与CSAF有着更亲密的关系,这在一定程度上反映了次生种群的主要引种来源。Genetic differentiation and population genetic structure from 4 populations of Casuarina equisetifolia were studied by RAPD markers.The results showed that high genetic diversity in C.equisetifolia.The order of genetic diversity was natural populations from Australia/Pacific(YSAP)> introduced populations from Asia(CSAS)> introduced populations from Africa(CSAF)> natural populations from South-East Asia(YSAS).The genetic variation of C.equisetifolia populations mainly existed within populations.(Hsp-Hpop)/Hsp,GST and φST were 0.246,0.263 and 0.278 9 respectively.Therefore,it was apparent that variation within population accounted for 72.11% and variation among populations accounted for 27.89% of the total genetic diversity.Based on UPGMA cluster analysis,4 C.equisetifolia populations were divided into 2 groups.YSAS and CSAS,YSAP and CSAF showed closed geographic relationship,respectively.国家“十一五”科技支撑计划项目(2006BAB01A16-05);; 福建省科技厅重大项目(2006NZ0001-2);; 福建省林木种苗攻关项

    Restoration of Degraded Ecosystem and Integrated Management in Coastal Zone

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    文中在分析海岸带特征的基础上,提出了海岸环境管理面临的问题。根据海岸带退化生态系统的特点,阐述了红树林海岸、沙质海岸和河口湿地海岸退化生态系统恢复重建的理论和实践,并提出了进行海岸带综合管理的途径和措施。Coastal zone is facing with enormous stress such as environment pollution,ecological deterioration,and resource decrease due to its unique environment and geographical position.In this paper,based on the analysis of characteristics of coastal zone,the issues of coastal zone environment management are raised.The theory and practice of ecological restoration of mangrove coast,sandy coast and estuarine wetland coast are expounded according to the characteristics of degraded ecosystem.Measures of integrated coastal zone management are suggested to promote sustainable development

    Dynamic Caloric Value of Casuarina equisetifolia Litter Fall During Decomposition on Coast Sandy Land

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    采用氧弹式热值仪测定福建惠安滨海沙地木麻黄凋落物分解过程中的热值,揭示凋落物分解过程中干物质热值、去灰分热值、灰分含量的变化规律,结果表明:凋落物起始干物质热值为21.67kJ·g-1,经过3个月平缓下降后其值为21.40kJ·g-1,到第10个月干物质热值为20.48kJ·g-1,达到最低点,与起始值相差1.19kJ·g-1,随后干物质热值开始回升,第12个月的干物质热值为20.83kJ·g-1,年平均每月降低0.07kJ·g-1;去灰分热值与干物质热值有相同的变化趋势,从开始的22.78kJ·g-1,到第9个月的最小值21.89kJ·g-1,与起始值相差0.89kJ·g-1,随后的回升速度较干物质热值快,到第12个月时达22.41kJ·g-1,但是12个月总体平均每月降低0.03kJ·g-1;凋落物灰分含量的变化与热值呈相反的变化趋势,随着时间的延长灰分含量增加,但和热值一样反映了凋落物分解的规律,开始的灰分含量为4.88%,到3个月时为4.90%,随后进入线性增长的趋势,到第12个月时达7.09%,平均每月增加0.184个百分点。不论热值还是灰分含量与气温和不同层次土壤温度都显著相关,温度,特别是气温是影响凋落物分解的重要因素。The Casuarina equisetifolia litter decomposition experiment site locates at Huian county in Fujian province, south of China. Caloric value were tested by oxygenic bomb caloric-meter. The aim was to expose the law of gross caloric value, ash free caloric value and ash content of litter during decomposition. The result showed the dynamic of the gross caloric value, ash free caloric value and ash content of Casuarina equisetifolia litter during decomposing. The decomposation lasted for three months with the caloric 21.40 kJ·g -1, to which decreased from the beginning gross caloric 21.67 kJ·g -1. At the tenth month, the gross caloric value was decreased to rock bottom, 20.48 kJ·g -1, with the range 1.19 kJ·g -1 to the begin value. After ten months of decomposation, the gross caloric value began to increase, then gross caloric value increased to 20.83 kJ·g -1 at the twelfth month, while with average decreasing ratio 0.07 kJ·g -1 per month; As to ash free caloric value, which the beginning ash free caloric 22.78 kJ·g -1, decreased to nadir, 21.89 kJ·g -1 at the ninth month, with the range 0.89 kJ·g -1 to the begin value. Then it increased faster than gross caloric did, up to 22.41 kJ·g -1 at the twelfth month. While it had average decreasing ratio 0.03 kJ·g -1 per month; The ash content, which had the contrary tendency to caloric, increased with time go by. But as the gross caloric, they all reflected the law of litter decomposition. It increased slowly from 4.88% to 4.90% in the beginning three months, then increased sharply. At the twelfth month, the ash content was up to 7.09%,and with average increasing ratio 0.184 point of percentage per month, in twelve months. While both caloric and ash content related obviously with temperature and soil temperature, especial the air temperature, so temperature was an important factor effecting the litter decomposition.国家“十五”科技攻关项目:“海岸带防护林优化配置模式和可持续经营技术研究”(2002BA516A1615

    Study on Dynamic of Casuarina equisetifolia Plantation Litter and Its Caloric Value on Coastal Sands

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    2002年11月至2003年10月在福建沿海中部惠安县崇武镇赤湖林场用收集筐法收集木麻黄凋落物,分析了凋落物各组分的归还量;应用GR-3500型氧弹式热值仪测定木麻黄凋落物的热值,并测定分析了凋落物各组分的灰分含量。结果表明:木麻黄人工林的凋落物归还量为14.18 t.hm-2.a-1,其中小枝占72.21%,枝条占23.41%,球果占2.68%,其余部分占1.69%。归还分布情况是:4—9月为归还高峰期,占总归还量的68.48%,其它月份占总归还量的31.52%。凋落物各组分灰分含量平均值顺序为:花(5.32%)>小枝(4.90%)>枝(4.69%)>球果(3.20%);凋落物干物质热值平均值顺序为:小枝>(21.11 kJ.g-1)>花(20.96 kJ.g-1)>球果(19.91 kJ.g-1)>枝条(19.89 kJ.g-1);凋落物去灰分热值的顺序为:小枝(22.19 kJ.g-1)>花(22.18 kJ.g-1)>枝条(20.87 kJ.g-1)>球果(20.63 kJ.g-1)。整个林分的能量归还量为294.55 G J.hm-2.a-1,其中小枝占主体,归还量为215.79 G J.hm-2.a-1,其次是枝条66.07 G J.hm-2.a-1,再次是果7.66 G J.hm-2.a-1,花最小5.02 G J.hm-2.a-1,各月的能流变化与凋落物生物量相似。By burning samples in a GR-3500 Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter,the caloric value of Casurina equisetifolia litter collected by traps from Nov.2002 to Oct.2003 at Chihu forestry centre in Huian county in the middle of Fujian coast was analyzed,and the ash content and ash free caloric value of every components were tested.Result showed that Casuarina equisetifolia plantation litter was 14.18 t·hm~(-2)·a~(-1),foliage twig occupied 72.21% of total,branch,cone,flower were 23.41%,2.68%,1.69%,respectively.The monthly dynamic variance was that the fastigium was from April to September,occupied 68.48% of total litter,and that in the other months occupied 31.52%.The average ash content order of components were flower(5.32%)>foliage twig(4.90%)>twig(4.69%)>cone(3.20%).The average gross caloric value order of components were foliage twig(21.11 kJ·g~(-1))>flower(20.96 kJ·g~(-1))>cone(19.91 kJ·g~(-1))>twig(19.89 kJ·g~(-1)).The average ash free caloric value order were foliage twig(22.19 kJ·g~(-1))>flower(22.18 kJ·g~(-1))>twig(20.87 kJ·g~(-1))>cone(20.63 kJ·g~(-1)).The C.equisetifolia plantation had high returning energy in a year,the amount of total plant was 294.55 GJ·hm~(-2)·a~(-1).The distribution among the components are as follows: foliage twig was 215.79 GJ·hm~(-2)·a~(-1) while twig,cone,flower were 66.07 GJ·hm~(-2)·a~(-1),7.66 GJ·hm~(-2)·a~(-1),5.02 GJ·hm~(-2)·a~(-1),respectively,with same dynamic tendency as the litter biomass variance.国家“十五”科技攻关项目:“海岸带防护林优化配置模式和可持续经营技术研究”(2002BA516A16-15

    Study on Biomass and Energy of Main Species Plantation on the Coast Sandy in the South East of China

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    应用GR-3500型氧弹式热值仪测定了福建省东山县赤山林场木麻黄林、厚荚相思林和湿地松林的能量现存量,结果表明:木麻黄林现存生物量为156.82 t/hm2,各组分热值(总能量与总生物量的比值)处于19.84~21.70 kJ/g,整个林分平均热值为20.26 kJ/g,能量现存量为3 177.95 GJ/hm2,干的能量最大占总量38.09%,果的能量最小占总量0.77%;厚荚相思林现存生物量为149.51 t/hm2,各组分干重热值为19.98~23.48 kJ/g,整个林分平均热值为20.59 kJ/g,能量现存量3 079.16 GJ/hm2,干的能量最大占总量57.67%,果的能量最小占总量3.06%;湿地松林现存生物量142.22 t/hm2,各组分干重热值处于20.53~21.54 kJ/g,整个林分平均热值为21.00 kJ/g,能量现存量为2 986.28 GJ/hm2,其中干的能量最大占总量35.08%,枯枝的最小。3树种林分具有较高的现存生物量、能量现存量、各组分热值和整体平均热值,体现出较高的太阳能利用率。可见从热值与生物量的角度看,木麻黄、厚荚相思和湿地松是海岸沙地造林的良好树种。By burning samples in a GR-3500 Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter,the caloric values of plant samples were tested and then calculated the total amounts of energy of Casuarina equisetifolia plantation,Pinus elliottii plantation and Acasia crassicarpa plantation at Chishan forestry centre in Dong shan county Fujian province.The results were showed as follows: The standing biomass and energy were 156.82 t/hm2 and 3 177.95 GJ/hm2 in C.equisetifolia plantation,and the gross caloric values were between 19.84 kJ/g and 21.70 kJ/g,with total average 20.26 kJ/g(The ratio of total energy to total biomass).The energy distribution among components were: trunk occupied 38.09% of total,the largest ratio of components,while fruit on the other hand,was 0.77%;While in the A.crassicarpa plant,the standing biomass and energy were 149.51 t/hm2 and 3 079.16 GJ/hm2,respectively.The caloric were from 19.98 kJ/g to 23.48 kJ/g with total average 20.59 kJ/g.The components energy structure were as follows: Truck occupied 57.67% of total,while dead branch only 3.06% in the other side.In the P.elliottii plantation,standing biomass was 142.22 t/hm2.Caloricvalue of components range from 20.53 kJ/g to 21.54 kJ/g,with total average 21.00 kJ/g.While standing energy was 2 986.28 GJ/hm2.From all the above,three species of plantation with higher standing biomass,standing energy,high caloric values of components and total average values,showed that they had higher ratio of solar energy utilization.So C.equisetifolia,A.crassicarpa and P.elliottii were very suitable species to coastal sandy cultivation.国家“十五”科技攻关项目(2002BA516A16-15

    Research Advances of Decline Mechanism and Maintenance Approach of Casuarina equisefolia in Coastal Area

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    基于几十年来木麻黄的研究成果,综述了沿海木麻黄林的衰退因素。结果认为:沿海木麻黄衰退现象是由多种因素引起的一种林木衰退病,并指出维持木麻黄林健康的主要途径是营造混交林以及选用抗病、抗旱(风)等抗逆无性系造林。After a brief review on coastal Casurina equisefolia in the past decades,the latest advances of the decline influencing factors of coastal Casurina equisefolia were summarized.The paper indicated that the decline phenomenon of coastal Casurina equisefolia is a forest tree decline disease caused by manifold factors.In addition,the author indicated that the most approach of maintaining Casurina equisefolia healthily growth is building mixed forest,clones with resistance forestation of disease resistance,drought and wind resistance ect

    Effect of Drought Stress on the Characteristics of Transpiration of 4 Plants

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    在温室条件下研究类芦等4种植物在干旱胁迫下的蒸腾特性。结果表明,在正常供水情况下,4种植物蒸腾速率和气孔阻力日变化规律明显;在干旱胁迫下,气孔阻力增大,蒸腾速率逐步降低,当水势下降到临界值时,气孔关闭,气孔阻力急剧增大,蒸腾速率降至最低。4种植物中,类芦的水分利用效率最高,其次为百喜草和香根草,五节芒最低。4种植物的抗旱力以类芦最强,百喜草和香根草其次,五节芒最弱。Based on the condition controlling in the green house,the effect of drought stress on the characteristics of transpiration water consumption of 4 plants were tested.The results showed that 4 species examined had clearly daily variation in transpiration and stomatal resistance.The transpiration rate drop gradually and stomatal resistance increased under the condition of drought stress.When water potential dropped to some critical level,stomatal increased sharply and the transpiration rate decreased to lowest level as stomatal close.Neyraudia reynaudiana was of high drought tolerance with high water use efficiency under different water supply,while Miscanthus floridulus is of low,and the drought resistance ability of Paspalum notatum and Vetiveria zizanioides were ranked between the two species

    Effects of fertilization on Casuarina equisetifolia seedlings total phenolics and extractable condensed tannin contents.

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    研究了施用氮肥和磷肥对短枝木麻黄幼苗总酚(TOTAl PHEnOlICS,TP)和可溶性缩合单宁(EXTrACTAblE COndEnSEd TAnnIn,ECT)含量的影响,探讨短枝木麻黄单宁形成的养分效应.结果表明:施加氮肥使短枝木麻黄幼苗小枝的TP和ECT含量显著降低,支持碳氮平衡假说和生长分化平衡假说,但对氮含量没有显著影响,从而导致TP/n和ECT/n降低;施加磷肥对TP和ECT含量没有显著影响;随着处理时间的延长,短枝木麻黄幼苗小枝TP含量升高了9.91%~14.32%,而ECT含量降低了14.32%~298.88%;TP或ECT与有机物质含量的关系则相反,表明不同类型单宁的合成途径不同,但由于TP和ECT均与氮含量无显著相关性,故不支持蛋白质竞争模型;在贫瘠土壤条件下,TP/n和ECT/n的水平较高,有利于提高短枝木麻黄的防御水平,降低凋落物的分解率,减少养分损失,从而保持较高的生产力.This paper studied the effects of nitrogen-and phosphorus fertilization on the total phenolics(TP) and extractable condensed tannin(ECT) contents in the branchlets of Casuarina equisetifolia seedlings,aimed to approach the nutrient effect on tannin production.Under nitrogen fertilization,the TP and ECT contents decreased significantly,which supported the hypotheses of carbon-nitrogen balance(CNB) and growth-differentiation balance(GDB),but the plant nitrogen content had less change,resulting in the decrease of TP/N and ECT/N ratios.Phosphorus fertilization had no significant effects on the TP and ECT production.With prolonged treatment time,the TP content in the branchlets of C.equisetifolia seedlings increased by 9.91%-14.32%,but the ECT content decreased by 14.32%-298.88%.The TP and ECT had opposite relationships with organic matters content,showing that different types of tannin had different biosynthetic pathways.However,both TP and ECT had no significant correlation with nitrogen content,and thus,the protein competition model(PCM) was not supported.Under nutrient-poor condition,the TP/N and ECT/N ratios were relatively high,which would be beneficial for the improvement of defense ability,the decrease of litter decomposition ratio and nutrient loss,and the maintenance of high productivity of C.equisetifolia plantations.国家“十一五”科技支撑计划项目(2006BAD03A14-01);国家林业局南方山地用材林培育重点实验室和福建省森林培育与林产品加工利用重点实验室项目资