119 research outputs found

    Research on the Performed Culture Approach in advanced class in Nnamdi Azikiwe University

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    在前人研究的基础上,探讨“体演文化教学”在尼日利亚阿齐克韦大学孔子学院高级课堂中应用的可行性与有效性。通过文献研究法厘清和界定了“体演文化教学”的理论基础、基本概念和内涵,人类在某一特定文化中的社会行为可以被理解为一种表演行为,不同的角色身份影响人类的交际内容及表达方式,交流双方的文化特性渗透于其多方感官和肢体行为之中,要了解和学习一个群体的文化,就需要参与到其中,体演相应的角色,形成相应的认知和记忆;通过问卷调查分析并总结了影响“体演文化教学”的主客观因素,尤其是尼日利亚的语言文化环境与尼日利亚学生的认知特点;通过设立“体演文化教学”实验组和“非体演文化教学”对比组,制定教学计划,进行为期三...On the basis of previous studies, this paper discusses the research on the “ Performed Culture Approach” at the Confucius institute of UNIZIK in Nigeria and the effectiveness of applying it in the advanced class. Through the literature research, clarifying and defining the theoretical basis and basic concept of “ Performed Culture Approach” ; through the questionnaire survey, analysising and sum...学位:教育学硕士院系专业:海外教育学院_汉语国际教育硕士学号:2652013115134

    On the Protection of the Laborer's Rights and Interests in China's Labor Dispatch —And Comment on the Relevant Provisions of “Labor Contract Law Amendment”

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    随着我国经济的高速发展,人力资源的需求呈现多样化、多元化趋势,劳务派遣以其灵活性、弹性化的用工特点,受到广大企业的青睐。但是,伴随着市场竞争的日益激烈,劳务派遣已渐渐成为了用工单位躲避责任、转移风险的一种手段,派遣员工的合法权益受到了严重损害。因此,劳务派遣在我国的蓬勃发展,已产生了诸多不容忽视的矛盾与弊端。 面对实践中派遣员工合法权益受到严重侵害,劳务派遣以无序发展方式迅速膨胀的现状,本文着重分析我国劳务派遣这一新型用工方式下,派遣员工权益保护的问题。同时,《劳动合同法修正案》于2013年7月1日得以正式施行,劳务派遣进一步成为公众关注的焦点,在理论界引起了广泛关注。基于此契机,本文以劳务...With the development of socialist market economy in China, the demands for human resources become diverse. Labor dispatching is getting favor of numerous enterprises due to its characteristics of flexibility. However, with the increasing fierce market competition, the labor dispatching gradually become a means of transferring risks and evading responsibility by employer, meanwhile, the employees’ ...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法律硕士教育中心_法律硕士(JM)学号:1302011115030

    Study on the Effects of Commercial Mediation Clause

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    诉前商事调解条款的效力问题在世界范围内引起了法院和仲裁庭的广泛兴趣,实践中法院和仲裁庭的态度各有不同。本文对现有的涉及商事调解条款效力案件实践进行考察、分析、归类与总结,并对比、借鉴域外法律制度,评析、厘清调解条款的司法实践间差异的一般原理,并对中国法院和仲裁院面对调解条款效力问题提出规范框架。除引言和结语外,全文分为四章。 第一章考察了世界范围和中国商事调解的发展与特点。随着多元化纠纷解决机制的发展,在合同中规定除了诉讼管辖权以外的其他纠纷解决形式已经在国际商事活动中变得越来越普遍。当事人往往在合同中规定,各方当事人在发生纠纷后通过调解的方式解决纠纷,即订立商事调解条款。研究此类条款意义在...espite of the different positions of the scholars, the enforceability of commercial mediation clause attracts wide interests among the courts and arbitral tribunals worldwide. This dissertation tries to observe, analyze, distinguish and summarize the current practices of commercial mediation clause, while comparing with and rationalizing extraterritorial regulations, evaluating and reviewing the t...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_诉讼法学学号:1362008115070

    Fabrication and Photoelectric Conversion Performance of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Based on Hierarchically Structured Nano TiO2

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    随着人类社会对能源需求的激增和生态环境破坏的加剧,高效利用太阳能已成为当今人类社会文明发展的必然选择和重大挑战。半导体纳米TiO2因其适宜的电子能带结构、光热稳定、化学惰性和商业可应用性等特性而成为目前最有应用前景的光电材料之一。近年来大量的研究工作主要集中于合理设计和制备高质量的纳米结构TiO2,进而获取高性能的光电器件。本论文围绕半导体TiO2纳米材料的合成和应用,探索了多种先进制备技术,成功制备了一系列结构新颖、性能优异的纳米TiO2光阳极材料,考察了它们在染料敏化太阳能电池(DSSC)中的光电转化性能,并深入研究了纳米结构TiO2作为太阳能利用材料的构-效关系。此外,还成功合成了多种铜...One of the most serious challenges for human society and civilization is the development of powerful technologies to supply renewable solar energy to satisfy ever growing energy demands. Semiconductor TiO2 nanomaterials are considered as one of the most promising photovoltaic materials mainly due to their appropriate electronic band structure, photo/thermal stability, chemical inertness and commer...学位:理学博士院系专业:化学化工学院_物理化学(含化学物理)学号:2052009015334


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    Development of commercial mediation abroad and its inspirations

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    随着全球对Adr的愈加重视,域外商事调解在调解机构和调解员的共同努力下经历了大发展的时期。一方面,商事主体对商事调解反应积极,调解员收入增加且队伍日益壮大。另一方面,调解机构的发展喜忧参半,国际商事调解虽有一定发展,仲裁仍然为国际商事纠纷主要解决手段。但无论如何,商事调解都有其不可替代的功能,商事调解市场也会更加成熟。域外商事调解的发展为起步中的中国商事调解提供了参考和借鉴。With the increasing global attention on ADR,under the joint efforts of the service organizations and mediators,commercial mediation has experienced a period of great development.On the one hand,companies have active attitudes toward mediation;on the other hand,with the growth of mediator group,mediation is becoming a very lucrative field.Nevertheless,the future of service organizations is mingled with hope and fear,despite the moving forward of mediation,international arbitration remains the mainstream of solving international commercial disputes.Anyhow,commercial mediation,irreplaceable as it is,is an evolving market.Undeniably,development of commercial mediation abroad provides the work in China,which is still in its beginning phase,with precious experience

    The Standing of the Plaintiff of U.S. Citizen Suit and Its Inspiration

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    美国环境法领域中的公民诉讼制度建立于20世纪70年代,至今已有近40年的历史。其中,关于原告资格的争论一直是公民诉讼制度中最重要的问题。联邦最高法院通过luJAn和lAIdlAW两个案件确立了宪法第3条所称的公民诉讼原告资格的基本判断标准。公民诉讼制度对于保障环境法律的实施具有重要的作用。对中国而言,一方面可以借鉴美国的相关经验,尽快建立我国公民诉讼制度;另一方面应当制定严格的标准,防止该制度被滥用。40 years have passed since environmental citizen-suit provision was adopted in 1970s.During the 40 years,the controversy over the standing of the plaintiffs is one of the most important topics in citizen suits.The supreme court of United States conceded for the standing of an individual to sue as a plaintiff through Lujan and Laidlaw.Although citizen suit plays an important role in the enforcement of environment laws,the abuse of the provision still seems endless.From China's point of view,on one hand,we should learn from the United States to establish the citizen-suit provision of our own; on the other hand,a strict standard to prevent defects is still in need.齐树洁主持的2007年度国家社会科学基金项目“多元化纠纷解决机制与和谐社会的构建”(07BFX069


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    本文首次通过磁控溅射方法,在FTO表面溅射一层Ti金属层,结合水热反应,原位生长TiO纳米片阵列(TiONSAs).经过退火处理,Ti金属层转变为致密的TiO层,因此基于此方法制得的金红石型TiONSAs与FTO基底具有很强的结合力.与通过原子层沉积(ALD)以及悬涂(SC)法所得的另外两种TiO致密层生长的TiONSAs对比发现,基于本文所述方法制备的TiONSAs作为支架层的钙钛矿太阳能电池具有最佳性能.上述结果主要是由于该TiONSAs无明显缺陷,并且在TiONSAs/TiO致密层/FTO界面接触很好.值得注意的是,通过优化实验条件,基于此种TiONSAs的钙钛矿太阳能电池的最高光电转换效率可达11.82%.the financial supports from the National Nature Science Foundation of China(No.21621091,No.21503177,21321062);the National Basic Research Program of China(No.2012CB932900);the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China(No.20720150031);the project of 111 Program(No.B16029)

    Impacts of mangrove vegetation on macro-benthic faunal communities

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    大型底栖动物是红树林生态系统的重要组成部分,从红树林大型底栖动物种类、红树林与其周边生境大型底栖动物群落的比较,以及生境变化对动物群落的影响等方面阐述了红树林植被与大型底栖动物群落的关系。从物种数量上看,软体动物和甲壳类动物构成了红树林大型底栖动物的主要部分。影响大型底栖动物分布的环境因素包括海水盐度、潮位和土壤特性等,但在小范围区域,林内动物的分布更多地与红树林植被特性和潮位有关。因此,由于红树林植被破坏或者恢复引起的生境变化,将导致大型底栖动物群落和常见物种种群的变化,尤其对底上动物影响明显;随着人工恢复红树林的发育,林内底栖动物的多样性相应增加,优势种也发生变化。相比位于相同潮位的无植被滩涂,红树林可促进潮间带生物多样性。Mangrove ecosystems,found on marine coasts of the sub-tropics and tropics,have high biological productivity and rich faunal diversity.Mangrove ecosystems provide organic matter and nutrients critical to marine benthic fauna,primarily through litter-fall which is a major component of the detrital food chain.The macro benthic fauna,in turn,provide an important link between mangrove detritus at the base of the mangrove food web and consumers at higher trophic levels.Benthic fauna also may modify the physical and vegetation structure of mangrove ecosystems.Thus,the community of macro benthic fauna needs to be considered in mangrove restoration if holistic ecosystem restoration is to be achieved.This overview examines the current knowledge of macro benthic fauna in mangroves,and the effects of mangrove vegetation on the faunal community in China.In mangroves,mollusks and crustaceans are the major components of the benthic fauna,and this is a common phenomenon all over the world.In China,the mollusks are represented by more species in most studies;this is similar to that in east coast of the Americas,but different from those in other geographic regions.Dominant fauna varies with mangrove regions,but some species such as Cerithidea cingulata,Littoraia elanostoma,sesarmid crabs and fiddler crabs are common,and some of them are dominant.The community structure of macro benthos seems to be influenced by environmental conditions such as hydroperiod,salinity and sediment texture,but the small-scale distribution pattern of benthic fauna mainly depends on the factors with respect to tidal regime and mangrove vegetation.This is due,in part,to the effects mangrove vegetation has on the chemical characteristics of sediment like the organic matter content,total N and pH.Perhaps more important is the role that mangroves play in providing a solid substrate for gastropods and shade that ameliorates the harsh conditions caused by high temperatures and high evaporation rates.These factors are responsible for making levels of secondary biological productivity and faunal diversity in mangroves comparable to those in seagrass meadows and salt marshes.Recent studies carried out in Jiulongjiang Estuary,showed that the total number of animal species within mangrove forests was greater than that of adjacent non-vegetated tidal flats with similar hydrological,topographical and edaphic conditions,indicating that mangrove vegetation promotes intertidal biodiversity.Studies in Jiulongjiang Estuary also demonstrated that mangrove areas with different vegetation ages or species can support different macro benthic assemblages,and the natural/mature mangroves generally support higher faunal biodiversity than the young or disturbed forest.Studies on mangrove rehabilitation and deforestation have further shown that Uca crabs are more abundant in open areas,while gastropods and sesarmid crabs are likely to prefer closed canopy,suggesting that some of these well represented families of macro benthic fauna(e.g.Phascolosoma esculenta,Metaplax elegans,Uca arcuata,Sesarma plicata and L.elanostoma in Jiulongjiang Estuary) could be valuable indicators of ecological change as part of a long term mangrove monitoring.Despite these advances in knowledge of macro benthic fauna communities in mangroves,our understanding is still limited compared to other components of the mangrove ecosystem.Much of the earlier research has focused on the community structure or the biology of individual species,and continued research on inter-specific interactions and the inter-relationship between habitat and the biota is needed.Studies on the relationship between mangrove rehabilitation and macro benthic fauna also are limited and are important for coastal management.福建省自然科学基金项目(2011J05111); 国家自然科学基金项目(41076049;41276077); 海洋公益性行业科研专项项目(201205008

    Semiconductor hierarchically structured flower-like clusters for dye-sensitized solar cells with nearly 100% charge collection efficiency

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    Georgia Institute of TechnologyBy combining the ease of producing ZnO nanoflowers with the advantageous chemical stability of TiO2, hierarchically structured hollow TiO2 flower-like clusters were yielded via chemical bath deposition (CBD) of ZnO nanoflowers, followed by their conversion into TiO2 flower-like clusters in the presence of TiO2 precursors. The effects of ZnO precursor concentration, precursor amount, and reaction time on the formation of ZnO nanoflowers were systematically explored. Dye-sensitized solar cells fabricated by utilizing these hierarchically structured ZnO and TiO2 flower clusters exhibited a power conversion efficiency of 1.16% and 2.73%, respectively, under 100 mW cm(-2) illumination. The intensity modulated photocurrent/photovoltage spectroscopy (IMPS/IMVS) studies suggested that flower-like structures had a fast electron transit time and their charge collection efficiency was nearly 100%