28 research outputs found


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    Crisis in Retranslating Chinese Classics :Reflections on Confucian Analects Retranslated into English over the Past Two Centuries

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    以《论语》英译为中心,回顾了《论语》英译从1809年至2009年两百年间译本出版的情况,并参照国外译本的特点,分析了近年国内《论语》复译存在的主要危机和问题,希望由此得出对典籍复译的启示。Abstract :This paper , focusing on the Confucian Analects which has been re translated over and over during the past two centuries since the publication of i ts first English version in 1809 , analy zes the main problems existing in the versio ns recently published at home , and comes up w ith some sug gestions for retranslating Chinese classics


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    and一词,词典纵有再多的释义也没有给出这一条:好象、如同。其实,and可用来连接两个名词,一为本体,一为喻体,构成暗喻,使句子生动形象。例如:Old friends and old wine are best实际上就是Just fike ol

    Indeterminacy in Poetry Translation

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    翻译的不确定性源自意义的不确定性和指称的不可测知性。诗词的多值性给了读者充裕的想象空间,而翻译的过程却要将这种多值化解为单值。针对这一点提出在翻译意象并置引起的不确定性时,可以采用DT(disjointed translation)模式;在其他情况下,要利用互确定性和诗性思维对原诗词进行分析,用音乐性的节奏或对意象的操控来消减"多值-单值"的损失,同时赋予诗作以新生。 :Inde terminacy of t ranslation originates from the indeterminacy of meaning and the inscrutability of reference .The multivalence of poetry which allow s ample room for imagination has to be reduced to univlence in the translating process .This paper argues that DT(disjointed translatio n)can be employed to translate the “juxtaposition of images” , and that the translator can analyze the poetry with the help of interdeterminacy and poetic thinking and turn to the musical devices and manipulation of images so as to o ff set the losses and seek resurrection of the poetry


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    中国文化的艺术瑰宝对联形式谨严、音韵铿锵、意义深邃 ,富于形音义三美。本文将以文学巨著《红楼梦》中的对联为例 ,探讨如何再现对联的三美


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    Transcodability and translatability

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    翻译可分为简单的易码(transcoding)和创造性的翻译(translating),可以从可易性(transcodability)和可译性(translatability)两个方面来考察。当特定语篇中两语的同构系数大,易码不会引起误解或曲解时,翻译就是简单的语符对换,那么可易度与同构系数成正比;当易码不能满足翻译要求时,需要创造性的翻译,不同的翻译目的可以引起不同的可译度。同时,以各自为目的的翻译成品在读者方面的满意度也会有所不同。Abstract :Translation may include simple transcoding and creative translating .Therefore , the possibility of translation may be approached from the two angles of transcodability and translatability .Within a certain text, when the coefficient of isomorph is big enough , i .e .when transcoding does not give rise to misinterpretation , translation is as simple as replacing the codes between languages, and transcodability is in direct proportion with the coefficient of isomorph.When transcoding cannot attain the goal of translation , creative translating is needed.At this time , translatability varies on the basis of different translation skopos.Meanwhile , translations done with different skopos may afford to the readers different degrees of satisfaction