13 research outputs found


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    Exploration on Creditable Government Construction on Condition of Market-Oriented Economy

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    人无信不立,业无信不兴,政无信必颓。信用是一个复杂的概念,可以从经济学、社会学、政治学、公共管理学等角度进行探讨。一般说来,信用是指个人、组织或政府所具有的值得信任的特性和技术能力,并体现了各种社会行动者之间基于信任、网络和规范的互惠互利的关系。信用政府是事关发展成败的关键。本文旨在探讨社会主义市场经济条件下我国信用政府建设。全文分为四个部分: 第一部分,市场经济呼唤信用政府。在社会主义市场经济条件下,打造“信用政府”刻不容缓。这里着重分析信任与信用的内涵;市场经济条件下信用政府角色定位;政府信用缺失的表现;社会主义市场经济条件下信用政府建设的意义。 第二部分,中国传统诚信思想分析。传统“...The incredible person cannot succeed, the incredible trade cannot prosper and the incredible government is bound to decline. Credit is a complex concept that can be discussed from the perspectives of economics, sociology, politics, and public administration etc. Generally speaking, credit means the trustable character and technical ability of a person, an organization or a government. It represent...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:法学院政治学与行政学系_行政管理学号:20010603

    On Political Development in the Administrative Perspective

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    政治发展理论注重研究发展中国家政治发展的一般规律和趋势 ,其理论沿革大体可以分为兴起、成熟和繁荣三个阶段。发展行政与政治发展的理论合流得益于对“政治———行政二分法”的扬弃。发展中国家为适应时代的变迁纷纷运用“发展行政”的公共行政模式 ,进而促进政治发展 ,实现政治现代化The theory of political development attaches concentration on study the general laws and trends in the political development of the developing countries.The theory has evolved through the three stages.The combination of the administrative development and the political development results from abandoning the political-administrative dichotomy.The developing countries have adopted the public administrative model based on "administrative development" in order to facilitate their political development and fulfill the political modernization


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    International Comparison of Self-regulating Organizations of Investment Bank

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    阐述了投资银行自律监管的内涵,分析了西方发达国家和我国投资银行自律组织的现状,就强化自律组织的功能提出建议。This paper described the content of supervise and regulate of investment bank and analyzed the status quo of self-regulating organizations of investment bank both in western developing countries and in China. Some suggestions on enhancing the functions of self-regulating organizations of investment bank in China are put forward

    The International Comparison of the Investment Bank Self-Discipline Organization

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    在国际资本市场日新月异的当今时代 ,有必要加强对投资银行的监管。投资银行监管主要有集中监管、中间监管、自律监管三种模式。投资银行自律监管主要由投资银行自律组织来完成。本文分析了西方发达国家和我国投资银行自律组织的现状 ,并提出了一些旨在强化我国投资银行自律组织功能的建议It is necessary to strengthen the supervision of the investment banks to adapt to the changing capital market. There are three models of investment banks supervision: central, intermediate and self disciplinary. The self discipline organizations carry out the function of investment banks self discipline. In this article, the author analyzes the status quo of self discipline organizations of investment banks in some modern western countries and China. At last, some useful advices are given to improve the function of self discipline organizations of investment banks in China

    Discussion on objective management of pubic sector

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    在席卷全球的新公共管理运动中,目标管理技术独树一帜。公共部门目标管理吸收了私营部门目标管理方法以及新公共行政学关于责任管理的理念,它包括目标制定、目标实施、目标考评三阶段。当前,我国新一轮行政改革已经正式启动,加强公共部门目标管理有助于推动这一进程式。本文提出了一些旨在完善我国公共部门目标管理制度的合理的建议。The technology of management by objectives is important in the reformation of new public administration prevalent in the world. Public management by objectives adopts the methods of management by objectives used in personal sector and the ideas of responsibility management of new public administration. There are three steps to carry out the technology of management by objectives: Objective decision, Objective practicing and Objective evaluating. In this article, the author gives some useful advices to carry out the technology of management by objectives to accelerate the process of newly administrative reformation in China


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