1 research outputs found

    Figures' Cultural Implication Correspondence Between Chinese and English:A Key To Translating Figurative Expressions

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    同样的喻体在不同的文化中所传递的形象信息往往不同。实现原文喻体与译文喻体的内涵对接是翻译比喻性词语的有效方法。对接的原则是源语的喻体和目的语的喻体必须都传递一致的形象内涵。英汉(汉英 )翻译比喻内涵信息对接的前提在于 :译者能够找准与源语比喻中的喻体在目的语中相对应的文化负荷喻体 ,而不是表象的对应词The same figure may convey different image information in different culture. The implication correspondence of figures in source language with that in target language is an effective method for translating figurative expressions. The principle of this correspondence in C E translation is that figures in Chinese and figures in English should convey the same image information. Translators must learn to find correct culturally-loaded figures in English rather than literally-correspondent ones for the figures in Chinese if they want to translate figurative expressions well