53 research outputs found

    Research on State Guardianship of Children

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    本文将国家监护放在社会进化的背景下,讨论家庭监护与国家监护对儿童监护事务的恰当分工,重点关注在家庭失灵的情况下国家如何介入儿童监护事务的重要问题。本文主要利用价值分析法、比较分析法、规范分析法和案例分析法,遵守“理论——方法论——制度”的内在逻辑,以儿童、家庭、国家三者之间关系作为贯穿全文的主线,阐述论题。重要部分为涉及儿童国家监护的理论架构以及国家监护司法承担的制度实践,次要部分为类型化研究方法的讨论以及儿童监护的社会干预。理论架构重在对监护模式从家庭监护转向国家监护的规律性进行论证,从儿童、家庭、国家三者之间关系出发,以儿童地位的变迁、家庭的变迁以及国家责任的强化作为讨论重要内容,以说明国...The state guardianship was put under the background of social evolution and assessed the appropriate division of work between family and state relating to child custody affairs, in which a most crucial problem is the approach of state intervention in the event of failed family wardship.This paper utilizes research methods of value analysis, comparative analysis, normative analysis and case analysi...学位:法学博士院系专业:法学院_民商法学学号:1362013015366

    The Scale of the Child's Best Interests Principle——Return to parental authority under new social background

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    儿童最大利益原则作为一种普适的价值观,有其价值张力,也有其最大可能达到的限度。价值张力体现于儿童最大利益原则的基本面,儿童最大利益原则能够进行宏观的文化建构(差异性)、中观的制度建构(客观性)和微观的自我建构(共同性)。同时,儿童最大利益原则还必须受到约束,约束缘起于儿童最大利益原则在我国属于两难命题,因此可以考虑以亲权限制儿童最大利益原则可能达到的程度,具体包括对儿童财产权的限制以及儿童人身权的限制。在新的时代背景下,我国应该将儿童最大利益原则作为唯一的指导原则,合理地安排最大利益原则的文化建构、制度建构、自我建构,并且在区分亲权与监护的基础上以亲权对最大利益原则的发挥进行限制。Regarding the child's best interests principle as the value of universal application,which has coercive power as well as limitation.The coercive power showed on the scale of the child's best interests principle that could make macroscopic cultural construction,moderate system construction and microscopic selfconstruction.In the meantime,owing to its character of dilemma proposition,it must be restricted in some places.Therefore,Parental rights sould be utilized as the limitation of child 's best interests principle,which contain the limitation for children's property and personal rights.Under the new social background,the child 's best interests principle should be treated as the only guideline so that macroscopic cultural construction,moderate system construction and microscopic self-construction of this principle is essential.In addition,parental rights would have been the limitation for this principle on the condition that we could distinguish between parental authority and guardianship


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    Application of Raman Spectroscopy for Analysis in Radiosensitivity of Total Protein of Nasopharygeal Carcinoma Cells

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    本文以鼻咽癌细胞株CnE2为放射敏感性的研究对象,经不同剂量X射线照射及不同时间培养后分别提取总蛋白,用共聚焦显微拉曼光谱仪检测其拉曼光谱。统计分析表明:被测样品的拉曼光谱中观察到一些可以归属于蛋白质物质的较为明显的基团频率振动峰;不同剂量的X射线照射后,总蛋白质的平均拉曼光谱与对照组谱形基本一致,但与对照组间的光谱存在着对应峰信号强度的不同。实验提示:照射后谱峰强度的增大或减小,提示着相关物质含量有所改变。分析照射后癌细胞总蛋白拉曼光谱的变化情况,结合数学统计方法,以探寻放射敏感性的特征拉曼标志,可以作为研究肿瘤放射敏感性的手段之一。To study the effects of total protein of nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell line CNE2 treated by different doses of X-ray irradiation.The total protein is extracted from the cell line and detected by confocal micro-Raman spectroscopy.Both t test and support vector machine are employed via SPSS and LIBSVM software packages for statistical analysis of Raman spectrum.The results show that several Raman bands assigned to total protein can be detected; and the X-ray irradiation have various effects on different components in total protein,and related to the radiation dose.It was indicated that in spite of no significant diversification on structures of protein,the content may be varied during irradiation.国家自然科学基金项目(11104030); 福建省自然科学基金项目(2011J01153

    On value connotation and legislative improvement of rules to settle the marital debt

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    个人债务与共同债务构成了夫妻债务的主要内容,涉及到夫妻双方以及第三方的利益。夫妻债务清偿规则可以理解为总体意义上的体系规则以及部分意义上的对外规则和对内规则。目前,我国立法在体系规则上存在合目的性、合法性和技术理性的缺陷;外部规则上没有建立起以“认定为夫妻共同债务“为原则的统一标准、夫妻个人债务的列举式规定比较陈旧且程序规则存在可供斟酌之处;内部规则上尚未建立完善的夫妻债务清偿之内部追偿机制。因此,文章探索了三大规则所应该具备的价值内涵以及大陆法系代表国家的立法,并为我国立法提出改进建议。The marital debt consists of personal debt and jointly debt, which relates to the interests of husband, wife and the third party.The rules to settle the marital debt could be understood to the system rules totally as well as external rules and internal rules partly.Currently, there appear some problems in purposiveness, legality and technical rationality for system rules.As for external rules, it has not built the uniform standard for considering marital joint debts as fundamental rules, and the enumeration of personal debt tends to antiquated and other defects as unreasonable procedural rules.Incrementally, the internal rules have not formulated completely internal recovery rules.Therefore, in view of different value connotations of these three rules, the legislative experience of developed countries in civil law could be drawn on to improve the relevant legislation in China

    On the Standard of State Intervention Relating Guardianship Affairs under Child's Best Interest Principle

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    儿童最大利益原则下监护事务的国家干预以司法干预为核心,发展方向从最小干预走向扩大干预,并趋于采用多元化的干预方式。司法干预的过程涉及到科学的评估,最大利益有以父母角度或者儿童角度考察者,而列清单的模式基于对相关构成要素与干扰要素的深入分析,对本原则进行司法化具有无可替代的优越性。以监护资格剥夺第一案为例,探讨儿童最大利益原则的司法适用问题,提出既需要遵守当前立法,也需要合理运用法官的自由裁量权。State intervention relating guardianship affairs under child's best interest principle regards judicial intervention as its core,which shows a trend from minimal intervention to expanding intervention combined with diversified methods. Scientific evaluation could be applied in the process of judicial intervention,that is,the best interest could be evaluated from the parents or children's perspective and be considered with factors list based on an in-depth analysis on relevant factors and interference factors. When it comes to the first case of deprivation of custody qualification,the adjudication of child's best interest should comply with currently legislation,and reasonably utilize the judges-discretion

    Property Law-oriented Provisions about Ownership of Couples’ Real Property——Comment on Provisions of Clause 11 in Opinion Soliciting Draft of Judicial Interpretation of Marriage Law (Three)

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    最高人民法院公布的《关于适用〈中华人民共和国婚姻法〉若干问题的解释(三)》(征求意见稿)第11条的“夫妻不动产分割条款“体现了物权与人权的利益之争,从其本质而言是一种在物文主义思想滥觞下所做出的财产恒重、兼顾人权式立法,是一种“本末倒置“结构的立法:它将财产法的平等对待混同于人法的差别对待,并过多强调立法技术而导致与现实脱节.相关部门应以保护人权为核心重构该条款,以便与《婚姻法》的宏观立法精神相吻合."Provisions of division of couples’ real property" of Clause 11 in Judicial Interpretation on Issues of Applying Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China(Three)(Opinion Soliciting Draft) announced by the Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China reflects the interest conflict between real rights and human rights.Essentially speaking,it is a kind of legislation originating from property law-oriented theory which puts property rights in the first place and takes human rights into consideration at the same time.It is also a kind of legislation whose structure is to stress the incidental over the fundamental.It confuses equal treatment in property law with differential treatment in human rights law and emphasizes technology of legislation too much to meet reality.Relevant departments should reconstruct the clause with human rights protection as its core so as to make it be consistent with the macro legislative spirit of Marriage Law