3 research outputs found

    ショウガク 1ネンセイ ニオケル ヨウチエン シュッシンシャ ト ホイクショ シュッシンシャ ノ エイヨウ セッシュ ジョウキョウ ノ ヒカク

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    京都市内の一小学校の1年生120名を対象者に, 6月の休日および平日各1日に摂取した全食品の摂食量の記録を保護者に依頼し, 回答のあった男子41名, 女子47名, 計88名(73.3%)の栄養素および食品群別摂取量を出身別に比較検討した。その結果, 幼稚園出身者が保育所出身者より有意に高値を示したのは, 男子の果実類摂取量, 女子の脂質摂取量, 脂肪エネルギー比率であった。その他の項目では出身別に有意な差は認めなかった。全体において, 推定平均必要量以下の者の割合は, カルシウムは男子56.1%, 女子55.3%, 鉄は男子29.3%, 女子27.7%, ビタミンCは男子34.1%, 女子31.9%, 脂肪エネルギー比率が30%以上の割合は男子61.0%, 女子63.8%, 食塩6g以上の割合は男子78.0%, 女子68.1%と高かった。これより, 小学1年生において出身別の差は少ないこと, カルシウム, 鉄の不足者割合が高く, 脂質及び食塩の摂取量が目標量を超える者の割合が多い可能性が示唆された

    Cryptosporidium oocyst検出法

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    The protozoa Cryptosporidium parvum has been identified as one of the agents responsible for numerous outbreaks of diarrheal diseases. Detection of C.parvum oocysts in clinical and environmental samples is the key in the diagnosis of cryptosporidiosis in human and in identifying a water-borne and/or food-borne outbreaks. Therfore, it is very important and necessary to have simples, sensitive and specific methods. However, no such perfect methods are available as yet. In this context, we studies the various methods available by modifying at different aspects and steps using samples collected in Nepal. This study revealed that morphological test using microscopy in combination with specific immunological is valuable for quick screening and the genetic method is effective method for identifying Cryptosporidium species

    ネパール カトマンドゥー コウガイ ノ コウリツ ショウガッコウ ニ オケル キセイチュウ カンセンショウ ノ ジッタイ

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    A survey on intestinal parasitosis and its pre-disposing factors was done among public primary school (1-5 classes) children (n=221 ; M : 107 and F : 114, Age : 5 to 16 years) in a suburban area of Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Fecal samples were preserved into Cary-Blair transport media and in 10% formal. -saline. Parasites were detected by formal. -ether concentration technique. Blood hemoglobin was estimated by cyanmethemoglobin method. A questionnaire was done to reveal pre-disposing factors. The overall prevalence of parasitosis was 72.4% with significant difference in boys and girls (p<0.05). Approximately half of the infected children (46.9%) had multiple parasitic infections. Altogether eleven types of parasites were recovered. Trichuris trichiura was most frequently detected followed by Ascaris lumbricoides and Giardia lamblia. Hemoglobin level also did not differ significantly in children with and without parasitosis