8 research outputs found

    Ion-Conducting Mechanism of Composite Polymer Electrolyte:An Emission FTIR Spectroscopy Study

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    运用发射FTIR光谱技术,实时监测SBA-15掺杂制备的复合聚合物电解质随温度升高其结晶状态变化的规律,结合电化学和SEM研究结果分析了无机填料对离子电导率的影响,并初步提出离子导电增强的机制。文章将为发射FTIR光谱技术应用于锂电池研究进行了探索。Solvent-free, composite electrolytes based on poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) were prepared by using mesoporous silica SBA-15 with surface modification of (trimethylchlorosilane) as the filler. The samples were explored by emission FTIR spectroscopy at elevated temperatures. The results of emission FTIR spectra illustrated the dependence of crystalline PEO phase on temperature. On the basis of electrochemistry, SEM, and emission FTIR studies, the effect of inorganic filler on the ionic conductivity was analyzed, and a conclusion concerning the ion-conducting mechanism of composite polymer electrolyte was drawn. The exploratory experiments demonstrated that the emission FTIR spectroscopy is an important method to be applied in the study of lithium batteries.国家“973”项目(2002CB211804);; 国家自然科学基金项目(20433040,20573085,20673091)资

    Multi-technology and experimental demonstration for steady and high yield of crop in Yan er watershed

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    提出了以新修梯田耕作栽培技术和作物抗旱节水技术为中心的燕沟流域基本农田粮食高产综合配套技术体系 ,并在燕沟流域经过 3年试验示范 ,使粮食生产潜力实现率由原来的 2 3%~ 48% ,平均已达到 5 4 %~ 64% ,典型的抗旱节水综合试验示范地块的潜力实现率提高到 78%~ 87% ;作物平均单产和水分利用效率较原来分别提高了 63%和 5 9.1 % ,粮食单产平均较 1 997年翻了两番 ,粮食产量较 1 997年提高了 33.7%~ 62 .1 % ,人均产粮达到了 5 0 0 kg以上 ,基本实现了减地不减产和增产增效的效

    A study of optimum fertilization model for plastic-mulched wheat on newly built terrane land in North Shaanxi Province

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    采用田间正交旋转试验设计 ,于 1999年在延安市燕沟进行了小麦产量与氮肥 (N)、磷肥 (P2 O5)和有机肥 (M) 3因子 5水平的新修梯田地膜小麦试验。通过对试验结果数学建模及模型分析得出 ,本区影响产量的因子效应为 N >P≈ M,N肥产量效应约为磷肥、有机肥的 3倍 ,有机肥增产趋势在低肥力时最低 ,随着肥力水平提高 ,其增施肥料的增产能力增加 ,而氮肥、磷肥肥效均呈递减趋势 ,即肥效随施肥量增加而减小。还分析了本区小麦单位面积产量≥ 2 5 0 0 kg/ hm2 的优化施肥组合 ,筛选的施肥方案为 N 2 5 1.8~ 2 72 .5 kg/ hm2 ,P2 O510 8.9~136 .5 kg/ hm2 ,有机肥 12 80 0~ 16 40 0 kg/ hm2。均值依次为 2 6 1.1,12 5 .1和 146 0 0 kg/ hm2

    Ion-conducting mechanism of composite polymer electrolyte: An emission FTIR spectroscopy study

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    Solvent-free, composite electrolytes based on poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) were prepared by using mesoporous silica SBA-15 with surface modification of (trimethylchlorosilane) as the filler. The samples were explored by emission FTIR spectroscopy at elevated temperatures. The results of. emission FTIR spectra illustrated the dependence of crystalline PEO phase on temperature. On the basis of electrochemistry, SEM, and emission FTIR studies, the effect of inorganic filler on the ionic conductivity was analyzed and a conclusion concerning the ion-conducting mechanism of composite polymer electrolyte was drawn. The exploratory experiments demonstrated that the emission FTIR spectroscopy is an important method to be applied in the study of lithium batteries