9 research outputs found


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    Discussion on Our Commercial Bank’s Internal Control’s Defect and its Countermeasure

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    有效的内部控制是银行监管的重要组成部分,是规范银行经营行为、有效防范风险的关键。内部控制在银行建设中具有必要性,是银行应对危机,提高竞争力的重要手段。文章在考察我国商业银行内部控制弊端的基础上,参考银行内部控制失败的案例,提出具体的完善措施。The effective internal control, which is the important component of bank’s supervisory system, is the critical instrument regulating bank’s operation and preventing bank’s risk effectively. Internal control is very inevitable for the bank’s construction to resolve its crisis and improve its competition. On the basis of inspecting our commercial bank’s internal control’s defect, author will advise some measures to improve bank’s internal control

    Legal Approach of the Right to Financial Privacy ——on the Protection of Individual Bank Customers’ Right to Financial Privacy

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    随着社会的发展和人们观念的更新,传统隐私权的内涵开始发生变化,外延也不断扩张,出现了一种新型隐私权,即金融隐私权。在保护客户金融隐私权的过程中,公权力与金融隐私权、金融隐私权与其他私权利之间存在很多矛盾与冲突之处。欧盟模式和美国模式是金融隐私权保护的典型代表,本文在比较分析两种模式的基础之上,结合我国实际,以银行业个人客户金融隐私保护为中心,构建我国金融隐私保护法律体系。 本文除导言和结束语之外,共分为五章。 第一章从分析隐私、隐私权和金融隐私权的发展历程入手,指出金融隐私权是一种新型的隐私权。金融隐私权赋予权利主体享有一定的控制支配权,从而使消极的被动的隐私权变成了积极的主动的金融隐私权...The connotation and denotation of the right to privacy changes or expands with the development of society and the advancement of people’ cognition. A case in point is the generation of a new type of right to privacy—the right to financial privacy. In the protection of the right to financial privacy, there exist lots of conflicts between the public power and the right to privacy as well as between ...学位:法学博士院系专业:法学院法律系_民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学)学号:1292006015297


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    Comparative Study of European and American Financial Privacy Protection Regulations

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    金融隐私权利作为一项重要的民事权利,日益受到世界关注。欧盟对金融隐私的综合保护模式,代表了世界最高的保护水平;美国对金融隐私的分业保护模式,具有很强的实用性。这两种保护模式分别与其特殊的保护理念、社会经济背景相适应,借鉴意义非常大。文章在比较分析这两种金融隐私保护模式的基础上,结合我国金融隐私保护的现状,提出具体的完善措施。Financial privacy right, as an important civil right, is concerned by most of people in the world. The European Union provides its people with the most perfect protection of their financial privacy. And in order to satisfy different needs, the United States provides different kinds of protection for different financial services. The two protective patterns accommodate to their special protective ideology, social economy background and so on. Considering our current situation, the author puts forward some measures to perfect our financial privacy protection system through the comparative study of the two patterns.中国博士后第四十二批科学基金项目(20070420744

    The Legal Research on the Responsibility of the Sponsor

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    保荐人责任是保荐人制度的核心,直接关系到保荐人制度实际效能的发挥。但有关保荐人责任的规定存在一些问题,主要表现在责任定位不准、责任划分不明、责任负担过重。我们必须科学定位保荐人的责任范围,进一步明确和细化保荐人责任,将一些本不该由保荐人承担的责任分离出去,厘清保荐人与相关主体的关系,强化保荐人在证券发行和承销阶段方面的专业努力。The core of the sponsor system lies in the responsibility of the sponsor, which influences the implement of the whole system. But there are some problems on the provisions about the responsibility of the sponsor,namely the sponsors are overburdened, the responsibility of the sponsor is confused with other parties’. We must confirm the extension of the responsibility of the sponsor in the scientific method, ensure what the responsibilities of the sponsor are, and should separate some responsibilities which the sponsor ought not to bear from all the responsibilities of the sponsor. We must deal with the relations between the sponsor and the related main parts, and strengthen the professional serving on the securities issue and the securities recommend

    On Affiliated Transaction of the Financial Holding Company and Its Legal Regulation

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    关联交易作为金融控股公司实现其规模经济和协同效应的重要措施,在实现其积极价值的同时,也具有一定的消极后果。金融监管机构高度重视关联交易行为,出台不少严格的规制措施,但在一定程度上又限制了金融业的发展,阻碍了金融创新。Affiliated transaction is an important instrument for financial holding company to achieve its economies of scope and synergies. This brings on both positive and negative effects. Financial supervisory institution pays great attention to the affiliated transaction,and constitutes some supervisory systems. These rigorous systems have some good effects but restrict the financial holding company’s development. The author will give some advices,which include pinpointing affiliated transaction’s concept,building "Fire Wall",establishing information disclosure system,strengthening internal control in order to develop the supervisory system