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    Legal Issues of Webvertising Tort

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    随着互联网的普及和发展,网络广告兴起并成为网络经济及广告行业的重要促进力量。然而在给社会经济发展带来巨大推动的同时,网络广告也由于侵权行为泛滥而损害了广大网络用户的正当权益,搅乱了网络广告市场应有的正常秩序,并给政府的监管和法律的适用带来许多难题。 由于目前国内外对网络广告的研究还未深入,许多法律问题仍在探索阶段,有关网络广告侵权行为的理论研究更少有学者涉足,致使有关网络广告侵权行为的许多法律问题存在争议,也导致规制网络广告侵权行为存在很多难点。 网络广告侵权是伴随互联网发展而出现的一种新的侵权行为,相比传统广告的侵权行为,其在侵权主体、侵权方式和责任承担等方面都具有全新的特点。 本文在...With the popularity and development of the Internet, online advertising, aka webvertising, has been rising to be a strong impetus for the cyber economy and the advertising business. However, a coin has two sides. The webvertising is yet the exact one to blame when its infringements keep bringing damages to the rightful interests of massive Internet surfers, disrupting the due market order of the w...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:1302009115026

    Medication Analysis of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring for Tacrolimus in Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

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    目的:探讨异基因外周血干细胞移植(AllO-HSCT)患者他克莫司血药浓度监测结果与疗效、毒副反应及联合用药等的相关性,为他克莫司临床合理应用提供参考。方法:采用酶扩大免疫分析法对16例AllO-HSCT患者住院期间AllO-HSCT 3个月后他克莫司血药浓度进行监测,对移植物抗宿主病(gVHd)出现的情况、不良反应、联合用药情况加以分析讨论。结果:他克莫司血药浓度个体差异较大。当20 ng/Ml时,患者出现糖尿、肾脏毒性等不良反应的几率增加。他克莫司对于预防和治疗gVHd的作用较好,与其他药物联用可产生相互作用。结论:他克莫司血药浓度监测在AllO-HSCT患者术后预防和治疗gVHd及减少毒副反应方面有重要的作用。AllO-HSCT 3个月后,其血药浓度维持在8~20 ng/Ml之间,gVHd和不良反应出现的几率较小。OBJECTIVE:To investigate blood concentration monitoring data,therapeutic efficacy,toxic reaction and combination of tacrolimus in patients with Allo-HSCT,and to provide reference for clinical application of tacrolimus.METHODS:The blood concentration of tacrolimus in 16 inpatients were monitored with EMIT 3 months after Allo-HSCT.The occurrence of Graft-versus-Host disease(GVHD),ADR and drug combination were analyzed and discussed.RESULTS:A large individual differences were found in blood concentration of tacrolimus.When blood concentration 20 ng/ml,the occurrence of diabetes,kidney damage and other side effects seems increased.Tacrolimus had a good effect on treatment and prevention of GVHD,and could have an interaction with other drugs.CONCLUSIONS:Blood concentration monitoring of tacrolimus plays an important role on the prevention and treatment of GVHD,and the decrease of side effects such as diabetes and neurotoxicity.The satisfactory blood concentration is 8-20 ng/ml,when there seems a smaller possibility of GVHD and ADR 3 months after Allo-HSCT