14 research outputs found

    75 年生アカマツ林の花粉生産速度(林学部門)

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    京都府京北町の75年生アカマツ林において, 1981年および1982年の花粉生産速度を調査した。アセビが優勢な下層木群についても調べた。本調査は, リタートラップ法による花の年落下量の測定および開花直前に採集した花試料に含まれる花粉重量と粒数の測定の二つから行った。アカマツ花粉の重量生産速度は87および74kg ha^y^, 下層アセビ群では11kg ha^y^と推定した。開花直前のアカマツ雄花の重量は134および108kg ha^y^となる。このうちの約67%は花粉である。花粉の粒数生産速度はアカマツが4.9×(10)^ no. ha^y^, アセビが1.3×(10)^ no. ha^y^と求められた。下層のアセビが上層木アカマツの値の32%に達する多量の花粉を生産していた。本調査で使用したトラップは16および24個であるが, 花の年落下量のトラップ間での変動係数は大きく, アカマツ雄花が約0.7,アセビ花が1.4であった。そのために測定値の信頼度は低い。Annual pollen production rates in a 75-year-old forest of Pinus densiflora SIEB. et ZUCC. (Japanese red pine) at Keihoku-cho, Kyoto Prefecture, were studied in 1981 and 1982. In 1982,those of understory trees of Pieris japonica THUNB. were also measured. The measurement of pollen production rates was made of flower-fall rates with 16 to 24 litter traps (0.5m×0.5m each) and dry weight or number of pollen grains contained in flowers sampled just before the anthers opened. Dry weights of pollen produced by overstory trees of Japanese red pine in 1981 and 1982 were 87 and 74kg ha^y^, respectively. Numbers of pollen grains produced by them were 4.9×(10)^ and 4.1×(10)^ no. ha^y^. The values of understory Pieris trees in 1982 were 11kg ha^y^ and 1.3×(10)^ no. ha^y^. Production rates of male flowers of Japanese red pine before pollen release were summed up as 134 and 108kg ha^y^, of which about 67% was pollen. Understory Pieris trees produced 32% as many pollen grains as overstory Japanese red pine trees. The accuracy of measurement was not satisfactory, because the coefficients of variation among litter traps in annual flower-fall rates were about 0.7 for Japanese red pine and 1.4 for Pieris


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