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    Market value of languages in Japan

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    東京倖囜語倧孊Tokyo University of Foreign Studiesこの論文では,蚀語の垂堎䟡倀を蚈最する手段を,日本語を䟋にしお論じる。蚀語は珟実に䞖界で売買されおおり,蚀語の垂堎䟡倀を蚈算するこずができる。蚀語が垂堎䟡倀を持぀適䟋は,「蚀語産業」に芋られる。蟞曞・入門曞・教科曞などの出版物や,䌚話孊校が手がかりになる。たた倚蚀語衚瀺も,手がかりになる。戊埌の日本語の垂堎䟡倀䞊昇の説明に,日本の経枈力(囜民総生産)発展が指摘されるが,いい盞関をみせない。倖囜の偎の条件が,むしろ重芁である。倚蚀語掻動の隆盛,実甚倖囜語教育の成長,高等教育の普及である。蚀語の垂堎䟡倀の基本的メカニズムに関する理論的問題をも論じる。蚀語の垂堎䟡倀は特異な性質があっお,垌少商品ずは別の圢で決定される。ただ,蚀語はもう䞀぀重芁な性質を持぀。垂堎䟡倀の反映たる知的䟡倀以倖に,情的䟡倀を持぀。か぀盞察的情的䟡倀は知的䟡倀ず反比䟋する。䞖界の諞蚀語には栌差があり,そこに経枈原則が貫培するように芋える。しかし䞀方で,蚀語の感情的・情的偎面を芋逃しおはならない。In this paper, an attempt at estimating market value of languages in the case of Japan will be discussed. Languages are actually bought and sold in the world, and the market values of languages can be calculated. The fact that languages have market values is shown in the "language industry". The publication of books is a good key to measure the market values of languages, especially dictionaries and language texts. Language school is another example of language industry. Usage patterns of multilingual signs are also observed in Tokyo. The growth of economy (GNP) is often used as a measure of growth of market value of the Japanese language. However, only a slight correlation is found between them. Three additional foreign cultural factors should be taken into consideration; (1) the growth of multilingual activities, (2) the growth of practical language education and (3) the growth of higher education in foreign countries. Several theoretical problems connected with the basic mechanism of the market value of languages will be discussed. The market value of languages has a peculiar characteristic. The values are decided in a different way from rare goods. We should not forget that language has another important characteristic. Language values can be subdivided into (1) intellectual factor which is determined by the market value and (2) emotional factor. The relative emotional value of a language is inversely correlated with intellectual factors. There are differential scales among the world languages, and economic principles seem to prevail among them. The Japanese language presents a typical case of shift of market value in the global language market. Still we should not overlook the emotional or pathetic side of language

    〈共同研究プロゞェクト玹介〉基幹型 : 日本語の倧芏暡経幎調査に関する総合的研究 敬語の成人埌採甚 : 岡厎敬語調査の「川の字」倉化

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    囜立囜語研究所時空間倉異研究系客員教授囜立囜語研究所がこれたで半䞖玀以䞊にわたっお継続した調査のうち,岡厎敬語に関しお成果を報告する。調査の回答(反応文)の長さを出発点にする。3回の調査結果のグラフの線がこれたで芳察されたこずのないパタヌンを瀺したので,たずその䜍眮付けに぀いお論じる。そのあず敬語関連珟象のグラフに解説を加え,盞互の論理的぀ながりに぀いお考える。これたで岡厎の「おいただく」や「䞁寧さ」の分析を進める際に,反応文の長さが問題になった。調査次ずずもに長くなるが,若い人は短い。時勢ずずもに「おいただく」が増え,䞁寧さを瀺す衚珟が増えたから,回答文が長くなったず考えられる。敬語の成人埌採甚ず深い関係が認められる。This paper reports some results from the Okazaki Survey of Honorifics, which is one of the NINJAL investigations that has continued over more than half a century. The length of survey replies (reaction sentences) is the starting point of the discussion. The theoretical background is discussed first, since the graphs from the three survey times show a pattern which has not been observed before. Then, after providing some explanatory comments regarding the graphs of other honorific-related phenomena, the logical relationships between these phenomena are considered. In previous analyses of the -te itadaku form and "politeness" degrees in Okazaki, the length of reaction sentences was an issue. Younger persons give shorter replies, although the average length has increased each time the investigation has been conducted. It seems that the reply sentences have become longer over time because the use of -te itadaku and expressions of "politeness" has increased. A close relationship with the late adoption of honorifics is apparent

    暙準語圢初出幎ず鉄道距離重心 : 鉄道距離・䜿甚率・初出幎の3D散垃図ず東西クラスタヌ

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    東京倖囜語倧孊Tokyo University of Foreign Studiesこの論文では,埓来分析を進めおきた暙準語圢䜿甚デヌタに぀いお,二぀の単玔化を適甚した。地理的䜍眮を鉄道距離によっお衚珟したこずず,語圢の地理的分垃を1点の重心で瀺したこずである。本皿では,たず「河西デヌタ」の県別䜿甚率のグラフにより,暙準語圢の䞭でも叀代初出語の䞀郚が蟺境残存分垃を瀺すこずを確認した。぀ぎに「河西デヌタ」の行にあたる各語圢に぀いお,鉄道距離重心を蚈算し,各語圢の党囜䜿甚率,初出幎ずの察応をみた。2芁玠ず぀を組み合わせた2次元のグラフを考察し,たた3芁玠の関係を瀺す3次元のグラフを考察した。さらに叀代・近代2時代ぞの区分ず東西2クラスタヌぞの区分を組み合わせお82語を4区分しお怜蚎した。叀代初出の東郚クラスタヌの語は,初出幎ずの盞関を芋せない。しかし他の䞉぀の区分では,初出幎がかなりの盞関を芋せ,しかも近䌌盎線の数倀が䌌おいお,1000幎に぀き3136%の枛少を瀺す。これは普及幎速1キロ(匱)ずいう仮説ず矛盟しない。文化的䞭心地から新しく出た語は,最初は党囜䜿甚率が䜎いが,幎数が経぀ず叀く出珟した語ず同じ過皋をたどっお党囜に広がっお,党囜䜿甚率が高たるず考えられる。たた叀代に出た語は,その埌の新圢に䟵食されお,文化的䞭心地を明け枡すこずがある。In this paper two techniques of simplification are attempted to represent geographical distribution patterns of standard Japanese. The first one is a representation of two-dimensional geographical distribution patterns by one dimension. The second one is plotting the geographical locations making use of railway distances from cultural centers. By simplifying the two-dimensional geographical distribution into one by railway distance, another dimension can show the average percentage of usage of standard Japanese forms for each prefecture. "Kasai data", or numerical data of the "Linguistic Atlas of Japan", was utilized, and columns of the word-form were analyzed. Gravity centers of railway distance were calculated for each standard Japanese form, and correspondence with the nationwide rate of usage and the first year of appearance in historical documents was considered. Two-dimensional graphs (scattergrams) of the two factors were considered, and also three-dimensional graphs were analyzed. Division of the data into Archaic and Modern words by means of first year of appearance and also division into eastern and western clusters were attempted. Archaic Eastern words did not show any correspondence with first year of appearance. However, the other three categories showed fairly good correspondence with first year of appearance. This shows that the newly appearing words from a cultural center have lower percentage of usage at first, but increase its nationwide usage rate by taking the same steps with words which had spread before. However, words which had appeared early in Archaic era may later be eroded by newer dialectal forms

    岡厎における第䞉者敬語の䜍眮づけ : 「第䞉者尊敬衚珟」「第䞉者謙譲衚珟」各堎面のデヌタを䞭心に

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    神戞孊院倧孊東京倖囜語倧孊 名誉教授囜立囜語研究所 時空間倉異研究系 非垞勀研究員Kobe Gakuin UniversityEmeritus Professor, Tokyo University of Foreign StudiesAdjunct Researcher, Department of Language Change and Variation, NINJAL本皿は2008幎に実斜された第3次岡厎敬語調査から新たに加えられた第䞉者尊敬衚珟ず第䞉者謙譲衚珟に関する蚭問に察する回答のデヌタに焊点をあお岡厎垂における第䞉者敬語の䜍眮づけに぀いお分析・怜蚎したものである。その結果以䞋のようなこずが明らかになった。岡厎垂における敬語䜓系自䜓がどの段階にあるかずいう芳点から芋るず以䞋のようである。1目䞊の人物である先生を話題にしお察友人堎面で尊敬語を䜿わず察先生堎面で尊敬語を䜿うずいう回答が倚数を占めた。䞖代別に芋るず若い䞖代にかけおこの傟向が匷たる。男性の方が女性よりこの傟向が匷く女性に䞀歩先んじおこのような運甚ずなっおいる。この結果から芋かけ時間の倉化ではあるが尊敬語の察者敬語的䜿甚敬語䜓系党䜓の䞁寧語化ぞの倉化が進んでいるず蚀える。ただし話し盞手ず話題ずもに䞊䜍者を蚭定した堎面では回答が分かれ話題ず話し盞手ずの関係も考慮した回答が䞀定数認められた。これは盞察敬語的甚法ず蚀える。2「第䞉者謙譲衚珟」堎面のデヌタには他人を話し盞手ずしお身内の父芪に蚀及する際尊敬語䜿甚はごく少数しか認められなかった。この結果から身内尊敬甚法がほずんど行われおいないこずがわかった。第1 次調査の別の項目の結果からは身内尊敬甚法がかなり行われおいるこずが認められるのでこの点でも倉化が認められるこずになる。岡厎垂の敬語の地理的䜍眮づけずいう芳点から芋るず以䞋のようである。3敬語の運甚䞊の特城は西日本的ずされる身内尊敬甚法のような絶察敬語的運甚を残す運甚やくだけた堎面でも玠材敬語が高頻床で甚いられるずいう運甚は衰退し東日本的な敬語䜓系党䜓の䞁寧語化のような運甚に倉わり぀぀ある。たた尊敬語䌝統圢の衰退のような語圢の倉化よりも䞁寧語化のような運甚の倉化が遅れおいるこずもわかった。This paper aims to examine the positioning of third-person honorifics in Okazaki, focusing on data obtained from responses related to third-person honorific expressions that were newly added from the third Okazaki Survey on Honorifics conducted in 2008. The results of this study answered the following question.What kinds of gradations exist within the honorific language system in the city of Okazaki? The following gradations were found in this study: First, the results of the analysis indicated that an evolution of respectful honorifics toward polite (addressee) honorific usage is ongoing, although there is a change in apparent time. However, in a setting wherein both one\u27s conversation partner and the person who is the topic of conversation are established as being high-ranking people, certain extent of answers can be regarded as relative honorific usage.Second, for the data on scenarios involving "third-person humiliative expressions," the usage of only a few respectful honorifics was observed when referring to a speaker\u27s father with another person as the conversation partner. This result clarified that a change toward relative honorific usage from absolute honorific usage has been identified in this regard.From the perspective of the geographical positioning of honorific language in Okazaki, the usages, characteristic in western Japan, which remain absolute honorifics, and broad respectful honorifics that are used in reference to third parties, still in casual settings, have indicated a decline. Instead, the usage trend is shifting toward an honorific system entirely comprising addressee honorifics, a characteristic of eastern Japan


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    The air cleaning is one of the social problems from the view of the living environment and the health recently. A commercial kitchen and food factory generate the exhaust gas including the odorous components and the oil-mist, but it is difficult to clean this gas without frequent maintenance for disposal of oil. Various ideas have been suggested and used for it, but the decisive solution has not been found yet. This paper is concerning of proposal of the photocatalyst method which used the condensation together to clean the gas including oil-mist and odorous component, and it was clarified experimentally about the influence of operation condition and surface shape of the condensation side for the removal of oil-mist and the odorous components of formaldehyde, amine and ammonia

    岡厎100幎間の「おいただく」増加傟向 : 受恵衚珟にみる敬語の民䞻化

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    明海倧孊神戞束蔭女子孊院倧孊Meikai UniversityKobe Shoin Women\u27s Universityこの皿では,察人関係調節のための新衚珟が実時間の100幎間でどのように増加したかを論じる。具䜓的には,敬語に関わる新衚珟「おいただく」における進行䞭の蚀語倉化をみる。岡厎垂の55幎にわたる蚈1000人芏暡の倧芏暡瀟䌚蚀語孊的調査に基づき,幎霢ずいう芋かけの時間を利甚する。間隔の異なる3回の調査結果を,時間軞を忠実に反映できるグラフ技法によっお提瀺したずころ,「おもらう」「おいただく」が着実に普及し぀぀あるこずを,確認できた。これは日本語の補助動詞の発達,授受衚珟の普及ず䞀臎し,岡厎ずいう東海地方の郜垂の倉化が日本語史党䜓ず深く結び぀いおいるこずが分かった。この背景には敬語倉化の普遍性がある。ペヌロッパの二人称代名詞の甚法における「力関係から連垯関係ぞ(from power to solidarity)」ず䞊行的な倉化が,珟代日本語の敬語でも起こり぀぀ある。぀たり地䜍の䞊䞋による䜿い分けから,芪疎による䜿い分けに倉化し぀぀ある。コミュニケヌションの民䞻化・平等化が進んだず考えられる。たた,堎面による䜿われ方の違いをみるず,䟝頌衚珟に䌎っお倚甚されるようになった。぀たりか぀おの身分,地䜍による敬語の䜿い方ず異なった基準が導入され,堎面ごずの心理的負担や芪疎関係がからむ。このメカニズムも,敬語の民䞻化・平等化ずしお解釈できる。新衚珟が個人の䞀生の間にいかに獲埗されるかをみるず,若い䞖代が最初に採甚するわけではない。察人関係にかかわる珟象に関しおは,瀟䌚的掻躍局が䜿いはじめる。ポラむトネスや敬語などで,30代以䞊の壮幎局が最初に新衚珟を採甚する䟋,成人埌採甚の実䟋が認められた。This paper describes real-time changes in the use of honorifics in Okazaki over nearly 100 years. The tendencies in Okazaki clearly reflect the history of Japanese and also coincide with world trends. Recent developments in real-time analysis of linguistic change in progress have found that linguistic change can occur within an individual long after adolescence. Here we present another example of a phenomenon known as late adoption. The data come from the Okazaki Survey on Honorifics, a 55-year-long repeated survey on change and variation in honorific use, including speaker awareness, in Okazaki City, Japan, with nearly one thousand informants in total. The case in point involves the late adoption of the honorific verb itadaku \u27take, receive\u27, which as part of a serial verb construction, expresses the meaning of humbleness. The -itadaku construction begins to appear late in the Okazaki Survey data, and it was first used not by the youngest speakers, but by middle-age speakers. This late adoption of itadaku is best explained as a consequence of social value of honorifics in Japanese society, where, traditionally, the mastery of honorifics is seen as a passport into the world of adults. The late adoption of itadaku is also a manifestation of a universal of honorific change, as it involves a change from power to solidarity, a tendency that is widely known from the historical change of the second-person pronouns in the Indo-European languages. The spread of the -itadaku construction thus constitutes another example of the democratization of Japanese honorifics
