26 research outputs found

    A Macroeconomic Research on the Development of Agricultural Economy in the Kurdistan Region within the Scope of 2030-2050 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

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    This study will discuss the development of the Kurdistan Region in terms of agriculture and agri-food economy. The emergence of climate change due to global warming has caused concern about worldwide famine. Research by macroeconomists and agricultural economists shows that world resources are becoming increasingly scarce. With the Kurdistan Regional Government's (KRG) decision, there seems to be more focus on agricultural activities in the Kurdistan Region. Stable and sustainable agricultural policies to be implemented following the 2030-2050 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) will ensure that the Kurdistan Region It will enable it to be among the top 10 agricultural countries after the US, Canada, China, India, Australia, France, and Russia. Stable agricultural policies to be implemented in the Kurdistan Region, which has fertile lands, will also enable Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross National Product (GNP) to rise and foreign investors to make significant investments in agriculture in the Kurdistan Region within the scope of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Studies by macroeconomists and agricultural economists show that oil currently accounts for a significant portion of the Kurdistan Region's GDP. However, the recent focus on agricultural production in the Kurdistan Region is projected to account for approximately 60.57% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 2030 and approximately 72.10% by 2050

    Crise du Golfe, annexe I : Appel d'Al-Azhar Al-Charif

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    Mercredi à midi, les peuples et leaders arabes et musulmans ont pu entendre la déclaration franche du président Hosni Moubarak évoquant la catastrophe qui menace la nation arabe dans son ensemble en raison de l'invasion irakienne du Koweït, de l'occupation de ses terres et de la violation, de son intégrité. Ils ont également pu entendre les instances internationales – notamment l'Organisation de la Conférence islamique, la Conférence des ministres des Affaires étrangères des pays islamiques, ..

    Crise du Golfe, annexe III : Un acte de pillage (III)

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    Le monde arabe a connu des époques que l'histoire a qualifiées de fastes ou de néfastes. Ainsi les Tatars, venus d'Asie centrale, donnèrent-ils le coup de grâce, en 656 hég., au califat abbasside déjà affaibli du fait de la décadence des califes et de leur abandon de la religion. Extrêmement éprouvante pour les musulmans, cette chute entraîna à tous les niveaux des pertes considérables : les Tatars pillèrent l'Irak, massacrant la population et ruinant le pays : plus d'un demi-million de citoy..

    Le Yémen et le monde

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    A Research on the Economic Integration of the Kurdistan Region and the Eurozone Countries: The Place and Importance of International Trade Companies

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    Recently, there has been a significant increase in the number of international trade companies in the Kurdistan Region. This is crucial evidence that the Kurdistan Region can influence the world economy and politics. The economic integration between the Kurdistan Region and Eurozone countries is the result of international companies in the Kurdistan Region in Eurozone countries; investment, production, and trade show that the international division of labor and economic integration will be more robust between the Kurdistan Region and Eurozone countries and that this economic integration can be significant in world trade. The study will examine the economic integration between the Kurdistan Region, which has recently achieved significant agricultural production and export momentum, and the Eurozone countries. Accordingly, the study states that the agricultural products produced in the Kurdistan Region will be essential for both parties politically and economically and will provide many advantages as international trade companies established in the Kurdistan Region integrate with the Eurozone countries and enter the Eurozone markets. International economic research and analyses that have been conducted for a long time indicate that international trade companies in the Kurdistan Region will strongly impact the worldwide development of economic integration with Eurozone countries

    Zarda (version en langue arabe)

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    al- Mesfîwî Ben ‘Alî. Zarda (version en langue arabe). In: Horizons Maghrébins - Le droit à la mémoire, N°59, 2008. Manger au Maghreb - Partie II. pp. 107-113

    Coutumes et traditions des dirigeants du Yémen à l’époque islamique

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    Le Yémen connut à l’époque islamique de nombreux Etats qui se distinguaient par leurs doctrines, sectes et croyances et que dirigèrent des rois, des sultans, des princes ou encore des imams et autres religieux. Chacun observait des lois qu’il avait soit instituées à son propre usage, soit empruntées à ses contemporains ou à ses prédécesseurs, pour les transmettre à sa suite. Ainsi furent-elles conservées et utilisées et l’on s’en tint à leurs prescriptions et aux rituels qu’elles imposaient.C..

    Mémoires d'Ahmad Muhammad Nu'mân

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    Deuxième édition revue et augmenté

    Coutumes et traditions des dirigeants du Yémen à l’époque islamique

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    Le Yémen connut à l’époque islamique de nombreux Etats qui se distinguaient par leurs doctrines, sectes et croyances et que dirigèrent des rois, des sultans, des princes ou encore des imams et autres religieux. Chacun observait des lois qu’il avait soit instituées à son propre usage, soit empruntées à ses contemporains ou à ses prédécesseurs, pour les transmettre à sa suite. Ainsi furent-elles conservées et utilisées et l’on s’en tint à leurs prescriptions et aux rituels qu’elles imposaient. ..

    [IO Islamic 1798] گنجنامه در حلّ لغات شاهنامه

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    Ganjnâma dar ḥall-i-lughât-i-Shâhnâma. This manuscript is now IO Islamic 891 in the India Office collections. [metadata: Hermann Ethé, Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts in the Library of the India Office, 2 vols. (Oxford: India Office, 1903): volume 1, number 1798 here with notations and hyperlinks]. 891 Ganjnâma dar ḥall-i-lughât-i-Shâhnâma ( گنجنامه در حلّ لغات شاهنامه). A special dictionary for Firdausî’s Shâhnâma, compiled at the request of Riḍâ Ḳulîbeg, with the epithet Niknâmkhân (see fol. 3a, ll. 8 and 9), by ‘Alî almakkî Ibn Ṭaifûr albisṭâmî (see fol. 3b, l. 10), and completed the 7th of Jumâdâ-althânî, A.H. 1079 (A.D. 1668, November 12). It is arranged alphabetically according to the first and second letters, and begins on fol. 9a with آباد. An introduction or آغاز precedes the dictionary, and is subdivided into the following three paragraphs ( مضمون): 1.در بيان طلاق اسم پارس بر ملک ایران و آنکه در زمان قديم و عهد باستان از كجا تا كجارا پارس ميخوانده اند, on fol. 4b. 2.در تعداد زبان پارسى كه چند است, on fol. 5b. 3.در بيان فضيلت ابناى پارس و فصحات زبان پارسی, on fol. 7a. Beginning (as in Firdausî’s poem): بنام خداوند جان و خرد – كزين برتر انديشه در نگذرد This copy was made a short time after the completion of the work in the same year, 1079, by Ibn Raḥmat-allâh alḥusainî Ibrâhîm, and finished the 14th of Shawwâl (A.D. 1669, March 17). It belonged formerly to Robert Ireland, Fort William in Bengal (1781). There is another entry on the fly-leaf: the 16th June, 1773, Calcutta, and the book is called there نعت شاهنامه, and ‘A definition of many hard phrases made use of in the Shâhnâma.’ No. 1798, ff. 205, ll. 15; Shikasta; illuminated frontispiece; size, 111/4 in. by 65/8 in