[IO Islamic 1798] گنجنامه در حلّ لغات شاهنامه


Ganjnâma dar ḥall-i-lughât-i-Shâhnâma. This manuscript is now IO Islamic 891 in the India Office collections. [metadata: Hermann Ethé, Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts in the Library of the India Office, 2 vols. (Oxford: India Office, 1903): volume 1, number 1798 here with notations and hyperlinks]. 891 Ganjnâma dar ḥall-i-lughât-i-Shâhnâma ( گنجنامه در حلّ لغات شاهنامه). A special dictionary for Firdausî’s Shâhnâma, compiled at the request of Riḍâ Ḳulîbeg, with the epithet Niknâmkhân (see fol. 3a, ll. 8 and 9), by ‘Alî almakkî Ibn Ṭaifûr albisṭâmî (see fol. 3b, l. 10), and completed the 7th of Jumâdâ-althânî, A.H. 1079 (A.D. 1668, November 12). It is arranged alphabetically according to the first and second letters, and begins on fol. 9a with آباد. An introduction or آغاز precedes the dictionary, and is subdivided into the following three paragraphs ( مضمون): 1.در بيان طلاق اسم پارس بر ملک ایران و آنکه در زمان قديم و عهد باستان از كجا تا كجارا پارس ميخوانده اند, on fol. 4b. 2.در تعداد زبان پارسى كه چند است, on fol. 5b. 3.در بيان فضيلت ابناى پارس و فصحات زبان پارسی, on fol. 7a. Beginning (as in Firdausî’s poem): بنام خداوند جان و خرد – كزين برتر انديشه در نگذرد This copy was made a short time after the completion of the work in the same year, 1079, by Ibn Raḥmat-allâh alḥusainî Ibrâhîm, and finished the 14th of Shawwâl (A.D. 1669, March 17). It belonged formerly to Robert Ireland, Fort William in Bengal (1781). There is another entry on the fly-leaf: the 16th June, 1773, Calcutta, and the book is called there نعت شاهنامه, and ‘A definition of many hard phrases made use of in the Shâhnâma.’ No. 1798, ff. 205, ll. 15; Shikasta; illuminated frontispiece; size, 111/4 in. by 65/8 in

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