498 research outputs found

    Феноменологічна естетика Г. Шпета (The phenomenological aesthetics of G. Shpet)

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    У статті доліджено концепцію феноменологічної естетики відомого філософа Густава Шпета. Звертається увага на розуміння естетичних аспектів слова, представлене в працях Г. Шпета. Досліджуються театрологічні ідеї мислителя, а такожпринципи наук про мистецтво, що були ним розроблені. (In article it’s investigated the conception of phenomenological aesthetics of famous philosopher Gustav Shpet. The author pays attention to the aesthetical aspects of word that is presented in Gustav Shpet’s works. The theatrological ideas and principles of science about art are also analyzed.

    Становище університету: від діагностики кризи до перспективи культурної політики (The condition of university: from diagnostics of crisis to perspectives of cultural policy)

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    Cтаття присвячена філософському аналізу сучасного становища університету. Автор звертає увагу на основні виклики, які стоять перед університетом (соціокультурний, інституційний, політичний, системний), а також на основні причини кризи цієї інституції. Крім того, розглянуто проблему можливості бути університету заангажованим і окреслення перспективи його культурної політики (The contemporary university is transforming. It is evident in elimination of liberal arts from this cultural institution that were fundamental for its project from the begininning. As the result of it we can find the excessive professionalism of university. The analysis of the university and impact of its transformation on the educational process and educational policy requires a philosophical approach. The relevance of philosophical understanding of higher education issues today due to the fact that the university is undergoing transformation. This «transformation» can describe the changes it undergoes as they are no longer exposed only by administrative regulation (eg iyearhizovanomu managed by administrations, ministries, etc.). Philosophical reflection should also be used to changes intrinsic meaning of «education». We can identify the socio-cultural, institutional, political and systemic challenges for the modern university. In the context of finding answers to the challenges modern university should create and implement its cultural policies focused on the manifestation of the socio-political and critical potential. Socio-political and critical potential of the university is based on the concept of man as a free, educated individual who is able to become conscious social actor. It is related to notions of education as a way of creating general conditions conducive to the acquisition of human freedom and the formation of the individual capable of free thinking, understanding others and making a conscious social communication and practice. The cultural policy is closely linked to the protection and preservation of university autonomy, which is considered one of the achievements of European culture. Implementation of socio-political and cultural criticism can be defined as the basis of identity of the academic community. Thus, the university offers a public space that promotes the formation of social perceptions of the importance of knowledge and intellectual authority. It also lays the conditions for emancipate project that would provide redundancy dismissal subject to the established canon of culture and stereotypical identities imposed on him and limit mimetychnist (learning by imitation authorities) and affirmed reflexivity


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    У статті аналізується біополітична парадигма в сучасній політичній філософії. Подається визначення біополітики, досліджуються основні її прояви та вплив на розуміння феномену політичного. Також проаналізовано основні концепції біополітики в сучасній філософії, зокрема розуміння біополітичної парадигми в працях М. Фуко, Дж. Аґамбена, Р. Еспозіто, М. Гардта і А. Неґрі та ін. (The article is devoted to the analysis of biopolitical paradigm in contemporary political philosophy. Author presents definitions of biopolitics, investigates the main manifestations of this phenomenon and its influence on comprehension of political phenomenon. Moreover, in present article the main conceptions of biopolitics are analyzed, for example, the Author pays attention to the comprehension of biopolitical paradigm in works of M. Foucault, G. Agamben, R. Esposito, M. Hardt, A. Negri and others.

    Uniform and Pointwise Shape Preserving Approximation by Algebraic Polynomials

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    We survey developments, over the last thirty years, in the theory of Shape Preserving Approximation (SPA) by algebraic polynomials on a finite interval. In this article, "shape" refers to (finitely many changes of) monotonicity, convexity, or q-monotonicity of a function (for definition, see Section 4). It is rather well known that it is possible to approximate a function by algebraic polynomials that preserve its shape (i.e., the Weierstrass approximation theorem is valid for SPA). At the same time, the degree of SPA is much worse than the degree of best unconstrained approximation in some cases, and it is "about the same" in others. Numerous results quantifying this difference in degrees of SPA and unconstrained approximation have been obtained in recent years, and the main purpose of this article is to provide a "bird's-eye view" on this area, and discuss various approaches used. In particular, we present results on the validity and invalidity of uniform and pointwise estimates in terms of various moduli of smoothness. We compare various constrained and unconstrained approximation spaces as well as orders of unconstrained and shape preserving approximation of particular functions, etc. There are quite a few interesting phenomena and several open questions.Comment: 51 pages, 49 tables, survey, published in Surveys in Approximation Theory, 6 (2011), 24-7

    ПОЛІТИКА І САКРАЛЬНЕ: ПРОБЛЕМА ВЗАЄМОЗВ'ЯЗКУ. (Politics and sacral: theproblem of correlation.)

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    Стаття присвячена проблемі співвідношення сакрального і профанного в горизонті політики. Досліджено проявлення сакрального в політичному світі, що пов'язане із процесами формування та конфігурацією публічного простору. Крім того, звернуто увагу на концепцію двох тіл короля, амбівалентність сакрального та її вплив на політику, проблему раціонального та ірраціонального вимірів політичного життя. (The article is devoted to the problem of correlation between sacral and profanum in horizon of politics. Author investigates the manifestations of sacral in political world that are connected to the processes of formation and configuration of public space. More over, the author pays attention to the conception of king's two bodies, ambivalence of sacral and its influence on the politics, the problem of rational and irrational aspects ofpolitical life.