1,050 research outputs found

    ERP as a Support for the Knowledge Age

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    The current article presents the current situation of ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) systems and the way these systems have been changing the global economic environment. The analysis is based on a set of statistical data originating from the corporate reports and specialized literature. A special attention is paid the competitive advantages induced by using ERP at a corporate level. As a result the article identifies the main benefits of ERP systems and indicates the advantages of using such systems at a corporate levelERP, knowledge age, knowledge economy, SAP, Oracle and Peoplesoft

    Aspecte privind prevenția violenței în organizațiile școlare din România

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    Human violence is one of actual problems of contemporary world. Almost every day, we are presented a series of forms of violence, from the easiest to the most difficult ones. The violence in school organizations is a common form, so we can not speak about it as a separate reality of life. This fact knows a spectacular growth in the last period, it contains a multiple determination (familiar, social, personal and school) and its forms of manifestation are mutually conditioned and they have a specified dynamics. Most of the time, the violence in schools is not fatal but it may be the cause of serious physical and pshycal prejudicies of the abused person.violence; school organization; school violence prevention.


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    Sustainability starts from the idea that human activities are dependent on environment and resources. Health, social security and economic stability of society are essential in defining quality of life. Sustainable development subsumes and puts in relation the economic development of a territory and human development. Sustainable development argues that, first, development is made for people and it implies people’s participation in obtaining economic results and in the fair distribution of income.natural capital, human development index, territorial management,ecological system.

    Information Systems in University Learning

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    The authors of this article are going to bring into light the significance, the place and the role of information systems in the university education process. At the same time they define the objectives and the target group of the subject named Economic Information Systems and state the competence gained by students by studying this subject. Special attention is given to the curriculum to be taught to students and to a suggestive enumeration of a series of economic applications that can be themes for laboratory practice and for students’ dissertation (graduation thesis).Information System, Academic Partnership, Curriculum, General Competence, Specific Competence, Open Systems


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    The rigorous social organization of modern society ensures its maximum efficiency. Institutions and organizations structure people's daily life, regulate individual and collective behaviors, set rules for social and human interaction, regulate performances and establish rewards. Institutions are relatively stable structures of statuses and roles, which help individuals meet some of their or accomplish certain social functions. From these inter-relations we should obtain a maximum of efficiency as follows.school management, social function, school performance


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    The issue of pollution is an important contemporary issue. Within the last 20 years, there have been global studies on how to stop global warming. The European Union is the world leader in concrete measures undertaken in this respect. The introduction of the cap-and-trade system, begun in 2005 with the carbon emission certificate trade mechanism is considered a a modest succes that needs perfecting. The new EU directives of 2009, that come into effect in 2013, test member countries in the area of conventional and renewable energy strategies which have to be adapted to the national environmental protection strategies.market failure, cap-and-trade, emission certificates, carbon market

    Study Regarding the Increasing of Human Resource Quality in Academic Activity

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    The life of any organization is not only manifested through its activities, but also by subjective states that its members live and shape its human dimension. Involved in carrying out different activities, the TTD’s academic human resource interact and cooperate, their work is accompanied by all kinds of experiences: dissatisfaction-satisfaction, happiness-sadness, confidence-deterrence, etc. These states are the subjective dimension of work, influencing, at a high level, the overall condition and the smooth running of the organization, its performance.human resources, quality assurance, educational management

    The Main Difficulties in the Decrease of Violence in Romanian School Organizations

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    The human violence is a complex phenomenon having a social, psychological, cultural and economic determination, being a theme of great interest in the contemporary society. No country or community it isn’t untouched by the violence, the violence being present everywhere: in the streets, inside the family, at the work place, in media, inside the schools, etc. Violence in school organizations, a form of human violence knew lately an alarming growth and as a result of this fact it is enforced the elaboration of some efficient strategies of preventing and diminishing this phenomenon.violență, dificultăți, organizația școlară