135 research outputs found


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    The inverse problems for dierential equations are investigated, the solutionsof which do not use information about the exact characteristics of the physical process. Such inverse problems have not yet become widespread, but they are of great practical importance. Some approaches to solving inverse problems of this type are suggested

    Strong spin-orbit induced Gilbert damping and g-shift in iron-platinum nanoparticles

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    The shape of ferromagnetic resonance spectra of highly dispersed, chemically disordered Fe_{0.2}Pt_{0.8} nanospheres is perfectly described by the solution of the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation excluding effects by crystalline anisotropy and superparamagnetic fluctuations. Upon decreasing temperature, the LLG damping α(T)\alpha(T) and a negative g-shift, g(T)-g_0, increase proportional to the particle magnetic moments determined from the Langevin analysis of the magnetization isotherms. These novel features are explained by the scattering of the q0q \to 0 magnon from an electron-hole (e/h) pair mediated by the spin-orbit coupling, while the sd-exchange can be ruled out. The large saturation values, α(0)=0.76\alpha(0)=0.76 and g(0)/g01=0.37g(0)/g_0-1=-0.37, indicate the dominance of an overdamped 1 meV e/h-pair which seems to originate from the discrete levels of the itinerant electrons in the d_p=3 nm nanoparticles.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B (http://prb.aps.org/

    Russian Lexicographic Landscape: a Tale of 12 Dictionaries

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    The paper reports on quantitative analysis of 12 Russian dictionaries at three levels: 1) headwords: The size and overlap of word lists, coverage of large corpora, and presence of neologisms; 2) synonyms: Overlap of synsets in different dictionaries; 3) definitions: Distribution of definition lengths and numbers of senses, as well as textual similarity of same-headword definitions in different dictionaries. The total amount of data in the study is 805,900 dictionary entries, 892,900 definitions, and 84,500 synsets. The study reveals multiple connections and mutual influences between dictionaries, uncovers differences in modern electronic vs. traditional printed resources, as well as suggests directions for development of new and improvement of existing lexical semantic resources

    Професор Микола Вiкторович Поляков — вчений, педагог

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    Статья посвящена 70-летию известного ученого, педагога, член-корреспондента НАН Украины, ректора Днепропетровского национального университете имени Олеся Гончара профессора Николая Викторовича Полякова — одного из основателей кафедры дифференциальных уравнений ДНУ.The article is devoted to 70-anniversary of the famous scientist, teacher, of the member of the Academy of Ukraine Sciences, of the rector of Dnipropetrovsk National University named O.Gonchara Professor Nikolai Viktorovich Polyakov which is the one of the founders of the Dierential equations Department of DNU.Стаття присвячена 70-рiччю вiдомого вченого, педагога, член-корреспондента НАН України, ректора Днiпропетровського нацiонального унiверситету iменi Олеся Гончара професора Миколи Вiкторовича Полякова — одного iз засновникiв кафедри диференцiальних рiвнянь ДНУ

    A Quantum to Classical Phase Transition in Noisy Quantum Computers

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    The fundamental problem of the transition from quantum to classical physics is usually explained by decoherence, and viewed as a gradual process. The study of entanglement, or quantum correlations, in noisy quantum computers implies that in some cases the transition from quantum to classical is actually a phase transition. We define the notion of entanglement length in dd-dimensional noisy quantum computers, and show that a phase transition in entanglement occurs at a critical noise rate, where the entanglement length transforms from infinite to finite. Above the critical noise rate, macroscopic classical behavior is expected, whereas below the critical noise rate, subsystems which are macroscopically distant one from another can be entangled. The macroscopic classical behavior in the super-critical phase is shown to hold not only for quantum computers, but for any quantum system composed of macroscopically many finite state particles, with local interactions and local decoherence, subjected to some additional conditions. This phenomenon provides a possible explanation to the emergence of classical behavior in such systems. A simple formula for an upper bound on the entanglement length of any such system in the super-critical phase is given, which can be tested experimentally.Comment: 15 pages. Latex2e plus one figure in eps fil

    The interactions between inflammation and insulin resistance: prospects of immunoregulation as a potential approach for the type 2 diabetes mellitus treatment

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    In the modern world the prevalence of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) significantly increases. In this light the risks of obesity-associated complications also grow up. The crucial linkage between obesity and its complications is inflammation, which is a convenient target for potential anti-diabetic therapy. There are some anti-inflammatory therapy strategies: action on secreted cytokines, circulating lipids or intracellular signaling cascades. Canakinumab (antibody to IL-1b receptor) and colchicine (IL-6 secretion blocker) have the most balanced anti-diabetic and cardioprotective action among cytokine anti-inflammatory therapy. Lipid-lowering therapy is very diverse, but bempedoic acid nowadays has the best combination of anti-inflammatory and cardioprotective effects. Salicylate is an inhibitor of IKK-dependent inflammatory signaling cascade and significantly lowers glycated hemoglobin and C-reactive protein levels among obese patients. The future of anti-inflammatory T2DM therapy can be related with anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-4, IL-37), chimeric engineered cytokines (IC7Fc), novel inhibitors of inflammatory and cytokines signaling cascades (imatinib, CC90001) and cell-based therapy (mesenchymal stem cells). In summary, despite on the limitations of current clinical trials, anti-inflammatory drugs have a potential to become a part of modern combined T2DM therapy with anti-diabetic and cardioprotective properties. Novel findings in potential anti-inflammatory T2DM therapy have great perspectives in protection against T2DM and related complication prevention

    The interactions between inflammation and insulin resistance: molecular mechanisms in insulin-producing and insulin-dependent tissues

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    In the modern world the prevalence of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) significantly increases. In this light the risks of obesity-associated complications also grow up. The crucial linkage between obesity and its metabolic and cardiovascular complications is inflammatory process. The mechanism of this linkage is similar in pancreas and insulin-dependent tissues both on cells, cell-to-cell communication and signaling pathway levels: the catalysts are different lipids (cholesterol, free fatty acids, triglycerides), which are able to activate Toll-like receptors of innate immunity and inflammation. Nextly, IKK- and JNK-dependent cascades activate the secretion of inflammatory cytokines TNFa, IL-1b, IL-6 and others, which act by paracrine and autocrine manner and support inflammation both in local and systemic levels. Thus, insulin-producing and insulin-dependent tissues, which are involved in T2DM pathogenesis, through the inflammatory process integrate in pathogenic and self-maintaining cycle, which leads to the suppression of insulin secretion, pancreatic β-cell failure and the development of insulin-dependent tissues insulin resistance

    Geoecological validation of mechanisms and parameters of physical-chemical processes facilitating the in-depth processing of complex suphide ores and mining wastes

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    Abstract. The advisability of processing copper-nickel ore dressing tailings of current production has been substantiated. The optimal parameters of metal leaching with sulphuric acid have been determined. In laboratory experiments the geotechnological extraction of non-ferrous metals from a leaching layer representing a tailing material of fraction +0.063 mm has been studied. When investigating the geotechnological processes of nonferrous metal extraction on the basis of two copper-zinc ore deposits located in the Urals, the authors have come to the conclusion that heap leaching is of little use for the ores of the Letneye deposit. Leaching results for the Yaman-Kasy ore have shown more promise. Аннотация. Показана целесообразность переработки хвостов обогащения медно-никелевых руд текущего производства. Определены оптимальные параметры сернокислотного выщелачивания металлов. В лабораторных условиях исследовано геотехнологическое извлечение цветных металлов из выщелачиваемого слоя, подготовленного из хвостов фракции +0.063 мм. Изучение геотехнологических процессов извлечения цветных металлов из медно-цинковых руд двух месторождений Урала показало, что руды месторождения Летнего малоприемлемы для кучного выщелачивания. Существенно лучшие результаты получены при выщелачивании руды месторождения Яман-Касы