25 research outputs found

    Эволюция лингвистических методов в русском и украинском языкознании (ХІХ в. – первая половина ХХ в.)

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    Статтю присвячено характеристиці еволюційного розвитку операціонального компонента порівняльно-історичного методу в російському та українському мовознавстві XIX ст. – першій половині XX ст. на матеріалі східнослов’янського переходу [е] > [о]. Автор аналізує погляди А. Х. Востокова, І. І. Срезневського, О. А. Потебні, М. А. Колосова, А. І. Соболевського, І. В. Ягича, Ф. Ф. Фортунатова, А. А. Шахматова та їх послідовників. Переважно увагу приділено шахматовській концепції взаємодії вокалізму і консонантизму в історії східнослов’янських мов, в рамках якої перехід [е] > [о] розглядається як одна з V-депалаталізацій. (The article is devoted to the characteristics of the operational component of the comparative-historical method evolutional development in the Russian and Ukrainian linguistics of the XIX century – the first half of XX century on the basis of the [e] > [o] East-Slavic transition. The author analyzes the views of A. Vostokov, I. Sreznevsky, O. Potebnya, M. Kolosov, A. Sobolevskyy, I. Yagitch, F. Fortunatov, A. Shakhmatov and their followers. The primary attention is given to the concept of interaction of the Shakhmatov`s vocalism and consonantism in the history of the East Slavic languages, in which the [e] > [o] transition is considered as one of the V-depalatalizations. This aim is specified in the following objectives: 1) to reveal the features of learning the [e]> [o] transition in the comparative-historical linguistics of the XIX century- the first half of XX century.; 2) to give a comprehensive description of the concepts in terms of modern comparative linguistic methodology; 3) to show the novelty of a number of provisions relevant to modern linguistics for its further deepening and development; 4) to disclose possible conflicts of the linguists concepts of the past; 5) to follow the fate of the XIX century- the first half of XX century comparatists ideas to research linguists future generations.

    Utilization of organic soil amendments and phosphorus fertilizer to improve chemical properties of degraded dry land Vertisol and maize yield

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    This study aimed to evaluate the effects of soil amendment and phosphorus fertilizer application techniques on the chemical properties of dry land Vertisols, P absorption efficiency by maize and maize yield. The study was conducted on farmer's land located in Noelbaki Village, Central Kupang District, Kupang Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. The study was conducted during two planting seasons, namely the rainy season 2020/2021 (PS-1) and the dry season 2021 (PS-2). The soil used in this experiment was included in the degraded Vertisols. This study used a split-plot design with three replications. The main plot was the type of organic soil-amendment material, and the subplot was the technique (dose and stage) of applying phosphorus fertilizer sourced from SP-36. The results showed that organic soil amendment and phosphorus fertilizer application techniques could improve soil chemical properties, P uptake, P absorption efficiency and maize yield in Vertisols until the second planting season. In the long term, the combination of maize stover biochar and the technique of applying phosphorus fertilizer (P3-T2) significantly increased the P uptake by 32.31 kg ha-1 (PS-1) and 31.23 kg ha-1 (PS-2), the P absorption efficiency by 28.65% (PS-1) and 27.75% (PS-2). The P3-T2 treatment gave maize yields of 6.92 t ha-1 (PS-1) and 6.92 t ha-1 (PS-2), which were higher than those of other treatments

    Modification of fatty acids composition in erythrocytes lipids in arterial hypertension associated with dyslipidemia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Modification of fatty acids (FA) composition in erythrocytes lipids as an early indicator of the development of arterial hypertension (AH) and lipid disorders.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We included 34 patients with arterial hypertension and 11 healthy individuals. Each patient was examined the lipid composition of serum. From erythrocytes by gas chromatography were identified fatty acids. The quantitative composition of the erythrocyte lipids FA in patients with AH presented with saturated and polyunsaturated monoenic acids with carbon chain lengths from C12 to C22.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In all hypertensive patients is disturbed lipid FA composition of erythrocytes. The patients with a normal level of serum lipids revealed deficiency of polyunsaturated acids n6-linoleic (18:2 n6), arachidonic (20:4 n6), dokozatetraenic 14,4% (22:4 n6). The patients with dislipidemia installed more profound restructuring of the lipid matrix of the membrane of erythrocytes. A decrease in polyunsaturated fatty acids family n3: dokozapentaenovoy (22:5 n3), docosahexaenoic PUFA (22:6 n3), the total value of n3 PUFA in 1,3 times was revealed.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Thus, modification of erythrocyte FA are fairly subtle indicator of pathology of lipid metabolism, which manifest themselves much earlier than changes in the lipoprotein of blood plasma.</p

    Human rights and politically correct euphemistic language

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    Кантур К. О. Human rights and politically correct euphemistic language / К. О. Кантур // Теоретичні та практичні проблеми забезпечення сталого розвитку державності та права : матер. міжнар. наук. конф. (Одеса, 30 листопада 2012 р.) Т.1 / відп. за випуск д.ю.н., проф. В. М. Дрьомін ; Націон. ун-т «Одеська юридична академія». – Одеса : Фенікс, 2012. – С. 683-685

    Prevalence and biomarkers in metabolic syndrome

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    The prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) has a worldwide tendency to increase and depends on many components, which explains the complexity of diagnostics and approaches to the prevention and treatment of this pathology. Age, lifestyle, socioeconomic status, insulin resistance (IR), dyslipidemia, obesity and genetic predisposition are factors influencing the risk of developing and progression of MS. Features of the distribution and dysfunction of adipose tissue are important factors in the development of IR, with obesity, as well as the risk of the formation of cardiometabolic diseases and MS. ­Understanding of mechanisms is linked to advances in metabolic phenotyping. Metabolic phenotyping of obese persons is important for the development of important diseases in relation to the study of the pathophysiology of metabolic disorders, the possible concomitant disease and the search for innovative strategies for the prevention and treatment of MS. The understanding of MS mechanisms is associated with advances in metabolic phenotyping. Therefore, the relevance of further study of the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying various metabolic phenotypes of MS is one of the promising areas of modern scientific research. This review summarizes the current literature data on the prevalence of MS depending on gender, age, population, area of residence, education, level of physical activity, and many other parameters. Metabolic risks of MS development are detailed. Biological markers of MS are considered. The necessity of metabolic phenotyping of MS has been shown, which may have potential therapeutic value

    Лингво-стилистические особенности публицистического текста протестной тематики (английский, русский, французкий языки)

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    Кантур К. А. Лингво-стилистические особенности публицистического текста протестной тематики (английский, русский, французкий языки) / К. А. Кантур // Правове життя сучасної України : матер. Міжнар. наук. конф. проф.-викл. складу (Одеса, 20–21 квітня 2012 р.). Т. 1 / відп. за випуск д.ю.н., проф. В.М. Дрьомін / Націон. ун-т «Одеська юридична академія». – Одеса : Фенікс, 2012. – С. 466-468

    Закон Востокова: лингвоисториографический аспект

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    Кантур К. А. Закон Востокова: лингвоисториографический аспект / К. А. Кантур // Одеський лінгвістичний вісник. – 2014. – Вип. 4. – С. 105-110.В статье раскрыты особенности изучения восточнославянского перехода [е]>[о] (называемого законом Востокова) в русском и украинском сравнительно-историческом языкознании XIX в. - 30-х XX в. Автор анализирует взгляды А. х. Востокова, И. И. Срезневского, А. А. Потебни, М. А. Колосова, А. И. Соболевского, И. в. Ягича, Ф. Ф. Фортунатова, А. А. Шахматова и их последователей. Преимущественное внимание уделено шахматовской концепции взаимодействия вокализма и консонантизма в истории восточнославянских языков, в рамках которой переход [е]>[о] рассматривается как одна из V-депалатализацией

    Lipid-Induced Mechanisms of Metabolic Syndrome

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    Metabolic syndrome (MetS) has a worldwide tendency to increase and depends on many components, which explains the complexity of diagnosis, approaches to the prevention, and treatment of this pathology. Insulin resistance (IR) is the crucial cause of the MetS pathogenesis, which develops against the background of abdominal obesity. In light of recent evidence, it has been shown that lipids, especially fatty acids (FAs), are important signaling molecules that regulate the signaling pathways of insulin and inflammatory mediators. On the one hand, the lack of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in the body leads to impaired molecular mechanisms of glucose transport, the formation of unresolved inflammation. On the other hand, excessive formation of free fatty acids (FFAs) underlies the development of oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction in MetS. Understanding the molecular mechanisms of the participation of FAs and their metabolites in the pathogenesis of MetS will contribute to the development of new diagnostic methods and targeted therapy for this disease. The purpose of this review is to highlight recent advances in the study of the effect of fatty acids as modulators of insulin response and inflammatory process in the pathogenesis and treatment for MetS