26 research outputs found

    Customized training service with health and fitness tests for cyclic sports elite in post-COVID-19 rehabilitation period

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    Objective of the study was to analyze the respiratory system functionality in the cyclic sports elite in the clinically monitored post-COVID-19 rehabilitation periods to offer training system customization options sensitive to the respiratory system health conditions. Methods and structure of the study. We sampled for the study the 19-22 year-old cyclic sports elite (n=16, including 6 males and 10 females) qualified CMS, MS and WCMS. The sample was tested four times per day as follows: (1) morning test; (2) post-aerobic-training test; (3) post-high-intensity (sub-maximal) anaerobic training test; and (4) rehabilitation-period test using a portable electrochemical NO-analyzer (NObreath, Bedfont Scientific Ltd.). The bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis diagnosed individuals were excluded from the sample. Results and conclusion. An individual training system will be prudently managed with the workouts customized to the energy corridor of aerobic and anaerobic metabolism. There are good reasons to believe that the post-COV-ID-19 regress is due to a sort of ‘energy pits’ with the athlete being unable to attain the pre-disease workloads within the anaerobic zone with the required anaerobic power. Premature transition in the anaerobic energy supply range in the early training process stages may expose the athletes to overstress risks, with regress in the functional fitness. The study found the elite cyclic sports sample being less tolerant to trainings within the anaerobic metabolism zone; and for this reason we recommended the training system being prudently customized to make a special emphasis on the aerobic capacity development practices dominated by breathing exercises including those facilitated by breath training machines. We also recommended expanding the range of medical services and functional fitness tests in the training process using special individualized medical/ biological support service protocols with a special attention to the elite athletes’ functional fitness test data flow variations

    Methodology of the integrated assessment of the functional condition of young athletes

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    Study of distribution of polymorphisms of genes 5НТТ and ACE of representatives of game kinds of sports allows the early specialization to the selection of persons exposed to greater speed-power of success and psychological stability. Evaluation of simple and complex visual-motor reactions in different periods of training in young athletes allows a comparison of the genetic and phenotypic markers of prognosis successful sports activity.Исследование распределения полиморфизмов генов 5НТТ и ACE у представителей игровых видов спорта позволяет на стадии ранней специализации осуществлять отбор лиц, предрасположенных к большей скоростно-силовой успешности и психологической устойчивости. Оценка простой и сложной зрительно-моторных реакций в различных периодах тренировки у юных спортсменов позволяет сопоставлять генетические и фенотипические маркеры прогноза успешной спортивной деятельности

    Genetic and phenotypic markers for successful sport performance forecast

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    In scientific and methodological support of children's and youth sport it is important to ensure early identification of factors that limit physical activity, the skill to eliminate these factors, as well as the appropriate use of means of correction, which contribute to high results without damage to athlete's health. Research of the distribution of 5NTT gene polymorphisms in 80 young football and hockey players revealed that about 25% of young football players and 20% of young hockey players were referred to an unfavorable genetic variant, with a potential for indirect aggression, which may affect the success prospects during training and competition. The identified functional changes determine the need for rational pharmacological intervention in order to optimize the metabolic processes in the central nervous system, autonomic nervous system, as well as contribute to stable high physical working capacity and mental capacity.В научно-методическом обеспечении детско-юношеского спорта актуально своевременное выявление факторов, лимитирующих физическую деятельность, умение устранять эти факторы, а также адекватное применение средств коррекции, помогающее достижению высоких результатов, сохраняя при этом здоровье спортсмена. Исследование распределения полиморфизмов гена 5НТТ 80 юных футболистов и хоккеистов показало, что около 25 % юных футболистов и 20% юных хоккеистов, относились к неблагоприятному генетическому варианту, склонному к проявлению косвенной агрессии, что может повлиять на перспективы тренировочной и соревновательной успешности. Выявленные функциональные изменения определяют необходимость рационального фармакологического вмешательства с целью оптимизации обменных процессов в ЦНС, ВНС, а также способствуют сохранению высокой физической и психической работоспособности

    Высшее образование в России – процесс трансформации и интеграции

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    Исторические процессы, происходящие в системе высшего образования в Российской Федерации, связаны, прежде всего, с преобразованием системы подготовки высококвалифицированных кадров. Рассматривая систему образования в историческом контексте, необходимо отметить, что в России после развала Советского Союза был взят курс на регионализацию, т.е. создание региональных университетов, которые должны были свое развитие увязывать с особенностями региональных рынков труда. В свою очередь, другой чертой развития системы высшего образования Российской Федерации в постсоветский период стала университезация, которая обусловлена сжатием рынков труда и образовательных услуг, уменьшением спроса на выпускников отраслевых вузов со стороны других стран. Значительное увеличение числа высших учебных заведений в условиях обеднения населения способствовало решению проблемы территориальной доступности высшего образования, но одновременно сопровождалось снижением его качества. Параллельно с открытием новых вузов заметно активизировался процесс филиализации. Многочисленные филиалы вузов, открытые практически в каждом среднем городе, еще в большей степени усугубляли проблему качества образования. Представленные в статье факты свидетельствуют о том, что произошедшие с 1991 по 2015 гг. глубокие институциональные изменения, наряду с государственными, привели к тому, что существенно увеличилось количество муниципальных и негосударственных учебных заведений. Представленные изменения в отраслевой структуре хозяйства способствовали трансформации отраслевой структуры образования. На смену отраслевой организации высшей школы, при которой ведущую роль играли специализированные вузы, пришла «региональная», при которой главную роль стали играть региональные и столичные университеты. Отдельные вузы, сохранив отраслевую принадлежность и «отраслевое» название, превратились в универсальные многопрофильные учебные заведения, осуществляющие подготовку кадров для различных сфер человеческой деятельности. The historical processes, which are taking place in system of the higher education in the Russian Federation, are connected first with transformation of system of preparation of highly qualified personnel. Considering an education system in a historical context, it should be noted that in Russia, after disorder of the Soviet Union it was headed for regionalization, i.e. creation of regional universities, which had to coordinate the development to features of regional labor markets. In turn, the universitezation that is caused by compression of labor markets and educational services, reduction of demand for graduates of branch higher education institutions from other countries became other line of development of system of the higher education of the Russian Federation during the Post-Soviet period. Significant increase in number of higher educational institutions in the conditions of impoverishment of the population promoted a solution of the problem of territorial availability of the higher education, but at the same time was followed by decrease in its quality. In parallel with opening of new higher education institutions process of a filialization considerably became more active. The numerous branches of higher education institutions opened practically in each average city still more aggravated a problem of quality of education. The facts presented in article testify that the profound institutional changes, which happened from 1991 to 2015, along with state, led to that the number of municipal and non-state educational institutions significantly, increased. The presented changes in branch structure of economy promoted transformation of branch structure of education. To replace the branch organization of the higher school at which the leading role was played by specialized higher education institutions, I came "regional" at which regional and capital universities began to play a major role. Separate higher education institutions, having kept branch accessory and the "industry" name, turned into the universal versatile educational institutions, which are carrying out training for various spheres of human activity

    Комплексная психолого–педагогическая оценка эффективности учебно–тренировочного процесса в профессиональном спорте: современные подходы

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    Спортивная деятельность – это взаимодействие специалистов различных направлений, ставящих своей задачей достижение атлетом результата при значительных физических и психоэмоциональных нагрузках. Фактор управления и эффективность тренерской работы зачастую становятся ограничивающим работоспособность спортсмена, поддающимся коррекции, но длительно остающимся незамеченным феноменами. Своевременное выявление факторов, лимитирующих физическую деятельность, умение устранять их негативное влияние путем адекватного применения средств психологической коррекции помогают достичь подопечным высоких результатов в спорте и сохранить профессиональные качества тренера. = Sport activities – it is the interaction of different disciplines, which concentrates on achieving results athlete with significant physical and psycho-emotional stress. Factor Management and effectiveness of coaching often the limiting performance of the athlete, can be corrected, but long gone unnoticed phe-nomena. Timely identification of factors limiting physical activity, the ability to eliminate their negative impact through the use of adequate means of psychological adjustment help to achieve high results in wards and keep professional sport as a coach

    Integral estimation of functional status of external respiratory system of qualified futsal players

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    The purpose of the study was to analyze index changes of the flowvolume curve during training of elite futsal players. The monitoring of respiration rates shows multidirectional responses of bronchial tubes of the respiratory system, vegetative nervous system, local cell and humoral factors. The orientation of the processes to adaptation and enhancement of the oxygen transport function at submaximal loads is being developed in the opposite direction among 15% of the subjects, that can results in the limiting effect of bronchismus, edema and mucus hypersecretion to the oxygen brought to alveolus and ultimately, decrease physical working capacity. The dynamic monitoring of the training process when estimating the flow-volume curve indices ensures early detection and correction of exercise-induced bronchospasm, specifying its etimology and making an early diagnosis and pharmacological intervention, that makes training and competitive processes more efficient

    Integral approach in integrated control of functional status of young football players

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    The purpose of the study was to determine the level of functional status of young football players based on the use of integral approach in integrated control. The findings of the research results indicate the sufficient involvement in the process of the sports activity of a great number of polymorphic genes, each of which individually makes only a small contribution to the overall development of athlete's physical qualities. The molecular genetic diagnosis in sport should be applied using a maximum number of markers, as a complement to already existing phenotypic tests used within the biomedical support of physical culture and sport. The carried out monitoring of indicators of the external respiratory function, heart rate variability shows mixed reactions of the respiratory tract, the autonomic nervous system. Intensive exercises, inadequate to the genetic predisposition provoke limitation of physical working capacity and reduce the competitive result. Nowadays it is considered more advisable to arrange sports qualification, selection of sports specialization in view of person' genetic predisposition not only to perform various loads, but also the possibility of the body to maintain homeostasis, to avoid deadaptation and development of pathological conditions

    Проведение тренировочных занятий у юных легкоатлетов 9-12 лет с применением игровых средств

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    The article discusses the use of game exercises in athletics classes of primary school children.В статье рассматривается применение игровых упражнений на занятиях легкой атлетикой детей младшего школьного возраста

    Carrying out Training Lessons at Young Passengers 9-12 Years with use of Gaming Means

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    The article discusses the use of game exercises in athletics classes of primary school children.В статье рассматривается применение игровых упражнений на занятиях легкой атлетикой детей младшего школьного возраста