1 research outputs found
Managment model of administrating territories with special entrepreneurial treatment
© 2019, Dorma Journals. All rights reserved. The article proposes a model for managing territories with a special regime of doing business (25 special economic zones, 3 free economic zones, 166 industrial parks, 73 science cities, 25 innovation-territorial clusters, 199 technology parks, 21 Far Eastern territories of priority development, 89 territories of advanced social and economic development in single-industry towns, etc.). Experiments on their creation in the modern history of the country have been implemented since the 90s of the 20th century. Modern strategic management, ignoring large-scale unforeseen events (“black swans”), puts a priority on the analysis of the causes and consequences of the most frequently occurring events and their consideration in predicting the future. But it is precisely the factors of uncertainty and chaos that change reality, translate development into a new trend. These factors and mechanisms of self-organization of economic development take into account the institutional-synergetic approach, which emphasizes phase and structural transformations in the system and creates the conditions for the manifestation of various types of synergy in phase and structural dynamics. A feature of managing special territories based on an institutional-synergetic approach is the constant monitoring of the situation using two feedback channels. Building a positive feedback system is aimed at tracking the system-forming transformations of the external and internal environment of the control object, and based on this, plan and implement proactive management decisions. In a constantly changing external environment, periodically (usually for a short time after the transition to a new development trend), it is important to stabilize the system in order to maintain new trends at a given stage of transformation. This function is performed by the negative feedback channel. The management model of territories with a special business regime with positive and feedback channels is focused on the implementation of proactive management