37 research outputs found

    Needs analysis on lifelong simulation-based learning of nurses

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    Uvod: Simulacije se kot aktivna metoda učenja in poučevanja uporabljajo tako v formalnem kot neformalnem usposabljanju strokovnjakov na področju zdravstva, vendar je njihov potencial v Sloveniji premalo izkoriščen. Cilj raziskave je bil ugotoviti, katere simulacije zanimajo vodilne medicinske sestre, ki odločajo o usposabljanjih medicinskih sester. Metode: V anketi, ki je potekala od 30. 11. do 24. 12. 2010, so sodelovale vodilne medicinske sestre primarne, sekundarne in terciarne ravni zdravstvene dejavnosti ter socialnovarstvenih zavodov. Končni vzorec je zajemal 78 anketirancev. Anketiranci so med 146 simulacijami, razdeljenimi v enajst sklopov, izbrali tiste, ki bi jih glede na njihovo naravo dela potrebovali in bi jih bilo smiselno vključevati v programe vseživljenjskega učenja. Za analizo podatkov je bila uporabljena univariatna analiza in test hi-kvadrat. Rezultati: Rezultati kažejo izjemno veliko zanimanje za simulacije stanj, ki zahtevajo nujno obravnavo pacienta, še zlasti za simulacijo Uporaba zunanjega avtomatskega defibrilatorja v primeru srčnega zastoja (62,8 %). Prav tako rezultati kažejo na nekoliko višje, statistično značilno zanimanje za simulacije s strani primarne (I) in terciarne (III) ravni zdravstvene dejavnosti: Akutna alergična reakcija (I: 69 %, III: 67 %, p = 0,036), Supraventrikularna tahikardija (I: 73 %, III: 56 %, p = 0,02) in Ventrikularna fibrilacija in ventrikularna tahikardija (timska obravnava) (I: 73 %, III: 50 %, p = 0,014). Diskusija in zaključek: Glede na izkazano zanimanje za simulacije je smiselno razmisliti o načinih, kako bi se ta pristop bolje vključil v dodiplomsko izobraževanje in kontinuirano profesionalno izobraževanje na področju zdravstvene nege. Ugotovljene razlike v zanimanju za simulacije je smiselno upoštevati pri načrtovanju prihodnjih usposabljanj medicinskih sester.Introduction: Simulations are used in both formal and informal training of health professionals as an active teaching and learning method. In Slovenia, however, simulation-based medical training has not been widely accepted and used in spite of the benefits and opportunities it can offer. The aim of the study was to identify the types of simulations that nurses responsible for nurse education find interesting and useful. Methods: The survey took place from November 30 to December 24, 2010. Leading nurses from primary, secondary and tertiary levels of healthcare and social welfare institutions participatedin the study. The final sample included 78 respondents. Among the 146 simulations divided into 11 sets, the respondents selected those which aremost useful and relevant enough to be included in the lifelong learning programs. For the data analysis univariate analysis and Chi-square test were used. Results: Results of the study showed great interest in simulations of conditions that require urgent treatment of patients, particularly the simulation Use of automated external defibrillator in the event of cardiac arrest (62.8 %). Statistically significant interest was expressed by the participants from the primary (I) and tertiary (III) levels of healthcare for the following simulations: Acute allergic reaction (I: 69 %, III: 67 %, p = 0,036), Supraventricular tachycardia (I: 73 %, III: 56 %p = 0.02), and Ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia (teamwork) (I: 73 %, III:50 %p = 0.014). Discussion and conclusion: As relatively high level of interest is shown for the simulation-based education and training, it would be reasonable to introduce this learning/teaching method into nursing undergraduate curricula and lifelong learning programmes. The different interests identified should be taken into consideration when developing nursing training courses and programmes

    Improving the use of e-learning in health care curricula

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    E-learning is nowadays included in different health care curricula. However, this learning and teaching approach is still relatively underused in the health care study programmes. Hence, the goal of this article is to present three e-learning best practices in health care, which were validated in our previous projects/studies.First best practice, e-learning practice contents for the development of critical thinking, presents the approach which resulted in significant (p<0.001) raise in the number of discussion posts (+12.2%) for which the opinions and conclusions of the participants were justified with valid arguments. Furthermore, also the survey results showed that students achieve critical thinking skills with these contents. Second best practice, inclusion of the health care students in the development of e-contents, also resulted as a valid approach for improving the use of e-learning in health care curricula, which was confirmed by the expert opinion and e-contents final users. Finally, third best practice, our approach for evaluation and comparison of e-learning and traditional pedagogical elements value by health care students and teachers, was confirmed in the interview with the management as a valid approach that helps the management to identify whether previous elearning initiatives and activities were successful. Best practices, presented in this paper, represent the evidence that the use of modern information and communication technologies should be considered in the future as a serious requisite in health care study programmes. The broader community interested in the e-learning initiative should prepare a list of similar best practices, validate its effectiveness and prepare guidelines for their optimal implementation.

    A comparative evaluation of E-learning and traditional pedagogical process elements

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    A comparative evaluation of E-learning and traditional pedagogical process element

    Qualitative study on domestic social robot adoption and associated security concerns among older adults in Slovenia

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    IntroductionDespite the increasing use of domestic social robots by older adults, there remains a significant knowledge gap regarding attitudes, concerns, and potential adoption behavior in this population. This study aims to categorize older adults into distinct technology adoption groups based on their attitudes toward domestic social robots and their behavior in using the existing technology.MethodsAn exploratory qualitative research design was used, involving semi-structured interviews with 24 retired Slovenian older adults aged 65 years or older, conducted between 26 June and 14 September 2023.ResultsFour distinct groups of older adults were identified: (1) Cautious Optimists, (2) Skeptical Traditionalists, (3) Positive Optimists, and (4) Technophiles based on eight characteristics.DiscussionThese groups can be aligned with the categories of the Diffusion of Innovation Theory. Privacy and security concerns, influenced by varying levels of familiarity with the technology, pose barriers to adoption. Perceived utility and ease of use vary considerably between groups, highlighting the importance of taking into account the different older adults. The role of social influence in the adoption process is complex, with some groups being more receptive to external opinions, while others exhibit more autonomous decision-making

    Zasnova prototipa informacijskega sistema za klinično pot otročnice in novorojenca v zgodnjem poporodnem in neonatalnem obdobju

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    Uvod: Klinična pot je metodologija, ki celotnemu zdravstvenemu timu omogoča racionalno in na primerih dobre prakse utemeljeno obravnavo, spremljanje opravljenega dela ter poenoteno in poenostavljeno dokumentiranje. Cilj je bil identificirati klinično pot za učinkovito obravnavo otročnice in razviti prototip informacijskega sistema, ki bi olajšal izvajanje omenjene poti. Metode: S sistematičnim pregledom literature je bila identificirana obstoječa klinična pot. Z metodo modeliranja in s strukturiranimi intervjuji šestih deležnic v fokusni skupini je bil oblikovan prototip informacijskega sistema. Evalviran je bil s prepoznavanjem vzorcev in ključnih tem iz kliničnega okolja. Rezultati: Kriteriji presojanja deležnic fokusne skupine pri  evalvaciji prototipa kažejo, da lahko prototip informacijskega sistema ustrezno podpre omenjeno klinično pot. Predlogi za izboljšavo, ki so jih podale deležnice fokusne skupine, so bili v razviti prototip vključeni naknadno. Diskusija in zaključek: Za obravnave znotraj sistema klinične poti v zgodnjem poporodnem obdobju so pomemben vezni člen prav medicinske sestre. Z uvedbo obravnav po sistemu klinične poti, ki je podprta s predlaganim informacijskim sistemom, se lahko bistveno izboljša način dokumentiranja obravnav pri izvajanju omenjene klinične poti. Z reduciranjem nepotrebnega dvojnega beleženja bi medicinske sestre pridobile več časa, ki bi ga lahko koristneje porabile.

    Translation and validation of the Croatian version of the Multidimensional Work Motivation Scale

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    In the contemporary working environment, it is important to have a referential instrument for assessing and comparing employee work motivation. Multidimensional Work Motivation Scale (MWMS) is a reliable and valid instrument for operationalising the Self-determination theory in practice (SDT). MWMS was previously translated into seven languages, and its validity and reliability were proved in nine different countries. The goal of this study was to translate it in Croatian and test its content and construct validity and reliability (internal consistency, item-total/inter-item correlations and test-retest reliability) in practice. The data was collected through a web survey. The final sample consisted of 141 participants. Our results confirm that the translated instrument is reliable and valid. The items of the translated instrumented loaded on the six factors as expected and showed a good fit to the basic factor structure. The translated version of MWMS could help the management in identifying potential problems related to motivation in Croatian companies. In the contemporary working environment, it is important to have a referential instrument for assessing and comparing employee work motivation. Multidimensional Work Motivation Scale (MWMS) is a reliable and valid instrument for operationalising the Self-determination theory in practice (SDT). MWMS was previously translated into seven languages, and its validity and reliability were proved in nine different countries. The goal of this study was to translate it in Croatian and test its content and construct validity and reliability (internal consistency, item-total/inter-item correlations and test-retest reliability) in practice. The data was collected through a web survey. The final sample consisted of 141 participants. Our results confirm that the translated instrument is reliable and valid. The items of the translated instrumented loaded on the six factors as expected and showed a good fit to the basic factor structure. The translated version of MWMS could help the management in identifying potential problems related to motivation in Croatian companies

    Identifikacija priporočil, razvoj in testiranje uporabe piktogramov za izboljšanje komunikacije starejših v socialnovarstvenih zavodih

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    Uvod: Piktogrami so slikovno komunikacijsko orodje, ki izboljšuje komunikacijo med izvajalci zdravstvenih in socialnih storitev ter starejšimi. Raziskava je zasledovala tri cilje: (i) identificirati priporočila za izdelavo piktogramov, primernih za starejše v socialnovarstvenih zavodih; (ii) na podlagi identificiranih priporočil razviti piktograme; (iii) ovrednotiti njihovo uporabnost. Metode: Raziskava je temeljila na kombiniranem pristopu in so jo sestavljali trije deli: (i) analiza znanstvene in strokovne literature ter izvedba intervjujev s štirimi medicinskimi sestrami v socialnovarstvenih zavodih za identifikacijo priporočil za izdelavo piktogramov; (ii) izdelava piktogramov; (iii) evalvacija piktogramov s kvazieksperimentom. Za statistično obdelavo podatkov je uporabljena univariatna analiza (izračun frekvenc in relativnih frekvenc). Rezultati: Identificirana priporočila za izdelavo piktogramov se nanašajo na njihovo splošno zasnovo, uporabo barv in oblik ter lokacijo. Intervjuji so natančneje opredelili priporočljivo lokacijo piktogramov ter konkretne potrebe po njihovi sporočilnosti: »nevarnost opeklin«, »higiena rok«, »nevarnost padca«, »nevarnost udarca vrat«, »jedilnica«, »delovna terapija«. Evalvacija izdelanih piktogramov s tridesetimi starejšimi iz socialnovarstvenega zavoda je pokazala ustrezno razumljivost, tri vodje služb za zdravstveno nego in oskrbo pa so potrdile njihovo uporabnost. Diskusija in zaključek: Identificirana priporočila predstavljajo dobro osnovo za nadaljnjo izdelavo piktogramov za starejše iz socialnovarstvenih zavodov. Pogostejša uporaba piktogramov v socialnovarstvenih zavodih bi izboljšala komunikacijo s starejšimi in nudila ustrezno pomoč pri zagotavljanju njihove varnosti in ustrezne orientacije

    Fat mass to fat- free mass ratio and body composition in participants with chronic leg problems

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    Background & aim: Low fat-free mass (FFM) or high fat mass (FM) in older adults are abnormal body composition phenotypes associated with morbidity. The dual burden of excessive FM and low FFM may lead to a higher risk of cardiovascular and other diseases and disability and lower physical performance compared with individuals with normal body composition or low FFM or high FM alone. Both conditions lead to poorer health and can be identified by a high FM/FFM ratio. Because few studies have examined the effects of abnormal body composition using the FM/FFM ratio, the aim of this study is to determine the FM/FFM values by gender in patients with knee and hip pathologies and compare them with body composition parameters. This condition is important when surgery is required because abnormal body composition leads to an increase in infections and other postoperative complications. Methods: A total of 93 participants aged 64.71 ± 7.71 years in women and 65.9 ± 9.9 years in men with a body mass index (BMI) ≥25 kg/m2 were recruited from the Valdoltra Orthopaedic Hospital (Ankaran, Slovenia). The waist circumference (WC) and anthropometric data (BMI), as well as body composition data (FM, FFM, % of body water, estimated by bioelectrical impedance - BIA) were measured. In addition, the body composition phenotypes (FM/FFM ratio) were calculated. Results: The FM/FFM index was higher in females. The female group with FM/FFM (0.68) and those with a higher FM/FFM (0.92) correlated positively with WC. Male participants were excluded for further analysis because only two males had FM/FFM > 0.80. The FM/FFM of the remaining male participants was 0.53 ± 0.09. Conclusions: FM/FFM provide information on patient body composition and identify individuals at risk of body composition abnormalities in women only

    The connection between chronic diseases and self-image and self-esteem

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    Introduction: With aging, the incidence of chronic diseases among elderly increases, as about 88% of them have at least one chronic condition, with 50% having at least two. The presence of these diseases influences their self-image and self-esteem. This study aimed to identify the effects of chronic diseases on self-esteem and self-image in the group of elderly people. Methods: A quantitative research design using a structured questionnaire was employed, where Rosenberg questionnaire with an adapted measurement scale was used for evaluating self-esteem, while Marsh’s adjusted Multidimensional self-concept scale was used for assessing self-image. Results: The survey involved 51 respondents: 25.5% were male, and 74.5% were female, the average age of the respondents was 77.0 years. 60.8 % of them reported high blood pressure, 31.4% rheumatism, 25.5% osteoporosis and 23.5% diabetes. “Rheumatism” was statistically significantly associated with two elements of self-esteem: the “athletic self-esteem” and “inclusion”, whereas the claim for self-assessment “I can do things as good the majority of other people” was associated to the incidence of  “diabetes”. Conclusions: The results of our study indicate that rheumatism, as a most common chronic disease among this population, has a significant impact on some elements of self-image and self-esteem. Further research should focus on the concepts of self-esteem and self-image of this population