3 research outputs found

    Development of the 2D-video game zobobran

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    Magistrsko delo posega na področje resnih iger, in sicer iger za zdravje, katerih cilj je z ozaveščanjem uporabnika in s spreminjanjem njegovega obnašanja vplivati na njegovo zdravje – preprečiti, določiti ali zdraviti bolezni. Osredinja se na problematiko zobne higiene pri otrocih, katerih zobje pogosto trpijo zaradi zobnega kariesa in erozije, ki nastaneta zaradi nepravilne prehrane ter nepravilnega in/ali nerednega umivanja zob. Cilj magistrskega dela je razvoj video igre za motiviranje otrok k umivanju zob in poučevanje o ustrezni ustni higieni, pri čemer je v ospredju predstavitev celotnega procesa izdelave igre tipa obramba stolpov, od začetne ideje, ki izvira iz dejanskega problema, do končnega izdelka, delujoče igre.This master\u27s thesis reaches into the field of serious games, specifically games for health, which aim to raise the users awareness and modify their behaviour to affect their health in order to prevent, identify or heal illnesses. It focuses on the issue of dental hygiene in children, whose teeth are often affected by dental caries and erosion, both resulting from poor nutrition and/or infrequent brushing. The goal of this thesis is the development of a game that will motivate children to brush their teeth and educate them about proper dental hygiene. It focuses mainly on presenting the complete process of developing a tower defense game from the initial idea (stemming from a concrete problem) up to the finished product - a playable game


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    Pri izdelavi računalniških iger ali računalniških animacij se slej kot prej potrebuje kakšen 3D model. Prav zaradi tega smo izdelali modelirnik, program za modeliranje 3D modelov. Najprej smo opisali knjižnici OpenGL in GLUT, s pomočjo katerih smo program za modeliranje izdelali, nato pa predstavili še njegovo strukturo in delovanje. Program se osredotoča na metodo modeliranja s kvadrom, drugih tehnik pa nismo implementirali. Omogočena je uporaba osnovnih geometrijskih transformacij, in sicer rotacije, skaliranja in translacije, ki jih lahko na izbranih delih objekta uporabimo s pomočjo vsebnostnega testa in miške.During the creation of computer game or a computer animation sooner or later a 3D model is needed. This was our reason for creating the modeller, a programme for modelling of 3D models. First we describe the OpenGL and GLUT libraries, which help us to create the modelling programme and then we demonstrate its structure and how iz works. The application focuses on the modelling method of "Box modelling", other techniques were not implemented. The modeller enables the use of the basic geometric transformations such as rotation, scaling and translation, which can be used on the chosen parts of the object with the help of a content test and a computer mouse