12 research outputs found

    Relationship Between Functional Disabilities and Home Care Needs of Elderly in the City of Zagreb

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    The demographic profile of the Republic of Croatia is changing intensively. According to published research, it is estimated that soon every fourth resident in Croatia including the City of Zagreb will be older than 65 years. Increased number of the elderly also increases the need for elderly care. Long-term care services make people dependent on someone else\u27s help over a longer period. Help most usually involves satisfying basic daily activities such as feeding, bathing, dressing, moving, maintaining personal hygiene, doing housework, and other similar activities. The aim of this work was to determine the functional status of the elderly in the City of Zagreb, and to investigate whether there are differences in self-assessed personal quality of life and functional status depending on whether the health care in the home of the elderly is provided. The study was conducted on elderly of both sexes (N = 100) from the City of Zagreb divided into the group of those who receive health care at home and those who have no need for such care. Structured questionnaire with sociodemographic issues of WHOQOL-BREF and scale of Bartel\u27s daily activity index were assessed. The study showed statistically significant differences in functional ability between the observed groups. The elderly receiving home health care have grater functional disability compared to the group of elderly not receiving home health care despite no statistically significant differences between groups in self-assessed quality of life

    Utjecaj metoda kontaktne izolacije na sigurnost bolesnika Impact of contact isolation methods on the patient safety

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    Sigurnost bolesnika postaje sve važniji dio zdravstvene politike. Prevencija i kontrola nastanka infekcija povezanih s provođenjem metoda/postupaka liječenja i zdravstvene njege jedna je od najvažnijih sastavnica brige o sigurnosti bolesnika. Metode kontaktne izolacije bolesnika koloniziranih ili inficiranih multirezistentnim ikroorganizmima predstavljaju danas osnovu prevencije i kontrole bolničkih infekcija koje se smatraju neželjenim događajima. Danas se postavlja pitanje kako izolacija utječe na bolesnike. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da izolacija viÅ”estruko povećava učestalost neželjenih događaja, osobito onih koji se mogu prevenirati. Izolacija negativno utječe na psiholoÅ”ko stanje bolesnika, a psiholoÅ”ke promjene su učestalije kada pacijenti nisu dovoljno informirani o mjerama koje se poduzimaju. Metode izolacije dovode do učinkovitije uporabe metoda prevencije od nastanka nozokomijalnih infekcija kod zdravstvenih djelatnika. Rezultati do danas publiciranih istraživanja ne opisuju negativan utjecaj izolacije na konačan ishod liječenja bolesnika u izolaciji. Potrebno je dobro procijeniti kada treba primijeniti metode izolacije, osigurati da bolesnici u izolaciji primaju odgovarajuće metode i postupke u tijeku liječenja kao i metode zdravstvene njege

    Investigation of community attitudes towards vaccination

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    Razvoj cjepiva jedna je od najvažnijih prekretnica u povijesti medicine. Iako cijepljenje ubrajamo među najsigurnije medicinske intervencije, prisutan je rizik nuspojava. Uglavnom su blage, no rijetko dolazi do razvoja ozbiljnih i teÅ”kih nuspojava koje mogu ostaviti trajne posljedice. MiÅ”ljenja o cijepljenju podijeljena su od samih njegovih početaka, no posljednjih desetljeća sve se viÅ”e raspravlja o ovoj temi. Odbijanje cijepljenja zbog zabrinutosti o njegovoj sigurnosti, opravdanosti, učinkovitosti i etičnosti dovodi do manjih cijepnih obuhvata, Å”to otvara vrata epidemijama potisnutih bolesti. Cilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti percepciju i stavove o cijepljenju u zajednici. Istraživanje je provedeno putem interneta u periodu od srpnja do rujna 2017. te je prikupljeno 3929 odgovora. Rezultati su pokazali da 64,09% sudionika podržava cijepljenje i ima pozitivne stavove. MO-PA-RU i ā€ž5u1ā€ cjepiva su koja izazivaju najviÅ”e zabrinutosti kod sudionika. Negativnim stavovima prema cijepljenju su sklonije žene, roditelji/skrbnici, osobe u ruralnim sredinama te osobe s nižom razinom obrazovanja.The development of the vaccine is one of the most important milestones in the history of medicine. Although vaccination is among the safest medical interventions, there is a risk of side effects. They are mostly mild, and there are seldom serious side effects that can leave permanent consequences. Opinions on vaccination have been divided since its beginnings, but in the last decades, this issue has been increasingly discussed. Rejection of vaccination because of concerns about safety, justification, efficiency, and ethics leads to a smaller number of vaccinations, which opens the door to the spread of vaccine-preventable diseases. An investigation of community perception and attitudes was conducted using a Google form from July to September 2017, and 3929 responses were collected. The results have shown that 64.09% of participants supported vaccination and have positive attitudes. MMR and 5-in-1 are the vaccines that cause the most concern among the participants. Women, parents/guardians, people in rural environments, and people with a lower level of education are more prone to negative attitudes towards vaccination

    Educational Needs and Motivational Factors in Gerontic Nursing Students: A Qualitative Study Among Slovenian and Croatian Undergraduate Nursing Educators

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    Ciljevi: Istražiti glediÅ”ta nastavnika na preddiplomskim studijima sestrinstva, koji su povezani s edukacijskim potrebama i motivacijskim čimbenicima kod studenata sestrinstva. Pozadina: Populacija koja ubrzano stari je značajan socioekonomski teret i zahtijeva, između ostalog, ulaganje ljudskih resursa, između ostalog. Povrat ovih ulaganja, u smislu kvalitete pružene skrbi, dokazano je povezan s edukativnim sadržajem i motivacijskim čimbenicima kod studenata sestrinstva. Međutim, potrebno je istražiti glediÅ”ta nastavnika sestrinstva s obzirom na kurikularne potrebe i motivacijske faktore studenata. Dizajn: Kvalitativna studija analize sadržaja polustrukturiranih intervjua. Metode: Pet nastavnika gerontologije (tri iz Slovenije, dva iz Hrvatske), predstojnici katedri, iz pet visokoÅ”kolskih institucija, intervjuirani su za vrijeme Å”kolske godine 2017./2018. i intervjui su transkribirani. Rezultati: Intervjuima je identificirano pet tema: i) prijedlozi za kurikularnu promjenu; ii) prijedlozi za radno iskustvo sa starijim osobama; iii) prijedlozi intervencija kako bi se ojačala motivacija za rad sa starijim osobama; iv) učinci stavova studenata na starenje i starije osobe; v) emocionalni odgovor studenata na starenje. U svakoj od tema identificirano je nekoliko (4-6) glavnih kategorija. Zaključak: GlediÅ”ta nastavnika na svih pet institucija nisu se značajno razlikovala: prepoznaju moguće emocionalne odgovore studenata prema starenju kao načelno negativan stav, ravnoduÅ”nost i strah, ali ne nude rjeÅ”enja za promjenu emocionalne reakcije. Čini se da nastavnici negiraju povezanost između edukacije, stavova i ponaÅ”anja. Važnost za kliničku praksu: Kako nastavnici sestrinstva imaju ključnu ulogu u usmjeravanju stavova i znanja budućih profesionalaca gerontoloÅ”ke skrbi prema starenju i starijoj dobi, rezultati ovog ispitivanja su važni za kliničku praksu, jer se svijet suočava s dramatičnom demografskom promjenom.Aims and objectives: To explore perceptions of educators at undergraduate nursing courses related to educational needs and motivational factors among nursing students. Background: The ever-aging population poses a significant socioeconomic burden and demands investment of human and other resources. Return on these investments, in terms of quality of care delivered, has been shown to be associated with educational contents and motivational factors in nursing students. However, further research is needed on perspectives among nursing educators, in relation to perceived curricular needs and student motivational factors. Design: A qualitative study using content analysis of semi-structured interviews. Methods: Five gerontic nursing educators (three from Slovenia, two from Croatia), heads of their respective departments, from five higher-education institutions were interviewed during the 2017/2018 school year, and the interviews were transcribed verbatim. Results: Five areas were covered by the interviews: i) proposals on curricular improvements; ii) proposals on work experience with the elderly; iii) proposals on interventions to strengthen motivation to work with the elderly; iv) effects of attitudes of students on ageing and the elderly; v) emotional responses of students towards ageing. In each of the themes, several (4-6) main categories were identified. Conclusion: Perceptions of educators across the five educational institutions do not differ significantly: they recognize the possible emotional responses of students towards ageing as a generally negative attitude, indifference, and fear, yet they fail to offer solutions to change the emotional reaction. The educators seem to deny the connection between education, attitudes, and behavior. Relevance to clinical practice: Nursing educators play a critical role in directing attitudes and knowledge of future gerontic nursing professionals towards ageing and old age; insight into their opinions is important as the world faces a dramatic demographic change

    Procjena razine stresa u Jedinici intenzivnoga liječenja (JIL) uz primjenu samoprocjene, fizioloŔkih pokazatelja i analize kortizola u slini

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    The study investigates exposure to stress by respondents working in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and differences in using three instruments to measure stress. The survey was conducted from September to October 2018 in Dubrava Clinical Hospital in the ICU unit, with forty-one (41) healthcare professionals. Three forms of testing were set up: self-evaluation of stress, measurements of physiological indicators, and cortisol levels. The results show a statistically significant difference in mean cortisol levels, with the first sample much higher than other samples. There were significant interactions between skin conduction (SC) and stress levels, where all participants exhibited increases in SC. Heart rate variability (HRV) shows a slight correlation with stress levels in the group possessing substantially more stress experience. Although some differences were observed, all stress elements for professionals working in ICUs indicates that they cope well with stressful situations.Studija istražuje izloženost stresu ispitanika koji rade u Jedinici intenzivnoga liječenja (JIL-u) i razlike u upotrebi triju mjernih instrumenata stresa. Istraživanje je provedeno od rujna do listopada 2018. u Kliničkoj bolnici Dubrava u JIL-u, na četrdeset i jednom (41) zdravstvenom djelatniku. Postavljena su tri oblika testiranja: samoprocjena stresa, mjerenje fizioloÅ”kih pokazatelja i razine kortizola. Rezultati pokazuju statistički značajnu razliku u srednjim razinama kortizola, pri čemu je prvi uzorak znatno viÅ”i od ostalih uzoraka. Postojale su značajne interakcije između provodljivosti kože (SC) i razine stresa, pri čemu su svi sudionici pokazali povećanje SC-a. Varijabilnost srčanoga ritma (HRV) pokazuje blagu korelaciju s razinama stresa u skupini koja ima znatno viÅ”e iskustva sa stresom. Iako su uočene neke razlike, svi mjerni pokazatelji stresa pokazuju da se zdravstveni djelatnici u JIL-u dobro nose sa stresnim situacijama

    Consumer preferences of student population as a determinant of successful milk quality management

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    StrateÅ”ki cilj upravljanja kvalitetom mlijeka zasigurno je vrhunski proizvod s visokim razinama intrinzičnih i ekstrinzičnih karakteristika kvalitete. Kako bi se u tome uspjelo, većinu aktivnosti u procesu upravljanja treba usmjeriti na ona obilježja kvalitete koja su prepoznatljiva prosječnom potroÅ”aču mlijeka. U cilju utvrđivanja navedenog, provedeno je indikativno istraživanje na uzorku od 1157 ispitanika mlade populacije. Rezultati su pokazali kako mladi potroÅ”ači od intrinzičnih obilježja kvalitete najviÅ”e valoriziraju okus i količinu mliječne masti u kategoriji 2,8-3,2 %, dok od ekstrinzičnih obilježja kvalitete vrednuju cijenu i podrijetlo proizvoda, odnosno podrijetlo mlijeka. Upravo podrijetlo mlijeka nije do kraja iskoriÅ”teno u promocijskim naporima proizvođača prilikom njegovog promoviranja, pogotovo u podsegmentu urbano mladih potroÅ”ača, čime bi se proizvođači jasno diferencirali, ali i ostvarili konkurentsku prednost na domaćem i međunarodnom tržiÅ”tu.The final result of milk quality management is a superior product with high quality levels of all intrinsic and extrinsic components. To achieve this, most activities in the management process should be directed towards the quality components that are recognized by the average consumer of milk. To determine these factors, an indicative research was carried out on a sample of 1,157 respondents among the young population. Regarding the intrinsic components, the results indicate that young consumers mostly appreciate the taste and milk fat content in the range 2.8-3.2 %, whereas regarding the extrinsic components they value price and the origin of products, that is, the origin of milk. The last component has not been fully used in promotional efforts of producers in their advertising of milk, especially in a sub segment of urban young consumers. A stronger emphasis of this would help producers to differentiate themselves, and achieve competitive advantage on domestic and international markets

    BraŔno - Kruh '15

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    Proceedings contains 28 original research articles presented at 8th International Congress Flour ā€“ Bread ā€™15 and 10th Croatian Congress of Cereal Technologists BraÅ”no ā€“ Kruh ā€™1