342 research outputs found

    O režimu velikih voda reka Kosova i Metohije

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    The examples from Kosovo and Metohia attempted to point to some problems in the domain of hydrogeographic regionalization. The river water regime, especially the phase of high flows which marks this regime, has been the topic of almost all researches which treat water resources of drainage basins. However, the thing that has not been achieved till now is the unique solution by which the classification of rivers would be made according to this feature. On this example it has been shown that even some older methods, based on genetic analysis of hydrograms and of global type, as well as some recent ones, with lot of quantitative entry and regional approaches, cannot with certainty answer all the challenges which river regimes bring with themselves. This work shows that apart from climate, orographic and physiognomic features of drainage basins, the periods of data processing and the analysis of individual intra-annual series of discharges are very important as well. Discretization on time periods shorter than one month, as well as elimination of the extreme values of discharges in the longtime series is recommended for the future research.Primerima sa Kosova i Metohije se pokušalo ukazati na neke probleme iz domena hidrogeografske rejonizacije. Vodni režim reka, posebno faza velikih voda koja daje pečat tom režimu, tema je gotovo svih istraživanja koja tretiraju vodne resurse slivova. Ono što, međutim, nije do sada postignuto, to je univerzalno rešenje kojim bi se izvršila klasifikacija reka po ovoj osobini. Na ovom primeru se pokazuje kako i neki stariji metodi, zasnovani na genetskom raščlanjivanju hidrograma i globalnog su tipa, isto kao i neki noviji, sa mnoštvom kvantitativnih odrednica i regionalnog pristupa, ne mogu sa pouzdanošću da odgovore na sve izazove koje sobom nose rečni režimi. Ovim radom se ukazuje i da su osim klimatskih, orografskih i fizionomskih osobina slivova veoma važni i periodi obrade podataka i analiza pojedinačnih unutargodišnjih serija proticaja. Za buduće istraživanje se preporučuje i diskretizacija na vremenske periode kraće od jednog meseca, kao i eliminacija ekstremnih vrednosti proticaja u dugogodišnjem nizu

    O režimu velikih voda reka Kosova i Metohije

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    The examples from Kosovo and Metohia attempted to point to some problems in the domain of hydrogeographic regionalization. The river water regime, especially the phase of high flows which marks this regime, has been the topic of almost all researches which treat water resources of drainage basins. However, the thing that has not been achieved till now is the unique solution by which the classification of rivers would be made according to this feature. On this example it has been shown that even some older methods, based on genetic analysis of hydrograms and of global type, as well as some recent ones, with lot of quantitative entry and regional approaches, cannot with certainty answer all the challenges which river regimes bring with themselves. This work shows that apart from climate, orographic and physiognomic features of drainage basins, the periods of data processing and the analysis of individual intra-annual series of discharges are very important as well. Discretization on time periods shorter than one month, as well as elimination of the extreme values of discharges in the longtime series is recommended for the future research.Primerima sa Kosova i Metohije se pokušalo ukazati na neke probleme iz domena hidrogeografske rejonizacije. Vodni režim reka, posebno faza velikih voda koja daje pečat tom režimu, tema je gotovo svih istraživanja koja tretiraju vodne resurse slivova. Ono što, međutim, nije do sada postignuto, to je univerzalno rešenje kojim bi se izvršila klasifikacija reka po ovoj osobini. Na ovom primeru se pokazuje kako i neki stariji metodi, zasnovani na genetskom raščlanjivanju hidrograma i globalnog su tipa, isto kao i neki noviji, sa mnoštvom kvantitativnih odrednica i regionalnog pristupa, ne mogu sa pouzdanošću da odgovore na sve izazove koje sobom nose rečni režimi. Ovim radom se ukazuje i da su osim klimatskih, orografskih i fizionomskih osobina slivova veoma važni i periodi obrade podataka i analiza pojedinačnih unutargodišnjih serija proticaja. Za buduće istraživanje se preporučuje i diskretizacija na vremenske periode kraće od jednog meseca, kao i eliminacija ekstremnih vrednosti proticaja u dugogodišnjem nizu

    Prilog izučavanju vodnih režima reka u Srbiji

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    Starting from Ilesic (60 years ago) up to the present day the approach to studying water regimes of rivers in Serbia did not change at all. Not only the terminol­ogy, but also the results of previous research are being applied without any reserva­tions. In the meantime large number of new water and rain measurement stations were formed, and the access to all-important factors for water run-off and accelerated proc­essing of large number of data became easier. This is only the review of certain appear­ances that should be overcome and the suggestion what must be taken into considera­tion in dealing with this important topic in geography.Počev od Ilešiča (pre 60 godina) do danas pristup izučavanju vodnih režima reka u Srbiji se nije ni malo promenio. I ne samo terminološki, već se i rezultati njegovih istraživanja primenjuju bez ikakvih ograda. A u međuvremenu je oformljen veliki broj novih vodomernih i kišomernih stanica, značajno je olakšan pristup svim faktorima bitnim za oticanje voda i ubrzan postupak obrade velikog broja podataka. Ovo je samo osvrt na neke pojave koje bi trebalo prevazići, ali i predlog šta se mora uzeti u obzir pri obradi ove, za geografe važne teme

    Faktori nastanka poplava na teritoriji opštine Obrenovac

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    Frequent floods in the area of the municipality of Obrenovac have initiated the establishing, classification and analysis of the starting factors of their genesis in this area. After the dam had been constructed on the right bank of the Sava River (in the 80’s of the 20th century) along the northern border of the municipality of Obrenovac, there were no more floods in this part of the area caused by its overflows. Recent floods have still been caused by a very frequent flooding of the River Kolubara near Poljana, even several times during the year. For that reason the factors of flooding the Kolubara River from its riverbed have been analyzed in this paper. Except the pluviometric and hydrological regime analysis as direct factors of flooding the indirect causes have also been analyzed in details, the most important of which are: the morphological characteristics of terrain, balance of deposits and anthropogenic impacts. Perceiving the causes of flooding, the conditions for analysis of undertaken measures and giving the possible solutions for their prevention have also been realized. The results of this research can be used in making the strategy for solving the existing waterpower problems of this area.Česta pojava poplava na prostoru opštine Obrenovac inicirala je utvrđivanje klasifikaciju i analizu odredišnih faktora njihove geneze na ovom prostoru. Nakon izgradnje nasipa na desnoj obali Save (80-tih godina 20. veka) duž severne granice opštine Obrenovac, nisu se više dešavala plavljenja ovog prostora njenim izlivanjima. Recentna plavljenja su i dalje uslovljena veoma čestim izlivanjima reke Kolubare kod Poljana, čak i više puta u toku godine. Iz tog razloga, u ovom radu su analizirani faktori izlivanja Kolubare iz korita. Osim analize pluviometrijskog i hidrološkog režima, kao direktnih faktora nastanka poplava, detaljno su analizirani i indirektni uzroci, od kojih su najvažniji morfološke odlike terena, bilans nanosa i antropogeni uticaji. Sagledavanjem uzroka nastanka poplava ostvareni su i uslovi za analizu preduzetih mera i iznošenje mogućih rešenja za njihovo sprečavanje. Rezultati ovog istraživanja mogu se iskoristiti pri izradi strategije rešavanja postojećih vodoprivrednih problema ovog prostora

    Faktori nastanka poplava na teritoriji opštine Obrenovac

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    Frequent floods in the area of the municipality of Obrenovac have initiated the establishing, classification and analysis of the starting factors of their genesis in this area. After the dam had been constructed on the right bank of the Sava River (in the 80’s of the 20th century) along the northern border of the municipality of Obrenovac, there were no more floods in this part of the area caused by its overflows. Recent floods have still been caused by a very frequent flooding of the River Kolubara near Poljana, even several times during the year. For that reason the factors of flooding the Kolubara River from its riverbed have been analyzed in this paper. Except the pluviometric and hydrological regime analysis as direct factors of flooding the indirect causes have also been analyzed in details, the most important of which are: the morphological characteristics of terrain, balance of deposits and anthropogenic impacts. Perceiving the causes of flooding, the conditions for analysis of undertaken measures and giving the possible solutions for their prevention have also been realized. The results of this research can be used in making the strategy for solving the existing waterpower problems of this area.Česta pojava poplava na prostoru opštine Obrenovac inicirala je utvrđivanje klasifikaciju i analizu odredišnih faktora njihove geneze na ovom prostoru. Nakon izgradnje nasipa na desnoj obali Save (80-tih godina 20. veka) duž severne granice opštine Obrenovac, nisu se više dešavala plavljenja ovog prostora njenim izlivanjima. Recentna plavljenja su i dalje uslovljena veoma čestim izlivanjima reke Kolubare kod Poljana, čak i više puta u toku godine. Iz tog razloga, u ovom radu su analizirani faktori izlivanja Kolubare iz korita. Osim analize pluviometrijskog i hidrološkog režima, kao direktnih faktora nastanka poplava, detaljno su analizirani i indirektni uzroci, od kojih su najvažniji morfološke odlike terena, bilans nanosa i antropogeni uticaji. Sagledavanjem uzroka nastanka poplava ostvareni su i uslovi za analizu preduzetih mera i iznošenje mogućih rešenja za njihovo sprečavanje. Rezultati ovog istraživanja mogu se iskoristiti pri izradi strategije rešavanja postojećih vodoprivrednih problema ovog prostora

    Surgical treatment of intradiploic epidermoid cyst treated as depression

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    Introduction. Extradural intradiploic epidermoid cysts are rare, representing less than 0.25% of all primary intracranial tumors. They can be neurologically silent and can only present psychiatric symptoms like depression, cognitive or personality changes. Case Outline. A 68-year-old male with two year long history of depressive mood, lack of motivation, helplessness, hopelessness and poor response to antidepressive drug therapy was described. CT scan showed a well-defined mass in the parietal scalp with destruction of the scull. He underwent intracranial tumor resection. Surgical resection and cranioplasty were performed. Pathology confirmed intradiploic epidermoid cyst. Conclusion. Total removal of these cysts and repeated washing of the cavity with 0.9 % saline may prevent recurrence and aseptic meningitis and may improve mental state of the patient. We also emphasize the need for neuroimaging studies in a patient with atypical changes in mental status, even without neurological signs or symptoms

    Numerical Modelling of Y Joints of Trusses Made of Steel Hollow Sections

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    The use of welded structural hollow sections in civil engineering is relatively new. Constructing and dimensioning joints of steel trusses made of welded structural hollow sections requires a more specified approach, compared to traditional joints, achieved by gusset plates. Stress and local deformations at the contact between elements are non-linear and very complex. In this paper, the FEM modelling of the Y-joint was performed, accounting for the non-linear behaviour of steel. The ultimate bearing capacities of the joint were determined numerically, by applying different failure criteria. The results showed very good agreement with the experimental data

    Termički režim Negotinske krajine

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    Negotin Krajina geographically belongs to Mezian tablet that means it is widely open to the influences from the East but main air influences come from the West and North-West causes specific thermal characteristics. Meteorological station "Negotin" is the only one respectable station in the Krajina then we analyze results from various periods since 1901. It is important to emphasize that station "Negotin" doesn't have work continuity since the beginning of the century, thus for analyzing certain climate elements we have had to use method of analogy with station "Zaječar". A part of that, observations were not done by the same methodology so there is lack of some important indicators for this first period. To determine air thermo-regime of Negotin Krajina during 20 century, standard periods (1901-1930., 1931-1960. and 1961-1990) for analyzing climate elements suggested by WMO, were compared. Also, periods from 1925. to 1940. and from 1990. to 2000. were added to this analysis (according to data we had).Negotinska krajina fizički pripada Mezijskoj ploči, odnosno široko je okrenuta uticajima sa istoka, a glavne vazdušne mase dolaze sa zapada i severozapada uslovljavajući određene termičke specifičnosti. Metereološka stanica Negotin je jedina prvog reda u Krajini, tako da će se njeni rezultati analizirati i to za različite periode, počev od 1901. godine. Mora se napomenuti da stanica Negotin nema kontinuitet rada od početka veka, tako da se u nekim slučajevima morao koristiti metod analogije sa stanicom Zaječar. Osim toga ni osmatranja nisu vršena po istoj metodologiji, pa će tom prvom periodu nedostajati neki važni pokazatelji. Da bi se ustanovio termički režim vazduha u Negotinskoj krajini tokom XX veka biće upoređivani standardni periodi za obradu klimatskih elemenata, predloženih od WM0. Takođe, periodi od 1925. do 1940. i od 1990. do 2000. su dodati ovoj analizi (prema podacima kojima se raspolagalo)

    Repeatability Cycles of River Discharges: Can We Identify Discharge Patterns? a Case Study of the South Morava River (Serbia)

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    Water scarcity, unequal access to water resources, and the impact of climate change on water availability are among the major global environmental concerns. As dynamic and vulnerable water subjects, rivers are constantly exposed to the pressure of natural conditions variability (primarily climatic) and direct anthropogenic influences. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate river regime dynamics over longer periods to adapt the water management sector, and human demands to any observed variations in river discharge. Observing the periodicity or cyclicity of the occurrence of certain discharge values is an important topic of modern physical geography and hydrology research. Statistics and hydrologic modelling provide great opportunities for observing cyclicality and forecasting future trends. The aim of this paper is to indicate the importance of specific statistical methods of autocorrelation and spectral analysis to study the repeatability of mean annual and maximum discharges. The South Morava River in Serbia (HS: Mojsinje, Korvingrad, Grdelica) has been selected as a case study. The obtained results (period: 1924-2021) indicated the significant cyclicity of mean annual discharges, especially pronounced at the upstream hydrological station Grdelica (3.5-year cycle) and downstream hydrological station Mojsinje (19.5-year cycle). These cyclicities are mostly influenced by variations in the amount of precipitation received from the upper part of the river basin (R > 0.6). In contrast, no regular cycles of maximum annual discharge values were determined in the studied period. The obtained results can be important for future detailed geographic and hydrologic studies as well as for the development of strategies and plans in the field of water management, environmental protection, spatial planning, prevention of floods and droughts, etc

    Termički režim Negotinske krajine

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    Negotin Krajina geographically belongs to Mezian tablet that means it is widely open to the influences from the East but main air influences come from the West and North-West causes specific thermal characteristics. Meteorological station "Negotin" is the only one respectable station in the Krajina then we analyze results from various periods since 1901. It is important to emphasize that station "Negotin" doesn't have work continuity since the beginning of the century, thus for analyzing certain climate elements we have had to use method of analogy with station "Zaječar". A part of that, observations were not done by the same methodology so there is lack of some important indicators for this first period. To determine air thermo-regime of Negotin Krajina during 20 century, standard periods (1901-1930., 1931-1960. and 1961-1990) for analyzing climate elements suggested by WMO, were compared. Also, periods from 1925. to 1940. and from 1990. to 2000. were added to this analysis (according to data we had).Negotinska krajina fizički pripada Mezijskoj ploči, odnosno široko je okrenuta uticajima sa istoka, a glavne vazdušne mase dolaze sa zapada i severozapada uslovljavajući određene termičke specifičnosti. Metereološka stanica Negotin je jedina prvog reda u Krajini, tako da će se njeni rezultati analizirati i to za različite periode, počev od 1901. godine. Mora se napomenuti da stanica Negotin nema kontinuitet rada od početka veka, tako da se u nekim slučajevima morao koristiti metod analogije sa stanicom Zaječar. Osim toga ni osmatranja nisu vršena po istoj metodologiji, pa će tom prvom periodu nedostajati neki važni pokazatelji. Da bi se ustanovio termički režim vazduha u Negotinskoj krajini tokom XX veka biće upoređivani standardni periodi za obradu klimatskih elemenata, predloženih od WM0. Takođe, periodi od 1925. do 1940. i od 1990. do 2000. su dodati ovoj analizi (prema podacima kojima se raspolagalo)